28 research outputs found

    Model of Local Sustainable Development in the Areas of Co-Occurrence Natura 2000 Sites and Non Energy Mining Industry (NEEI)

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    ABSTRACTPurposeThe article is a response to the lack of systemic solutions that should help in preventing/mitigating conflicts between the needs of non-energy mining industry (NEEI) and nature conservation requirements under the NATURA 2000 system.MethodsConstruction of conceptual models based on the results of surveys carried out in the framework of the research proj ect "Economic activity models" 2013, and on the complementary literature studies.ResultsThe conditions under which both types of activity could together drive the economic development of the municipality and provide its local specialization are highlighted. The barriers to the implementation of such a scenario are described, and an explanation about how to break through these barriers is provided. The necessary directions of the legal and organizational changes are described, relying on the good practices implemented in other European countries.Practical implicationsThe article contains a proposal for a strategic approach that would help Polish decision-makers and local communities in preventing and mitigating the local conflicts between nature protection and the exploitation of mineral resources. The results can be used in the process of elaborating the national policy management of mineral resources.The approach proposed in the article should also be applied to the elaboration of development policies/strategies at a municipality and regional scale, wherever there is a potential conflict between mining and nature conservation needs.Originality/valueThe model presented is an original proposal. This is the first attempt, in Poland, to indicate a scenario approach to solving problems concerning the impact mining has on nature. The approach should be applied both at a national and local level

    Applying laser scanning technology to studying alluvial flume-bed topography in laboratory conditions

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    The aim of the research was to compare alluvial bed topography description in laboratory conditions using the “traditional”, currently applicable method with an original approach, based on LiDAR technology. LiDAR application in local scours shape investigation in based on the grounds of introducing the autonomic measuring module, which, placed above the bed on dedicated controllable arrangement of guideways, describes the landform as a cloud of coordinates. The result of the performed experiment was obtainment of point clouds (x, y, z), reflecting the bed shape before and after local scour formation during twenty measurement series with varying hydraulic conditions. Objects of the study were basic geometry properties of the scour hole and its volume. The measurement with laser scanner technology application allowed for obtaining much more accurate results in shorter time, comparison to disc probe survey, and also relatively fast conversion of numerical data into figures. The device equipped with portable computer, precise stepper motors and dedicated software permitted the introduction of automation into laboratory work. The effect is not only measurements accuracy, but also significant acceleration of data gathering. The adopted grid is characterized by significant density, which – in connection with meaningfully high accuracy – allows very precise surface description. Bed shape can be presented in numerical or graphical form. It must be pointed out that disc probe method application would never give such accuracy as in the case of introducing laser scanning technology in similar studies

    Podsumowanie rocznych wyników kontroli odtwarzalności napromieniania w świętokrzyskim centrum onkologii

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    PurposeTo study the accuracy of patients positioning treated with external beams in the Holycross Cancer Centre in Kielce.Material and methodsDisplacements between digitised reference-simulator film and portal film were measured with the Port-Pro and home made programme AutoPort. Based on the data obtained for patients treated in the Holycross Cancer Centre and those published reaction levels for every localisation were defined: 5 mm for patients treated in the pelvic region – and also 5 mm for lung, breast and brain cancer patients. If the reaction level was exceeded the analysis of the set-up procedure was performed and the portal control was repeated. All the results were presented to the radiotherapists during the check meeting once a week. Over one year 524 pairs of film were compared for in 307 patients.ResultsIn 42 patients the action levels were exceeded during the last year. Twenty-four of them were irradiated in the pelvic region, 11 were irradiated for the breast, 3 were treated for brain tumours and the remaining 4 for lung cancer. In all cases portal verification was repeated. In 10 cases the difference larger than the action level was also observed so the simulation was performed once again.ConclusionsThe results showed that of patient preparation and implementation of radiotherapy provides a clinically acceptable reproducibility of patient set-up. The results stress the continuous need for paying attention to every patient's positioning and to the need of for the analysis of portal verification data collected over a long period of time. The data of the analysis showed the need for the implementation of specific control procedures for breast irradiation in our hospital.CelPrezentacja wyników odtwarzalności napromieniania pacjentów leczonych radykalnie, przy pomocy napromieniania wiązkami zewnętrznymi w Świętokrzyskim Centrum Onkologii w okresie jednego roku.Materiał i metodyZastosowano technikę oceny przesunięcia pomiędzy cyfrowo przetworzonym zdjęciem z symulatora (zdjęcie odniesienia) a cyfrowo przetworzonymi zdjęciami sprawdzającymi, z wykorzystaniem programu PIPSpro oraz własnego programu AutoPort. Na podstawie wstępnej analizy i w oparciu o dane literaturowe wybrano poziomy reagowania dla poszczególnych lokalizacji: dla pacjentów napromienianych w rejonie miednicy mniejszej 5 mm, dla pacjentów z nowotworem płuc – 5 mm, dla pacjentów z nowotworem piersi 4 mm i nowotworem mózgu 4 mm. W przypadkach przekroczenia poziomu reagowania podejmowano działania wyjaśniające i powtarzano procedurę sprawdzenia. Wyniki uzyskane opisaną techniką prezentowano radioterapeutom w ramach cotygodniowych przeglądów zdjęć odniesienia i sprawdzających. W przeciągu jednego roku przebadano 524 pary filmów dla 307 pacjentów.WynikiDla 42 pacjentów został przekroczony poziom reagowania. W tym dla 24 pacjentów napromienianych w rejonie miednicy, 11 napromienianych z powodu nowotworu piersi, 3 z powodu nowotworu mózgu i dla 4 z nowotworem płuca. W 10 przypadkach ponownie stwierdzono przekroczenie poziomu reagowania. Dla 5 pacjentów napromienianych w rejonie miednicy wykryto błąd systematyczny.WnioskiProcedura przygotowania i realizacji teleradioterapii w Świętokrzyskim Centrum Onkologii jest realizowana prawidłowo. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują na ogromną wagę realizowania kontroli powtarzalności napromieniania dla każdego pacjenta, jak również gromadzenia danych i analizowania ich w dłuższym okresie czasu. Podjęto decyzję o opracowaniu odrębnego protokołu jej przeprowadzenia dla pacjentek napromienianych z powodu nowotworu piersi


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    Local Method of Length and Direction Estimation for Stepped Representations of Curves Application to the ‘Weak Membrane’ Image Restoration Algorithm

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    Abstract A simple method for retrieving local length and orientation of a curve represented as a set of edge elements (inter-pixel boundaries) is proposed. This entirely local method is based on classifying the layout of an edgel and its closest neighbours and resolves itself to referencing a small look-up table. No “smooth ” representation such as a fitted polynomial is used. Simple examples as well as an advanced application to the enhancement of the ‘weak membrane ’ image restoration algorithm are presented. 1

    Flower Ivy Hedera helix in the forests surrounding Szadek

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    In 9 sites of Hedera helix occurrence were recorded in the forests surrounding area Szadek. The species grows mainly on the fresh-mixed and – fresh forest site types. 195 flowering and fruiting specimens were found. The most frequent support for Hedera helix offer such tree species as black alder Alnus glutinosa, common oak Quercus robur and Scots pine Pinus sylvestris. Flowering specimens of the climber are found growing at forest edges, in degraded communities of mixed linden-oak- and -riparian forests as well as in the fringes of gaps in forest stands under reconstruction. The dispersal of Hedera helix in forests is attributed to both the rise in annual average temperatures and, in particular, higher average temperatures in winter months, and to the fragmentation of forest.W lasach gminy Szadek i terenów przyległych stwierdzono 9 stanowisk kwitnącego i owocującego bluszczu pospolitego. Odnotowano na nich 195 kwitnących okazów tego gatunku. Związane są one z siedliskami średnio żyznymi i żyznymi. Najczęściej notowano je w grądach, rzadziej w łęgach. Podporami dla kwitnących okazów Hedera helix najczęściej są: Alnus glutinosa, Quercus robur oraz Pinus sylvestris. Większość stanowisk związana jest z brzegami lasów lub leśnymi drogami. Głównymi czynnikami stymulującymi zakwitanie bluszczu są „ocieplanie się” klimatu oraz fragmentacja powierzchni leśnych

    Hough transform for lines with slope defined by a pair of co-primes

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    Data structure and Hough-type algorithm suitable for finding the lines having the slope exactly specified by the ratio of small co-prime numbers is proposed. It is suitable for analysing images like the Ulam square in which the points representing prime numbers form such structures as contiguous lines and other regular sequences of points. This analysis is different from that in the case of images in which the real-world objects are represented approximately. Until now in the Ulam square the horizontal and vertical sequences, and those inclined by 45 deg were typically analysed. With the proposed method the sequences having slopes represented by such tangents like 1/3, 2/3, 3/4 etc. can be looked for

    Advancing Chipboard Milling Process Monitoring through Spectrogram-Based Time Series Analysis with Convolutional Neural Network using Pretrained Networks

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    This paper presents a novel approach to enhance chipboard milling process monitoring in the furniture manufacturing sector using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with pretrained architectures like VGG16, VGG19, and RESNET34. The study leverages spectrogram representations of time-series data obtained during the milling process, providing a unique perspective on tool condition monitoring. The efficiency of the CNN models in accurately classifying tool conditions into distinct states (‘Green’, ‘Yellow’, and ‘Red’) based on wear levels is thoroughly evaluated. Experimental results demonstrate that VGG16 and VGG19 achieve high accuracy, however with longer training times, while RESNET34 offers faster training at the cost of reduced precision. This research not only highlights the potential of pretrained CNNs in industrial applications but also opens new avenues for predictive maintenance and quality control in manufacturing, underscoring the broader applicability of AI in industrial automation and monitoring systems