842 research outputs found

    Strong low-frequency quantum correlations from a four-wave mixing amplifier

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    We show that a simple scheme based on nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a hot atomic vapor behaves like a near-perfect phase-insensitive optical amplifier, which can generate bright twin beams with a measured quantum noise reduction in the intensity difference of more than 8 dB, close to the best optical parametric amplifiers and oscillators. The absence of a cavity makes the system immune to external perturbations, and the strong quantum noise reduction is observed over a large frequency range.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Major rewrite of the previous version. New experimental results and further analysi

    Trapping of Neutral Rubidium with a Macroscopic Three-Phase Electric Trap

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    We trap neutral ground-state rubidium atoms in a macroscopic trap based on purely electric fields. For this, three electrostatic field configurations are alternated in a periodic manner. The rubidium is precooled in a magneto-optical trap, transferred into a magnetic trap and then translated into the electric trap. The electric trap consists of six rod-shaped electrodes in cubic arrangement, giving ample optical access. Up to 10^5 atoms have been trapped with an initial temperature of around 20 microkelvin in the three-phase electric trap. The observations are in good agreement with detailed numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spinor Dynamics in an Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Condensate

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    We observe coherent spin oscillations in an antiferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate of sodium. The variation of the spin oscillations with magnetic field shows a clear signature of nonlinearity, in agreement with theory, which also predicts anharmonic oscillations near a critical magnetic field. Measurements of the magnetic phase diagram agree with predictions made in the approximation of a single spatial mode. The oscillation period yields the best measurement to date of the sodium spin-dependent interaction coefficient, determining that the difference between the sodium spin-dependent s-wave scattering lengths af=2af=0a_{f=2}-a_{f=0} is 2.47±0.272.47\pm0.27 Bohr radii.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Changes: added reference, minor correction

    Mesenchymal stem cells for kidney transplantation

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    Published online: July 24, 2014The long term consequence of immunosuppressive therapy in kidney transplantation has prompted investigation of alternative means to modify the immune response to the allograft. Cell based therapies are potentially attractive as they may provide a long lasting immunomodulatory effect, may repair tissues and reduce the necessity to take immunosuppressive drug therapy. Of the current cell therapies, mesenchymal stem cells have now been trialled in small numbers of human kidney transplantation with apparent safety and potential efficacy. Many issues however need to be resolved before these cells will become mainstays of transplant immunosuppression including ex vivo modification to enhance immunomodulatory properties, cell number, route and frequency of administration as well as cellular source of origin.Bron Lett, Kisha N Sivanathan, P Toby Coate

    Coulomb crystallization in expanding laser-cooled neutral plasmas

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    We present long-time simulations of expanding ultracold neutral plasmas, including a full treatment of the strongly coupled ion dynamics. Thereby, the relaxation dynamics of the expanding laser-cooled plasma is studied, taking into account elastic as well as inelastic collisions. It is demonstrated that, depending on the initial conditions, the ionic component of the plasma may exhibit short-range order or even a superimposed long-range order resulting in concentric ion shells. In contrast to ionic plasmas confined in traps, the shell structures are built up from the center of the plasma cloud rather than from the periphery

    Light forces in ultracold photoassociation

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    We study the time-resolved photoassociation of ultracold sodium in an optical dipole trap. The photoassociation laser excites pairs of atoms to molecular states of large total angular momentum at high intensities (above 20 kW/cm2^{2}). Such transitions are generally suppressed at ultracold temperatures by the centrifugal barriers for high partial waves. Time-resolved ionization measurements reveal that the atoms are accelerated by the dipole potential of the photoassociation beam. We change the collision energy by varying the potential depth, and observe a strong variation of the photoassociation rate. These results demonstrate the important role of light forces in cw photoassociation at high intensities.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    All-optical generation and photoassociative probing of sodium Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We demonsatrate an all optical technique to evaporatively produce sodium Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC). We use a crossed-dipole trap formed from light near 1060 nm, and a simple ramp of the intensity to force evaporation. In addition, we introduce photoassociation as diagnostic of the trap loading process, and show that it can be used to detect the onset of Bose-Einstein condensation. Finally, we demonstrate the straightforward production of multiple traps with condensates using this technique, and that some control over the spinor state of the BEC is achieved by positioning the trap as well.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Sub-Natural-Linewidth Quantum Interference Features Observed in Photoassociation of a Thermal Gas

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    By driving photoassociation transitions we form electronically excited molecules (Na2_2^*) from ultra-cold (50-300 μ\muK) Na atoms. Using a second laser to drive transitions from the excited state to a level in the molecular ground state, we are able to split the photoassociation line and observe features with a width smaller than the natural linewidth of the excited molecular state. The quantum interference which gives rise to this effect is analogous to that which leads to electromagnetically induced transparency in three level atomic Λ\Lambda systems, but here one of the ground states is a pair of free atoms while the other is a bound molecule. The linewidth is limited primarily by the finite temperature of the atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Spinor dynamics in an antiferromagnetic spin-1 thermal Bose gas

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    We present experimental observations of coherent spin-population oscillations in a cold thermal, Bose gas of spin-1 sodium-23 atoms. The population oscillations in a multi-spatial-mode thermal gas have the same behavior as those observed in a single-spatial-mode antiferromagnetic spinor Bose Einstein condensate. We demonstrate this by showing that the two situations are described by the same dynamical equations, with a factor of two change in the spin-dependent interaction coefficient, which results from the change to particles with distinguishable momentum states in the thermal gas. We compare this theory to the measured spin population evolution after times up to a few hundreds of ms, finding quantitative agreement with the amplitude and period. We also measure the damping time of the oscillations as a function of magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure