26 research outputs found

    The Hollis-Collections in Switzerland: An Attempt to Disseminate Political and Religious Freedom through Books in the 18th Century

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    Thomas Hollis (1720–1774) was not only one of the most important donors of the Harvard College Library, but donated also books to a number of institutions throughout Europe, among them the main libraries in Basle, Berne, Geneva and Zurich. This article shows the motivations behind Hollis’s choice of books and recipients to spread the philosophy of political and religious liberty and demonstrates for the first time the full extent of Hollis’s campaign to influence protestant scholars in Switzerland

    Marion Dammaschke und Günter Vogler, Thomas Müntzer Bibliographie, 2013

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    Der erste Schweizer Druck von Johann Arndts "Wahrem Christentum" von 1616

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    Researchers working on Johann Arndt have known for some time of a Zurich imprint of the first book of his True Christianity, which appeared in 1616, but the printing history of this imprint has been completely unknown. The book was published by a previously unknown bookseller named Johann Balthasar Beugger. In this article, his identity is illuminated and his affiliation with the Schwenckfeldians is demonstrated

    Heinrich Bullingers Privatbibliothek

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    Gutachten Bullingers und der Pfarrerschaft über die Bestrafung der Täufer (Mai 1535)

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    Die Zürcher Buch-und Lesekultur 1520 bis 1575

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    Norbert Furrer, Des Burgers Buch: Stadtberner Privatbibliotheken im 18. Jahrhundert, 2012

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    La biblioteca privada de Konrad Gessner

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    The famous Swiss polymath and scientist Conrad Gessner (1516-1565) is regarded as the father of bibliography, the founder of zoology, one of the most important botanists of the 16th century and the author of the first drug compendium of the Swiss Confederation. He kept various pets and had also extensive collections of dried plants, stuffed animals, rocks, minerals and books. His private library, which is now kept in various libraries in Europe and North America, provides interesting insights into the study and the intellectual interests of this great scholar.El famoso científico y polímata suizo Konrad Gessner (1516-1565) es considerado el padre de la Bibliografía, el fundador de la Zoología, uno de los botánicos más importantes del siglo XVI y el autor del primer compendio de medicamentos de la Confederación Suiza. Poseía varios animales domésticos y también amplias colecciones de plantas secas, animales disecados, minerales, rocas y libros. Su biblioteca privada, albergada en la actualidad en diversas bibliotecas europeas y norteamericanas, permite comprender mejor los intereses intelectuales y la actividad investigadora de este gran erudito