530 research outputs found

    Time reversal symmetry in optics

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    The utilization of time reversal symmetry in designing and implementing (quantum) optical experiments has become more and more frequent over the past years. We review the basic idea underlying time reversal methods, illustrate it with several examples and discuss a number of implications.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, typeset with revte

    Effects of anisotropy in a nonlinear crystal for squeezed vacuum generation

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    Squeezed vacuum (SV) can be obtained by an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) with the quantum vacuum state at the input. We are interested in a degenerate type-I OPA based on parametric down-conversion (PDC) where due to phase matching requirements, an extraordinary polarized pump must impinge onto a birefringent crystal with a large \chi(2) nonlinearity. As a consequence of the optical anisotropy of the medium, the direction of propagation of the pump wavevector does not coincide with the direction of propagation of its energy, an effect known as transverse walk-off. For certain pump sizes and crystal lengths, the transverse walk-off has a strong influence on the spatial spectrum of the generated radiation, which in turn affects the outcome of any experiment in which this radiation is employed. In this work we propose a method that reduces the distortions of the two-photon amplitude (TPA) of the states considered, by using at least two consecutive crystals instead of one. We show that after anisotropy compensation the TPA becomes symmetric, allowing for a simple Schmidt expansion, a procedure that in practice requires states that come from experimental systems free of anisotropy effects

    A "fair sampling" perspective on an apparent violation of duality

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    In the event in which a quantum mechanical particle can pass from an initial state to a final state along two possible paths, the duality principle states that "the simultaneous observation of wave and particle behavior is prohibited". [M. O. Scully, B.-G. Englert, and H. Walther. Nature, 351:111-116, 1991.] emphasized the importance of additional degrees of freedom in the context of complementarity. In this paper, we show how the consequences of duality change when allowing for biased sampling, that is, postselected measurements on specific degrees of freedom of the environment of the two-path state. Our work contributes to the explanation of previous experimental apparent violations of duality [R. Menzel, D. Puhlmann, A. Heuer, and W. P. Schleich. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 109(24):9314-9319, 2012.] and opens up the way for novel experimental tests of duality.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Compensation of anisotropy effects in the generation of two-photon light

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    We analyse a method to compensate for anisotropy effects in the spatial distribution of parametric down-conversion (PDC) radiation in bulk crystals. In this method, a single nonlinear crystal is replaced by two consecutive crystals with opposite transverse walk-off directions. We implement a simple numerical model to calculate the spatial distribution of intensity and correlations, as well as the Schmidt mode structure, with an account for the anisotropy. Experimental results are presented which prove the validity of both the model and the method.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Experimental Demonstration of Macroscopic Quantum Coherence in Gaussian States

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    We witness experimentally the presence of macroscopic coherence in Gaussian quantum states using a recently proposed criterion (E.G. Cavalcanti and M. Reid, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 170405 (2006)). The macroscopic coherence stems from interference between macroscopically distinct states in phase space and we prove experimentally that even the vacuum state contains these features with a distance in phase space of 0.51±0.020.51\pm0.02 shot noise units (SNU). For squeezed states we found macroscopic superpositions with a distance of up to 0.83±0.020.83\pm0.02 SNU. The proof of macroscopic quantum coherence was investigated with respect to squeezing and purity of the states.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Super-bunched bright squeezed vacuum state

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    In this paper we experimentally study the statistical properties of a bright squeezed vacuum state containing up to 10^13 photons per mode (10 uJ per pulse), produced via high gain parametric down conversion (PDC). The effects of bunching and superbunching of photons were observed for a single mode PDC radiation by second-order intensity correlation function measurements with analog detectors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Optics Letter

    Generation of Kerr non-Gaussian motional states of trapped ions

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    Non-Gaussian states represent a powerful resource for quantum information protocols in the continuous variables regime. Cat states, in particular, have been produced in the motional degree of freedom of trapped ions by controlled displacements dependent on the ionic internal state. An alternative method harnesses the Kerr nonlinearity naturally existent in this kind of system. We present detailed calculations confirming its feasibility for typical experimental conditions. Additionally, this method permits the generation of complex non-Gaussian states with negative Wigner functions. Especially, superpositions of many coherent states are achieved at a fraction of the time necessary to produce the cat state.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Nonlinear interferometer for tailoring the frequency spectrum of bright squeezed vacuum

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    We propose a method for tailoring the frequency spectrum of bright squeezed vacuum by generating it in a nonlinear interferometer, consisting of two down-converting nonlinear crystals separated by a dispersive medium. Due to a faster dispersive spreading of higher-order Schmidt modes, the spectral width of the radiation at the output is reduced as the length of the dispersive medium is increased. Preliminary results show 30\% spectral narrowing.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
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