5 research outputs found

    Downstream process and evaluation of the concomitant impact of a recombinant glycosylated L-asparaginase on leukemic cancer cells and the bone marrow tumor microenvironment

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    L-asparaginase (L-ASNase) is a life-saving medication used in the treatment of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) which affects over 60,000 people yearly. However, L-ASNase still requires improvement since up to 60% of the patients develop hypersensitivity due to its immunogenicity. To address this issue, this work describes the downstream process of an L-ASNase from Erwinia chrysanthemi expressed extracellularly by Pichia pastoris with human-like glycosylation pattern and its further impact on leukemic cells co-cultured with bone marrow (BM) cytoprotective stromal cells. After size exclusion chromathography, a final yield of 54.93% was achieved and the proteomics analyses confirmed the attainment of an extremely pure enzyme. Glycosylated L-ASNase induced the complete inhibition of the proliferation of ALL and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) cell lines tested, independently of the presence of BM stromal cells. However, the cytotoxic efficacy (induction of apoptosis) of glycosylated L-ASNase varied across cell lines, with ALL cell lines showing the most sensitivity. Additionally, the proapoptotic effect of glycosylated L-ASNase was partially inhibited by BM stromal cells. Taken together, our data warrant further investigations for the use of glycosylated L-ASNase against ALL and AML that should take into consideration the mechanisms of resistance mediated by the BM stroma for improved efficacy

    L-asparaginase production by Pichia pastoris in batch-fed bioreactors.

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    O Brasil é altamente dependente da importação de medicamentos biológicos, o que implica em risco de desabastecimento e dependência dos preços da flutuação cambial. Recentemente, a falta de insumos tem levado a rupturas no estoque do biofármaco Lasparaginase (ASNase), que é utilizado no tratamento de vários cânceres, em especial, da Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda (LLA), um dos principais tipos de câncer infantil. Apesar de dois medicamentos já terem sido registrados desde 2018, o fornecimento não é confiável. Ademais, as formas de ASNase aprovadas para uso clínico são derivadas de bactérias, Escherichia coli e Dickeya chrysanthemi (Erwinia chrysanthemi), e todas causam reações imunológicas nos pacientes e possuem tempo de meia-vida de apenas algumas horas. Portanto, foram estabelecidos projetos temáticos visando a desenvolver os primeiros passos para a produção nacional de uma ASNase menos imunogênica e mais estável. Em colaboração com esses projetos, esta tese objetiva o desenvolvimento da etapa de upstream do processo de produção da enzima recombinante L-asparaginase de D. chrysanthemi expressa por uma cepa de Pichia pastoris (Glycoswitch®) capaz de realizar glicosilação humanizada, desde a geração da linhagem celular até os cultivos em biorreator de bancada. Para alcançar esse objetivo, foi desenvolvida uma nova cepa produtora e foram realizadas melhorias nas estratégias operacionais do processo. Primeiramente, foram transformadas duas cepas da Glycoswitch®, uma auxotrófica (His-) e outra prototrófica (His+) para histidina, caracterizadas em termos da expressão do gene ansB, codificante da ASNase, e estudadas as condições de cultivo em meio complexo em frascos e em meio sintético em biorreator de 2 L. A análise de qPCR mostrou que a cepa His+ possui o dobro de expressão gênica que a His-, o que foi condizente com a produtividade obtida em frascos e em biorreator, portanto ela foi selecionada para a continuidade do estudo. Em seguida, o protocolo de indução em biorreator foi modificado do controle da alimentação do indutor (metanol) de malha aberta em pulsos para malha fechada com DO-stat, o que resultou no dobro da atividade volumétrica. Posteriormente, adotando princípios de Quality by Design, como planejamento experimental, aplicação de ferramentas analíticas e análise com modelos matemáticos, foi realizado um delineamento estatístico para investigar os efeitos da concentração controlada de metanol, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura sobre a atividade volumétrica da ASNase. Na melhor condição de cultivo, 5 g/L de metanol, 50% de oxigênio dissolvido e 35 oC, foi obtida atividade volumétrica final de 10700 U/L com 84 horas de processo, cerca de oito vezes maior do que em malha aberta. Além disso, o modelo preditivo revelou que o controle do metanol e o aumento da temperatura foram essenciais para esse resultado. Por meio de balanço de carbono foram calculados os coeficientes de conversão a biomassa e produto e observou-se que a temperatura mais alta resultou no aumento deles, o que favoreceu a formação de ASNase ativa. Finalmente, a caracterização da ASNase recombinante por análise MALDI-TOF revelou que ela é glicosilada em um epítopo causador de respostas imunológicas nos pacientes, provavelmente reduzindo seus efeitos colaterais. Portanto, foi desenvolvido um protocolo com alto rendimento de uma ASNase inovadora comparado a outros trabalhos já publicados, que tem potencial de prover um tratamento com mais qualidade de vida para o paciente.Brazil is highly dependent on the imports of biological medicines, which poses the risk of shortages and price dependence on exchange rate fluctuations. Recently, the lack of supplies has led to disruptions in the stock of the biopharmaceutical L-asparaginase (ASNase), which is used in the treatment of various cancers, particularly Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), one of the main childhood cancers. Although two drugs have been registered since 2018, the supply is unreliable. Moreover, the forms of ASNase approved for clinical use are derived from bacteria, Escherichia coli and Dickeya chrysanthemi (Erwinia chrysanthemi), and all cause immunological reactions in patients and have a half-life of only a few hours. Therefore, thematic projects were established to develop the first steps for the national production of a less immunogenic and more stable ASNase. Collaborating on these projects, this thesis aims to develop the upstream stage of the production process of the recombinant enzyme L-asparaginase from D. chrysanthemi expressed by a Pichia pastoris strain (Glycoswitch®) capable of humanized glycosylation, from cell line development to bench bioreactor cultures. To achieve this goal, a new producing strain was created and improvements were made to the operational strategies of the process. First, two strains of Glycoswitch® were transformed, one auxotrophic (His-) and the other prototrophic (His+) to histidine, characterized in terms of expression of the ansB gene, encoding ASNase, and were studied cultures in complex medium in flasks and in synthetic medium in a 2 L bioreactor. The qPCR analysis showed that the His+ strain had twice the gene expression of the His- strain, which was consistent with the productivity obtained in flasks and in the bioreactor, so it was selected to continue the study. Then, the induction protocol of the bioreactor was changed from an open-loop control for feeding inductor (methanol) in pulses to a closed-loop control with DO-stat, which resulted in a doubling of the volumetric activity. Subsequently, using Quality by Design principles, such as experimental design, application of analytical tools and analysis with mathematical models, a statistical design was performed to investigate the effects of the controlled methanol concentration, dissolved oxygen and temperature on the volumetric activity of ASNase. In the best cultivation condition, 5 g/L methanol, 50% dissolved oxygen and 35 oC, a final volumetric activity of 10700 U/L was achieved with 84 hours of process time, about eight times higher than in an open loop strategy. Furthermore, the predictive model showed that controlling methanol and increasing temperature were critical to this result. The biomass and product yields were obtained by carbon balance and it was observed that the higher temperature resulted in an increase in them, which favoured the formation of active ASNase. Finally, characterization of the recombinant ASNase by MALDI-TOF analysis revealed that it is glycosylated to an epitope that elicits immune responses in patients, reducing its side effects. Thus, a protocol with a high yield of an innovative ASNase compared to other published works was developed, which has the potential to provide treatment with a better quality of life for the patient

    Approach toward an efficient inoculum preparation stage for suspension BHK-21 cell culture

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    Mammalian cells are the most frequently used hosts for biopharmaceutical proteins manufacturing. Inoculum quality is a key element for establishing an efficient bioconversion process. The main objective in inoculation expansion process is to generate large volume of viable cells in the shortest time. The aim of this paper was to optimize the inoculum preparation stage of baby hamster kidney (BHK)-21 cells for suspension cultures in benchtop bioreactors, by means of a combination of static and agitated culture systems. Critical parameters for static (liquid column height: 5, 10, 15 mm) and agitated (working volume: 35, 50, 65 mL, inoculum volume percentage: 10, 30 % and agitation speed: 25, 60 rpm) cultures were study in T-flask and spinner flask, respectively. The optimal liquid column height was 5 mm for static culture. The maximum viable cell concentration in spinner flask cultures was reached with 50 mL working volume and the inoculum volume percentage was not significant in the range under study (10–30 %) at 25 rpm agitation. Agitation speed at 60 rpm did not change the main kinetic parameters with respect to those observed for 25 rpm. These results allowed for a schedule to produce more than 4 × 109 BHK-21 cells from 4 × 106 cells in 13 day with 1,051 mL culture medium.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq