966 research outputs found

    Auger : A Large Air Shower Array and Neutrino Telescope

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    Detection of Ultra High Energy Neutrinos (UHEN), with energy above 0.l EeV (10**18 eV) is one of the most exciting challenges of high energy astrophysics and particle physics. In this article we show that the Auger Observatories, built to study ultra high energy cosmic rays, are one of the most sensitive neutrino telescopes that will be available in the next decade. Furthermore, we point out that the Waxman-Bahcall upper bound for high energy neutrino fluxes below 1 EeV turns into a lower bound above a few EeV. In this framework and given the experimental evidences for nu_mu nu_tau oscillations with large mixing, we conclude that observation of Tau UHEN in the southern Auger Observatory should most certainly occur within the next five years.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Talk given at the neutrino 2002 conference. To be published in Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplement) Corrected misplaced WB limit in Figure

    Neutrinos and the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays

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    Observation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) -whose energy exceeds 102010^20eV- is still a puzzle for modern astrophysics. The transfer of more than 16 Joules to a microscopic particle can hardly be achieved, even in the most powerful cosmic accelerators such as AGN's, GRB's or FR-II radio galaxy lobes. Potential sources must also lie within 100 Mpc of the Earth as the interaction length of protons, nuclei or photons is less than 10Mpc. However no visible counterpart of those sources has been observed. Calling upon new physics such as Topological Defect interactions or Super Massive Relic Particle decays is therefore very tempting, but such objects are yet to be proven to exist. Due to the very low flux of UHECR only very large dedicated experiments, such as the Auger observatories, will allow to shed some light on the origin of those cosmic rays. In this quest neutrinos, if they can be detected, are an invaluable messengers of the nature of the sources.Comment: Talk Given at the Neutrino 2000 COnference. Sudbury, Toronto June 12-17 2000 7 pages, 8 figure

    Note on the Origin of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays

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    In this note we argue that the galactic model chosen by E.-J. Ahn, G. Medina-Tanco, P.L. Bierman and T. Stanev in their paper discussing the origin of the highest energy cosmic rays, is alone responsible for the focussing of positive particles towards the North galactic pole. We discuss the validity of this model, in particular in terms of field reversals and radial extensions. We conclude that with such a model one cannot retreive any directional information from the observed direction of the cosmic rays. In particular one cannot identify point sources at least up to energies of about 200 EeV. Therefore the apparent clustering of the back-traced highest energy cosmic rays observed to date cannot be interpreted as an evidence for a point source nor for the identification of M87, which happens to be close to the North pole, as being such a source.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays

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    This is a review of the most resent results from the investigation of the Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays, particles of energy exceeding 1018^{18} eV. After a general introduction to the topic and a brief review of the lower energy cosmic rays and the detection methods, the two most recent experiments, the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) and the Southern Auger Observatory are described. We then concentrate on the results from these two experiments on the cosmic ray energy spectrum, the chemical composition of these cosmic rays and on the searches for their sources. We conclude with a brief analysis of the controversies in these results and the projects in development and construction that can help solve the remaining problems with these particles.Comment: 40 pages, 27 figure

    Physics of Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    Over the last third of the century, a few tens of events, detected by ground-based cosmic ray detectors, have opened a new window in the field of high-energy astrophysics. These events have macroscopic energies, unobserved sources, an unknown chemical composition and a production and transport mechanism yet to be explained. With a flux as low as one particle per century per square kilometer, only dedicated detectors with huge apertures can bring in the high-quality and statistically significant data needed to answer those questions. In this article, we review the present status of the field both from an experimental and theoretical point of view. Special attention is given to the next generation of detectors devoted to the thorough exploration of the highest energy rangesComment: 43 pages, 12 figures, submitted to International Journal of Modern Physics

    Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays and the Auger Observatory

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    In this proceeding we present the construction status and the performances of the Pierre Auger Observatory together with the first results obtained with our initial 18 month of data. In particular, we discuss our search for anisotropy near the Galactic Center, our limit on the photon fraction at the highest energies and our first estimate of the cosmic ray spectrum above 3 EeV. All of the material presented in this proceeding was extracted from the numerous Auger contributions to the 29th ICRC proceedings.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Proceedings of the PIC 2005 conference. Praha, July 200

    Establishing The GZK Cutoff With Ultra High Energy Tau Neutrinos

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    The cosmic ray spectrum has been shown to extend well beyond 10^20 eV. With nearly 20 events observed in the last 40 years, it is now established that particles are accelerated or produced in the universe with energy near 10^21 eV. In all production models neutrinos and photons are part of the cosmic ray flux. In acceleration models (bottom-up models), they are produced as secondaries of the possible interactions of the accelerated charged particle, in direct production models (top-down models) they are a dominant fraction of the decay chain. In addition, hadrons above the GZK threshold energy will also produce, along their path in the Universe, neutrinos and photons as secondaries of the pion photo-production processes. Therefore, photons and in particular neutrinos, are very distinctive signatures of the nature and distribution of the potential sources of ultra high energy cosmic rays. In the following we expose the identification capabilities of the Auger observatories. In the hypothesis of nu_mu-->nu_tau oscillations with full mixing, special emphasis is placed on the observation of tau neutrinos, with which Auger is able to establish the GZK cutoff as well as to provide a strong and model independant constraint on the top-down sources of ultra high energy cosmic rays.Comment: Talk given at the International Workshop on Observing Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays From Space and Earth, Puebla 2000 (Mexico). 15 pages, 9 figure

    Theoretical and Experimental Topics on Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    Since their first observation in 1962, the existence of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) remains a mystery in modern astrophysics. Those cosmic rays, with energies well above 50 EeV (50Ă—101850\times 10^{18}eV), can hardly be accelerated, even in the most active parts of our universe such as FR-II radio galaxies or AGNs, nor can they travel on distances larger than 100 Mpc. In the following some of the production and acceleration models for UHECR are reviewed and some of the transport issues are exposed. Finally the detection and identification on Earth of those ``cosmic bullets'' are presented.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figures. Lecture given at the XXVIII International Meeting on Fundamental Physics, Sanlucar de Barameda, Cadiz Spain, 14-18 February 200

    A model for the time uncertainty measurements in the Auger surface detector array

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    The precise determination of the arrival direction of cosmic rays is a fundamental prerequisite for the search for sources or the study of their anisotropies on the sky. One of the most important aspects to achieve an optimal measurement of these directions is to properly take into account the measurement uncertainties in the estimation procedure. In this article we present a model for the uncertainties associated with the time measurements in the Auger surface detector array. We show that this model represents well the measurement uncertainties and therefore provides the basis for an optimal determination of the arrival direction. With this model and a description of the shower front geometry it is possible to estimate, on an event by event basis, the uncertainty associated with the determination of the arrival directions of the cosmic rays
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