12 research outputs found
Peripheral Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumour Mimicking a Gingival Inflammation: A Diagnostic Dilemma
The calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour (CEOT) is an extremely rare benign neoplasia, accounting for approximately 1% of all odontogenic tumours. CEOT can have two clinical manifestations: central or intraosseous (94% of the cases) and peripheral or extraosseous (6% of the cases). Although the latter is less common, the peripheral variant has been described as an insidious lesion, since it is usually asymptomatic and may be erroneously mistaken with gingival hyperplasia, hamartomas, or even metastasis of malignant neoplasia. We report a case of a young male patient presenting with a peripheral CEOT in the mandibular posterior region, mimicking a located gingival inflammation
Hospital dentistry in public hospitals linked the state secretary of health of São Paulo
A atenção odontológica tem sido tradicionalmente realizada em consultórios. Aos hospitais a prática mais comum é reservada ao atendimento cirúrgico bucomaxilofacial ou procedimentos que necessitam de anestesia geral. Entretanto, a atuação do Cirurgião-Dentista em âmbito hospitalar vai além. O Odontólogo deve ter foco no cuidado ao paciente cuja doença sistêmica possa ser fator de risco para agravamento e ou instalação de doença bucal, ou cuja doença bucal possa ser fator de risco para agravamento e ou instalação de doença sistêmica. (Silva-Lovato et al., 2009; Manual de Odontologia Hospitalar, 2012). O Estado de São Paulo conta com uma ampla rede de serviços hospitalares próprios. Embora os resultados dos últimos anos comprovem o maior acesso da população a rede hospitalar pública do Estado de São Paulo, com aumento no número de atendimentos a pacientes internados, maior quantidade de cirurgias e de procedimentos complexos realizados (Mendes, Bittar, 2010), não há dados públicos concretos comprovando a atuação do Cirurgião- Dentista nesse contexto. Por outro lado, estudos e experiências em hospitais têm mostrado que a inserção do Cirurgião-Dentista na equipe multiprofissional de atendimento ao paciente sob internação contribui para minimizar o risco de infecção, melhorar a qualidade de vida, reduzir o tempo de internação, diminuir a quantidade de prescrição de medicamentos e a indicação de nutrição parenteral, além de promover um atendimento completo ao paciente. (Sonis et al., 2001; Sonis et al., 2004; Morais et al., 2006; Vera-Llonch et al., 2007; Eduardo et al., 2008; Bezinelli et al., 2013). Nosso trabalho trata-se de um estudo transversal com o objetivo de caracterizar o serviço de Odontologia dentro dos hospitais públicos veiculados a Secretaria do Estado da Saúde de São Paulo. Para tanto foram coletados dados do Programa Sorria Mais São Paulo e do CNES de 62 hospitais de diferentes formatos de gestão: direta, indireta e autarquia e/ou fundação. Os resultados mostraram que dos hospitais de administração indireta (n=30), 9 possuem o Cirurgião-Dentista na equipe multiprofissional, sendo 33% desses voltados ao atendimento odontológico dos funcionários do Hospital, 33% pertencem ao serviço de Cirurgia Buco Maxilo Facial e 44% apresentam um serviço de odontologia ao paciente com comprometimento sistêmico, tanto internado como em âmbito ambulatorial. Nos hospitais de administração direta (n=24), 20 apresentam no corpo clÃnico o Cirurgião-Dentista, sendo que 25% estão no atendimento do funcionário do hospital, 65% no serviço de Cirurgia Buco Maxilo Facial e 45% no atendimento ao paciente internado ou em âmbito ambulatorial que apresenta comprometimento sistêmico. Nos hospitais ligados as universidades estaduais (n=8), 75% possuem o serviço de Buco Maxilo Facial e 75% o de atendimento ao paciente internado ou em âmbito ambulatorial que apresenta comprometimento sistêmico. Os resultados mostram também que há 36% menos Cirurgiões-Dentistas atuando nos hospitais quando comparado os dados coletados in loco (Programa Sorria Mais São Paulo) com os disponÃveis no CNES. No presente trabalho o investimento para a montagem do serviço de odontologia hospitalar é cerca de R 29.540,00. Pelo trabalho desenvolvido é possÃvel concluir: que hospitais veiculados a SES são heterogênos. Há diferenças quanto ao formato de gestão e administração, tamanho, complexidade, especialidades médicas presentes, demanda atendida. A maioria dos serviços de odontologia dentro do hospital é de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco Maxilo Facial e não possuem atendimento odontológico ao paciente no leito que apresenta comprometimento sistêmico. O CNES não apresenta a realidade da atuação do Cirurgião-Dentista dentro do hospital e o custo não é fator limitante para a para implantação e manutenção de um serviço de Odontologia Hospitalar.Dental care has traditionally been performed in dental offices. It is more common practice for oral and maxillofacial surgery care or procedures that require general anesthesia to be reserved for treatment at hospitals. However, the work of the Dental Surgeon in the hospital environment goes beyond this. The Dentist must be focused on care of the patient whose systemic disease may be a risk for aggravation and or onset of oral disease, or whose oral disease may be a risk factor for aggravation or onset of systemic disease. (Silva-Lovato et al., 2009; Manual de Odontologia Hospitalar, 2012). The State of São Paulo has a wide network of its own hospital services. Although the results of the last few years have proved that there is greater access by the population to the public hospital network of the State of São Paulo, with an increasing number of attendances of hospitalized patients, larger number of surgeries and complex procedures performed (Mendes, Bittar, 2010), there are no concrete public data proving the activities of the Dental Surgeon in this context. On the other hand, studies and experiences in hospitals have shown that the inclusion of the Dental Surgeon in the multiprofessional team of hospitalized patient care contributes to minimizing the risk of infection, improving quality of life, reducing time of hospitalization, diminishing the amount of medication prescribed and indication of parenteral nutrition, in addition to promoting complete care of the patient. (Sonis et al., 2001; Sonis et al., 2004; Morais et al., 2006; Vera-Llonch et al., 2007; Eduardo et al., 2008; Bezinelli et al., 2013). Ours is a cross-sectional study with the aim of characterizing the Dental Service within public hospitals linked to the State Secretary of Health of São Paulo. For this purpose data were collected from the Smile More Often São Paulo Program (Sorria Mais São Paulo) and of the national register of health establishments (Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde CNES of 62 hospitals with different management formats: direct, indirect, municipal and/or foundation. The results showed that of the hospitals with indirect administration (n=30), 9 have a Dental Surgeon in the multiprofessional team, with 33% of them being directed to dental care of the Hospital Staff, 33% belong to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery service and 44% provide dental service for systemically compromised patients, both those who are hospitalized and those in the outpatient clinics. In the hospitals with direct administration (n=24), 20 have a Dental Surgeon on the clinical staff, with 25% being engaged in dental care of the hospital staff, 65% in the Oral Maxillofacial Surgery service and 45% in caring for hospitalized patients or those in the outpatient clinics, who are systemically compromised. In the hospitals linked to the state universities (n=8), 75% have an Oral Maxillofacial service and 75% a service caring for the hospitalized patient, or those in the outpatient clinic, who are systemically compromised. The results also showed that there are 36% fewer Dental Surgeons working in hospitals when the data collected in loco (Programa Sorria Mais São Paulo) are compared with those available in CNES. In the present study the investment for setting up the hospital dental service is around R 29.540,00. From the work develop it was possible to conclude: That the hospitals linked to SES are heterogeneous. There are differences with regard to the management and administration format, size, complexity, medical specialties present, and demand served. The majority of the dental services within the hospital are provided in Surgery and Oral Maxillofacial Traumatology, and they do not have dental care for the patient in a hospital bed, who is systemically compromised. The CNES does not present the reality of the Dental Surgeons activity in the hospital, and the cost is not a limiting factor for the implementation and maintenance of a Hospital Dental Service
Dental attendance in bone marrow transplants: clinical and economic impact
A Mucosite Oral é uma das principais e mais debilitantes complicações do Transplante de Medula Óssea. (Schubert et al., 1986; Borowski et al., 1994; Sonis, 1998; Peterson, 2004; Sonis, 2004; Scully, 2006; Sonis, 2009). Nessa terapia sua incidência varia entre 75-100%. (Wardley et al., 2000; Barasch; Peterson, 2003; Schubert et al., 2007; Blijlevens, 2008; Vokurka et al., 2009 ). A extensão e a severidade da Mucosite Oral estão significativamente correlacionadas com dias de narcótico injetável, alimentação parenteral, febre, risco de infecção importante, dias de hospitalização, custos hospitalares e mortalidade. (Sonis et al., 2001; Vera-Llonch et al., 2007). Nosso trabalho trata-se de um estudo de avaliação clÃnica e econômica, retrospectivo, de pacientes submetidos ao transplante de medula óssea no Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, entre os anos de 2000 e 2008. Foram avaliados 167 pacientes, que foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I, composto por 91 pacientes que receberam atendimento odontológico e Laserterapia durante o TMO e Grupo II, composto por 76 pacientes que não receberam atendimento odontológico nem Laserterapia. Dados como idade, sexo, diagnóstico da doença de base, protocolo quimioterápico, tipo de transplante, uso de medicação para dor, dias de febre, utilização de alimentação parenteral, dias de internação, presença de infecção e grau de mucosite oral, com e sem atendimento odontológico, foram coletados e analisados. Uma análise descritiva, com base em tabelas de frequências e testes Qui-quadrado (ou exato de Fisher, quando este se mostrou mais apropriado), foi feita com o objetivo de verificar a associação estatÃstica entre as variáveis de interesse. Estimativas dos riscos relativos, com intervalos de confiança de 95%, foram calculadas para avaliar a associação entre o desfecho (grau máximo) e as variáveis explicativas de interesse e o tempo médio de internação (em dias) nos diferentes grupos e tipos de transplantes foi comparado por meio de um modelo de análise de variância. Valores de p menores que 0,05 foram considerados como estatisticamente significantes. Pudemos concluir com esse trabalho que a extensão e a severidade da Mucosite Oral foram maiores no grupo sem atendimento Odontológico, sendo que o risco do paciente desse grupo apresentar grau III ou IV foi de 13 vezes maior que o grupo com Cirurgião-Dentista. Além disso, observamos que atendimento odontológico durante o TMO, quando praticado da forma descrita nesse estudo, é custo-efetivo, sendo capaz de reduzir as morbidades clÃnicas do TMO e que os benefÃcios do atendimento odontológico excederam os custos e, portanto, devem ser adotados. Foi constatado também que os pacientes que tiveram o acompanhamento do Cirurgião-Dentista apresentaram melhor qualidade de vida durante TMO e que o atendimento odontológico durante o TMO gerou economia para o hospital.Oral mucositis is one of the main and most debilitating complications of Bone Marrow Transplants. In this therapy its incidence ranges between 75-100%. The extent and severity of Oral Mucositis are significantly correlated with the days of receiving injectable narcotics, parenteral feeding, fever, and risk of important infection, number of days of hospitalization, hospital costs and mortality. This study is a retrospective clinical and economic evaluation of patients submitted to bone marrow transplant at the \"Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein\", between the years 2000 and 2008. A total of 167 patients were evaluated, and were divided into two groups: Group I, composed of 91 patients who received dental treatment and Laser therapy during the BMT and Group II, composed of 76 patients who did not receive dental attendance or laser therapy. Data such as age, sex, diagnosis of the underlying disease, chemotherapy protocol, type of transplant, use of pain relief medication, days of fever, use of parenteral feeding, days of hospitalization, presence of infection and degree of oral mucositis, with and without dental attendance were collected and analyzed. A descriptive analysis, based on Frequency tables and Chi-square tests (or Fishers exact test, when this was shown to be more appropriate), was performed with the aim of verifying the statistical association among the variables of interest. Estimates of relative risks, with confidence intervals of 95% were calculated to evaluate the association between the outcome (maximum degree) and the explicative variables of interest and the mean time of hospitalization (in days) in the different groups and types of transplants was compared by means of an analysis of variance model. p- Values lower than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. By means of this study, it could be concluded that the extent and severity of Oral Mucositis were greater in the group without Dental attendance, as the risk of the patient in this group presenting Grade III or IV was 13 times higher than it was in the group attended by a Dentist. Moreover, it was observed that dental attendance during BMT, when performed in the manner described in this study, is cost-effective, as it is capable of reducing the clinical morbidities of BMT. Furthermore the benefits of dental attendance outweighed the costs, and therefore, must be adopted. It was also found that patients that were followed-up by the Dentist presented a better quality of life during BMT and that dental attendance during BMT resulted in savings for the hospital
Oral care in Brazilian bone marrow transplant centers
BACKGROUND: Oral care is a fundamental procedure for the success of the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, particularly regarding the control of oral infectious diseases. Information about oral care protocols and the inclusion of dental professionals in transplantation medical staff is poorly known. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to carry out a survey about the protocols of Brazilian dental professionals with regard to oral care of HSCT patients. METHODS: A questionnaire was mailed to 36 Brazilian transplant centers with questions about basic oral care protocols, the indication of specific mouthwashes, antibiotic therapy regimens, laser therapy, and treatment of oral mucositis and graft-versus-host disease. All the respondent centers (n = 12) have dentists as members of the HSCT medical staff. RESULTS: The majority indicate non-alcoholic chlorhexidine (n = 9; 75.0%) and sodium bicarbonate (n = 5; 41.7%) as routine mouthwashes. Laser therapy was frequently indicated (n= 9; 75.0%), mainly in the prevention of oral mucositis and in oral pain control. In the post-transplant period, antibiotic therapy was only indicated for invasive dental treatments (n= 8; 66.7%). Several treatments for graft-versus-host disease were mentioned without a trend towards establishing a standard protocol. CONCLUSION: Basic oral care constitutes regular assessment in the routine treatment of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients in Brazilian centers
Antimicrobial oral lavage reduces the SARS-CoV-2 load in intubated patients: randomized clinical trial
ABSTRACTBackground The oral cavity can be a reservoir for SARS-CoV-2 and may play a crucial role in the viral transmission in the hospital environment.Objective To investigate whether an oral hygiene protocol with chlorhexidine (CHX) used alone and in combination with hydrogen peroxide (HP) in the intensive care unit was effective in reducing the SARS-CoV-2 viral load in the oral cavity.Methods SARS-CoV-2 viral load was measured on oral fluid samples collected from patients undergoing orotracheal intubation. The study sample was randomly in: CHX group (n = 19) - oral rinse using only 0.12% CHX solution; HP+CHX group (n = 24) - oral rinse with 1.5% HP and 0.12% CHX. The samples were collected before the interventions (T0), immediately (T1), 30 minutes (T2) and 60 minutes (T3) after the procedure.Results A significant viral load reduction was observed at T1 (mean ± SD:–0.57 ± 0.19 log10;–73.2%;p = 0.022) in the HP+CHX group. No statistically significant differences between any time points were observed in the CHX group.Conclusion The HP+CHX oral rinses significantly reduced the SARS-CoV-2 viral load in the oral fluid immediately after the procedure. The CHX oral rinse alone did not result in any significant viral load reductions
Peripheral Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumour Mimicking a Gingival Inflammation: A Diagnostic Dilemma
The calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour (CEOT) is an extremely rare benign neoplasia, accounting for approximately 1% of all odontogenic tumours. CEOT can have two clinical manifestations: central or intraosseous (94% of the cases) and peripheral or extraosseous (6% of the cases). Although the latter is less common, the peripheral variant has been described as an insidious lesion, since it is usually asymptomatic and may be erroneously mistaken with gingival hyperplasia, hamartomas, or even metastasis of malignant neoplasia. We report a case of a young male patient presenting with a peripheral CEOT in the mandibular posterior region, mimicking a located gingival inflammation
Prevention of recurrent herpes labialis outbreaks through low-intensity laser therapy: a clinical protocol with 3-year follow-up
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desnsenvolvimento Tecnologico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desnsenvolvimento Tecnologico (CNPq) [305574/2008-6