1,363 research outputs found

    Thoughts About Research On Mathematical Problem- Solving Instruction

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    In this article, the author, who has written extensively about mathematical problem solving over the past 40 years, discusses some of his current thinking about the nature of problem-solving and its relation to other forms of mathematical activity. He also suggests several proficiencies teachers should acquire in order for them to be successful in helping students become better problem solvers and presents a framework for research on problem-solving instruction. He closes the article with a list of principles about problem-solving instruction that have emerged since the early 1970s

    An Instrument for the Objective Measurement of Erythema

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    Bottom‐Current Variability and the Relationship With Topography and Sedimentary Processes in the Drake Passage

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    Bottom-current related sediments have been commonly used for paleoceanographic reconstructions. However, the strength and variability of bottom currents are poorly understood and thus the processes that control sedimentation in deep environments are not clear. In this study, we focus on the Drake Passage, which is connected to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, that has a major impact on the global climate. We studied the intensity and variability of bottom currents and how they are related to sedimentary processes. For this purpose, we used 27-years from GLORYS12 Mercator Ocean reanalysis at high resolution to evaluate the bottom current dynamics. Geophysical data and surface grain size measurements were used to identify the type of sediment deposits. Our results show that the dynamics of bottom currents is disconnected from the sea surface dynamics, and bottom circulation is strongly controlled by the rough topography of the Drake Passage. The patterns for the first modes of bottom-current variability are related to the local topography and seem to generally control the distribution of contourites. The second and third EOF modes show patterns in the bottom currents that differ from the mean field, and they may affect the rate of erosion and deposition differently. Time series of bottom currents reveals multiple high-speed current events, but contourite drifts seem to accumulate preferentially in zones of slow and stable bottom currents. Our study highlights the potential of using ocean reanalysis to better constrain bottom currents in zones of scarce data and to plan future campaigns of direct measurements


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    Crop depredation by blackbirds (Icteridae) and Starlings (sturnus vulgaris) in North America has long prompted experimentation with control techniques. These efforts have been centered in the northeast and northcentral United States where concentrated cultivation of vulnerable crops coincides with the location where flocks of blackbirds congregate in the fall prior to their migration south (Stone, et al., 1972; Wiens and Dyer, 1975). In these areas the high cost and logistic impracticality of implementing widespread controls has suggested the need for modifying agricultural practices instead (Wiens and Dyer, 1975). More recently, attention has been focused farther south, particularly in Kentucky and Tennessee where winter roosts of mixed flocks of blackbirds and Starlings commonly number over several million birds. These highly localized concentrations have prompted concern for both agricultural damage and danger to human health (Department of Army, 1975). A major difference between the problem in the South and that farther north is that in the South the birds present themselves as much more accessible targets for control measures. By virtue of their tremendous concentrations they make the potential for large scale extermination very real. It is quite conceivable that a significant proportion of the entire North American populations of these birds could be eliminated if extermination efforts were maintained for several years at the major winter roosts. Before such extermination is allowed to proceed, a number of questions must be answered. These can be divided into two areas. The first area deals with whether or not the control measures are actually justified--how much agricultural damage is done by the birds and how real is their threat to human health? The second area of questioning concerns the environmental impact of both the control measures themselves as well as the effect of suddenly removing such large numbers of birds from the ecosystem. This paper presents the results of a preliminary study aimed not at answering these questions so much as providing some insight into the factors which must be considered if accurate answers are to be obtained

    Evidence for late glacial oceanic carbon redistribution and discharge from the Pacific Southern Ocean

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    Southern Ocean deep-water circulation plays an important role in the global carbon cycle. On geological time-scales, upwelling along the Chilean continental margin likely contributed to the deglacial atmospheric carbon dioxide rise, but little quantitative evidence exists of carbon storage. Here, we use a new X-ray Micro-Computer-Tomography method to assess foraminiferal test dissolution as proxy for paleo-carbonate ion concentrations [CO3^2−]. Our subantarctic Southeast Pacific sediment core depth transect shows significant deep-water [CO3^2−] variations during the Last Glacial Maximum and Deglaciation (10 – 22 ka BP). We provide evidence for an increase in [CO3^2−] during the early deglacial period (15-19 ka BP), followed by a ca. 40 µmol kg^-1 reduction in Lower Circumpolar Deepwater (CDW). This decreased Pacific to Atlantic export of low-carbon CDW contributed to significantly lowered carbon storage within the Southern Ocean, highlighting the importance of a dynamic Pacific–Southern Ocean deep-water reconfiguration for shaping late-glacial oceanic carbon storage, and subsequent deglacial oceanic-atmospheric CO2 transfer


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    Crop depredation by blackbirds (Icteridae) and Starlings (sturnus vulgaris) in North America has long prompted experimentation with control techniques. These efforts have been centered in the northeast and northcentral United States where concentrated cultivation of vulnerable crops coincides with the location where flocks of blackbirds congregate in the fall prior to their migration south (Stone, et al., 1972; Wiens and Dyer, 1975). In these areas the high cost and logistic impracticality of implementing widespread controls has suggested the need for modifying agricultural practices instead (Wiens and Dyer, 1975). More recently, attention has been focused farther south, particularly in Kentucky and Tennessee where winter roosts of mixed flocks of blackbirds and Starlings commonly number over several million birds. These highly localized concentrations have prompted concern for both agricultural damage and danger to human health (Department of Army, 1975). A major difference between the problem in the South and that farther north is that in the South the birds present themselves as much more accessible targets for control measures. By virtue of their tremendous concentrations they make the potential for large scale extermination very real. It is quite conceivable that a significant proportion of the entire North American populations of these birds could be eliminated if extermination efforts were maintained for several years at the major winter roosts. Before such extermination is allowed to proceed, a number of questions must be answered. These can be divided into two areas. The first area deals with whether or not the control measures are actually justified--how much agricultural damage is done by the birds and how real is their threat to human health? The second area of questioning concerns the environmental impact of both the control measures themselves as well as the effect of suddenly removing such large numbers of birds from the ecosystem. This paper presents the results of a preliminary study aimed not at answering these questions so much as providing some insight into the factors which must be considered if accurate answers are to be obtained

    Late Quaternary terrigenous sediment supply in the Drake Passage in response to Patagonian and Antarctic ice dynamics

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    The Drake Passage, as the narrowest passage around Antarctica, exerts significant influences on the physical, chemical, and biological interactions between the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Here, we identify terrigenous sediment sources and transport pathways in the Drake Passage region over the past 140 ka BP (thousand years before present), based on grain size, clay mineral assemblages, geochemistry and mass-specific magnetic susceptibility records. Terrigenous sediment supply in the Drake Passage is mainly derived from the southeast Pacific, southern South America and the Antarctic Peninsula. Our results provide robust evidence that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) has served as the key driver for sediment dispersal in the Drake Passage. High glacial mass accumulation rates indicate enhanced detrital input, which was closely linked to a large expansion of ice sheets in southern South America and on the Antarctic Peninsula during the glacial maximum, as significantly advanced glaciers eroded more glaciogenic sediments from the continental hinterlands into the Drake Passage. Moreover, lower glacial sea levels exposed large continental shelves, which together with weakened ACC strength likely amplified the efficiency of sediment supply and deposition in the deep ocean. In contrast, significant glaciers' shrinkage during interglacials, together with higher sea-level conditions and storage of sediment in nearby fjords reduced terrigenous sediment inputs. Furthermore, a stronger ACC may have induced winnowing effects and further lowered the mass accumulation rates. Evolution of ice sheets, sea level changes and climate related ACC dynamic have thus exerted critical influences on the terrigenous sediment supply and deposition in the Drake Passage region over the last glacial-interglacial cycle

    Variations in export production, lithogenic sediment transport and iron fertilization in the Pacific sector of the Drake Passage over the past 400 kyr

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    Changes in Southern Ocean export production have broad biogeochemical and climatic implications. Specifically, iron fertilization likely increased subantarctic nutrient utilization and enhanced the efficiency of the biological pump during glacials. However, past export production in the subantarctic southeastern Pacific is poorly documented, and its connection to Fe fertilization, potentially related to Patagonian Ice Sheet dynamics, is unknown. We report biological productivity changes over the past 400 kyr, based on a combination of 230Thxs-normalized and stratigraphy-based mass accumulation rates of biogenic barium, organic carbon, biogenic opal and calcium carbonate as indicators of paleo-export production in a sediment core upstream of the Drake Passage (57.5∘ S, 70.3∘ W). In addition, we use fluxes of iron and lithogenic material as proxies for terrigenous input, and thus potential micronutrient supply. Stratigraphy-based mass accumulation rates are strongly influenced by bottom-current dynamics, which result in variable sediment focussing or winnowing at our site. Carbonate is virtually absent in the core, except during peak interglacial intervals of the Holocene, and Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 5 and 11, likely caused by transient decreases in carbonate dissolution. All other proxies suggest that export production increased during most glacial periods, coinciding with high iron fluxes. Such augmented glacial iron fluxes at the core site were most likely derived from glaciogenic input from the Patagonian Ice Sheet promoting the growth of phytoplankton. Additionally, glacial export production peaks are also consistent with northward shifts of the Subantarctic and Polar Fronts, which positioned our site south of the Subantarctic Front and closer to silicic acid-rich waters of the Polar Frontal Zone. However, glacial export production near the Drake Passage was lower than in the Atlantic and Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean, which may relate to complete consumption of silicic acid in the study area. Our results underline the importance of micro-nutrient fertilization through lateral terrigenous input from South America rather than eolian transport and exemplify the role of frontal shifts and nutrient limitation for past productivity changes in the Pacific entrance to the Drake Passage