66 research outputs found

    Pengaruh kandungan vitamin A diet terhadap efek aflatoksin Bi pada status vitamin A tikus Rattus norvegicus

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    ABSTRACT Background: Dichlorodiphenyl trichioroetane (DDT), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) are carcinogenic substances and significantly decreased liver vitamin A in the animal studies. Liver vitamin A is influenced by dietary vitamin A and the condition of the liver. Aflatoxin Bi is a carcinogenic substance like DDT, PCB and PBB. Aflatoxin Bi is the environmental exposures problem in several tropical -countries and liver are the main organ targets of the carcinogenicity of aflatoxin Bi. Objective: To provide more extensive description of the effects of dietary vitamin A (deficient, adequate, fourfold adequate) against the effect of aflatoxin Bi (AFBi) on the vitamin A status of rats. Methods: Vitamin A status of animals was demonstrated by concentrations of liver and serum vitamin A. The subjects consisted of fourty eight male Rattus norvegicus rats in good general condition, 1-2 months old with body weight around 62-68.5 grams, were randomly divided into 12 groups of four rats each. Rats in group I to VI which were killed at the start of the experiment and were used as the initial condition of liver and serum vitamin A concentrations for the rats in group VII to XII. Vitamin A-deficient diets were given to rats in group VII and VIII. Vitamin A-adequate diets were given to rats in group IX and X, while vitamin A-fourfold adequate diets were given to rats in group XI and XII. Rats in group VIII, X and XII were orally treated by an aplicator with 15g of AFBï´ in 0.2 ml of propylene glycol everyday for 16 weeks. While rats in group VII, IX and XI were treated without AFBï´. Results: By analysis of variance, the results showed that the effects of interaction of dietary vitamin A and AFBi demonstrated a very significant effect (

    Pengaruh kandungan vitamin A dalam ransum terhadap efek toksik aflatoksin B1 pada sitokrom P-450 dalam protein mikrosoma hati tikus Rattus norvegicus

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    ABSTRACT Liver cytochrome P450 microsomal protein metabolizes certain xenobiotic compounds into reactive intermediates which covalently bind to DNA, RNA or protein of nucleus. The action of cytochrome P450 can be Influenced by nutrition status and environmental pollution. Aflatoxin Bi (AFB) is the environmental exposure problem in the countries with tropical climate. Aflatoxin Ell can also be oxidized by cytochrome P450 to DNA and protein - binding metabolites and can give rise to cell injury, mutation and cancer. The objective of this study is to Investigate the effect of dietary vitamin A (deficient, adequate, fourfold-adequate) against the toxic effect of AFBi in the liver cytochrome P450 microsomal protein of rats. Variance analysis of the result showed that the interaction of the vitamin A in the diet and treatment with AFB, had no significant effect. However the rats with dietary deficient and adequate in vitamin A, treated with AFBi showed significantly increased the cytochrome P450 (p< 0.00\u271 I. The dietary fourfold-adequate in vitamin A was able to maintain the concentration of cytochrome P450 in liver microsomal protein of rats treated with AFB1 within normal range. It Is concluded that the effect of dietary vitamin A against the toxic effect of AFB, in liver cytochrome P450 microsomal protein of rats depends on the vitamin A concentrations in the diet consumed. Keywords: dietary vitamin A - aflatoxin Bt - liver microsomal protein - cytochrome P450 - Rattus norvegicus Sitokrom P-450 dalam protein mikrosoma hati memetabolisis senyawa xenobiotika tertentu menjadi metabolit reaktif yang dapat berikatan kovalen dengan DNA, RNA dan protein inti. Aktivitas sitokrom P-450 dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagal faktor di antaranya adalah faktor status nutrisi dan cemaran lingkungan. Aflatoksin 131 merupakan masaiah cemaran lingkungan di negara-negara yang mempunyai iklim tropis. Sitokrom P450 Juga memetabolisis aflatoksin 131 menjadi metabolit AFBi reaktif yang dapat berikatan secara kovalen dengan makromolekul Intl dan dapat mengakibatkan sel ciders, mutasi dan kanker. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kandungan vitamin A dalam ransum terhadap efek toksik APB/ pada sitokrom P-450 dalam protein mikrosoma hati tikus. Hasil anaiisis statistik dengan ANAVA menunjukkan bahwa antaraksl kandungan vitamin A dalam ransum dan pemberian AFBi mempunyai pengaruh yang tidak bermakna terhadap kadar sitokrom P-450. Namun demikian, tikus yang mendapatkan ransum defisien dan cukup vitamin A, pemberian AFB1 mengalaml peningkatan kadar sitokrom P-450 secara bermakna (

    Pengaruh ekstrak-heksan herba meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) terhadap efek toksik aflatoksin B1 pada hati tikus Rattus norvegicus.

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    The principal objective of this study is to provide more extensive description of the chemopreventive effect of rneniran herbs-hexan extracts against the toxic effect of aflatoxin B1 in the liver of Rattus norvegicus rats. The subjects consisted of sixteen male rats Rattus norvegicus in good general condition, 1 - 2 month old, with body weight around 62 - 68.5 grams, divided into 4 groups of four rats each. Water and ad libid were given to All of the groups of the rats. The first group was given 1 ml of emulsion of coconut oil. The second group was given 30 mg of meniran herbs-hexane extracts in 1 ml emulsion. The third group was given 15 g aflatoxin B, (AFB,) in 1 ml emulsion. The fourth group was given 30 mg of meniran herbs-hexane extracts and 15 g of AFB, in 1 ml of emulsion. Extract and AFBi were given orally by an aplicator for 16 weeks. By analysis of variance the results showed that the effect of meniran herbs-hexane extracts against the toxic effect of aflatoxin B1 demonstrated a significant effect (p < 0,01) in serum alanine aminotransferase (glutamic pyruvictransaminase). Aflatoxin B, increased serum alanine aminotransferase significantly (p < 0.001) in comparison with control (the group of rats treated with 1 ml emulsion and the group of the rats treated with 30 mg extracts). Histological feature in the group of rats treated with AFBi showed bad liver features compared to the other groups. There were altered foci in the hepatocytes (3/5) and the bile duct epithelial cells demonstrated hyperplasia as well as metaplasia (5/5). The group of the rats treated with meniran herbs-hexane extracts and AFB, showed normal hepatocytes and some of bile duct epithelial cells showed proliferation. The other groups of the rats respectively treated with coconut oil emulsion and meniran herbs-hexane extracts showed normal hepatocytes and bile ducts epithelial cells. It is concluded that meniran herbs-hexane extracts could be used to reduce aflatoxin B, toxicity in the rat liver. Keywords: Phyllanthus niruri L. herbs-hexane extracts - aflatoxin Bt - serum alanine aminotransferase - bile duct epithelial cells - hepatocytes - Rattus norvegicus Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L) adalah tanaman perdu yang oleh masyarakat di Indonesia digunakan sebagai obar tradisional untuk pengobatan berbagai penyakit antara lain penyakit hati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa herba meniran mengandung senyawa lignan dan senyawa ansiklik yang mempunyai potensi sebagai anti hepatotoksik. Aflatoksin B1 dan campuran aflatoksin adalah senyawa karsinogenik yang sampai sekarang masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di berbagai negara yang beriklim tropis. Atas dasar bahwa herba meniran mempunyai potensi antihepatotoksik dan aflatoksin merupakan senyawa hepatotoksik, maka masalah yang timbul adalah apakah herba meniran dapat digunakan untuk mencegah aflatoksikosis ? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak-heksan herba meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) terhadap efek toksik aflatoksin B, dalam hati tikus Rattus norvegicus. Enambelas ekor tikus jantan, umur 1-2 bulan, berat badan antara 62-68,5 gram dan tampak sehat dibagi secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 4 ekor tikus. Tikus kelompok I (K I) diberi air dan ransum ad libitum dan 1 ml emulsi minyak kelapa 10%. Tikus kelompok II (K II) diperlakukan seperti K I dan diberi 30 mg ekstrak-heksan herba menira

    Perbandingan Efektivitas Teofilin (1,3-Dimethylxanthine) dan Kafein (1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine) dalam Menunda Kelelahan Otot pada Tikus

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    Kelelahan otot merupakan suatu kondisi dimana otot kehilangan kemampuan berkontraksi karena stimuli terus menerus dan hal ini dikaitkan dengan penurunan cadangan glikogen. Obat derivat methylxanthine (kafein dan teofilin) bermanfaat untuk menghemat penggunaan glikogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali efektivitas kafein dan teofilin dalam menunda kelelahan otot sebagaimana yang diukur dalam lama struggling. Sebanyak 18 (delapan belas) ekor tikus berusia ± 3 bulan, berat 200-210 gram, kadar Hb 11,5-16 mg/dL dan kadar Hmt 35-51%, dibagi secara acak ke dalam 3 kelompok perlakuan: kontrol (akuades 1 mL/kgBB), kafein 3,78% (1 mL/kgBB) dan teofilin 3,15% (1 mL/kgBB). Kelelahan otot diukur dengan lama struggling dalam detik. Data rerata lama struggling antar kelompok dianalisis dengan one way ANOVA. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa lama struggling untuk kelompok kafein (286.83+7.11) detik dan teofilin (312.33+15.92) detik, lebih lama daripada kelompok kontrol (140.33+23.24) (p0,05), sedangkan lama struggling kelompok kafein dengan teofilin tidak berbeda bermakna (p0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa kafein dan teofilin mampu menunda kelelahan otot pada tikus dan efektifitasnya sebanding

    Identifikasi dan pengujian protein aktif mirip Ribosome-inactivating protein (RIPs) dalam Kaemferia rotunda Linn

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    ABSTRACT Wiryatun Lestariana, Sofia Mubarika, Sismindari - Identification and test of active protein resemble Ribosomr-inactivating proteins (RIPs) on Kaemferia rotunda Linn Background: Statistically data of US Mortality showed that percentage cause of the death of the cancer is in second place after the heart diseases. Indonesia, Java especially Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, the data of The Dr. Sardjito hospital showed that the patients of cancer was increasing in the last year. Indonesian, especially Javanese, uses white turmeric to prevent and to treat cancer. There are some varieties of turmeric available commercially such as Curcuma (Cl mangga Val & Jijp, C. zeodaria and Kaemferia (K) rotunda Linn. The studies showed that C. mangga contain proteins compound that resembles Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) which have activity to cleave supercoiled DNA. In vitro study indicated that the addition of crude extract of C. mangga on cancer cell-lines (B-LCL, EBV cells and Raji cell-lines) and normal lymphocytes, the percentage of cytotoxic effect on those cancer cell-lines were higher significantly than normal cells. Objective: The aim of the study was to know the presence of RIPs activity in K. rotunda Linn by the ability of the RIPs in cleaving the supercoiled DNA. Methods: The rhizomes of K. rotunda Linn that was in part dried at 40°C. Both wet and dried rhizomes are pounded and then extracted. The resulting crude extract was precipitated to obtain its protein fraction. The crude extract and protein with various concentrations were incubated with the supercoiled DNA and agarose gel electrophoresis was used to test its activity in cleaving the supercoiled DNA. The activity test was done by observing 3 criterions, viz. the thinning of the supercoiled DNA, the circular band thickening and the appearance of the linear band which were subsequently compared to the plasmid DNA without treatment. Result: The results showed that both crude extracts and proteins of both wet and dried samples were able to cleave supercoiled DNA into circular and linear form. The increasing concentrations of the crude extract and the protein resulted in increasing the activity which was indicated by the thickening of circular band and the appearance of the linear band . Conclusion: Kaemferia rotunda contains proteins compound that resemble Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs).which have ability to cleave supercoiled DNA to be circular and linear DNA. Key words: ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) - supercoiled DNA - circular DNA - linear DNA - Kaemferia rotunda Lin

    Pengaruh infusa herba meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) terhadap efek toksik aflatoksin B1 pada hepar tikus (Rattusnorvegicus) (In Vivo)

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    ABSTRACT Phyllanthus niruri L. (meniran) is well known and can be used for traditional treatment of various diseases such as jaundice, diarrhea, and infection of tractus urinarius. The studies showed that the extract of Phyllanthus niruri L. could be used as antihepatotoxics. This study was designed to investigate the effect of 10%, 20%, and 30% water-extract of Phyllanthus niruri L. herbs on the rats\u27 liver treated with 15 ug aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in 0,2 ml propylene glycol, orally by tube, everyday for 16 and 24 weeks. Employing the analysis variance, significant effect was observed in serum glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) and liver\u27s cytosol glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT), but was not significant in liver\u27s cytosol glutathione S-transferase IGST). However among inter group analysis, significant decrease in SGPT and liver\u27s cytosol GPT observe only group treated with 20% water-extract of Phyllanthus niruri L. herbs and AFB1 compared to group treated with AFB1 (

    Efek pemberian ekstrak teh hijau (Camellia sinesis (L) O. Kuntze) var. Assamica terhadap total lemak tubuh dan profil lipid wanita dewasa overweight dan obesitas

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    Background: Overweight and obesity can cause high body fat total and lipid profile in the blood that brings risk for diseases to the bearer. Some studies on green tea extract supplementation have been undertaken to find out its effect on the fat reduction in children, men, and mice and the result showed a reduction in body fat, weight, appetite, and triglyceride level. This study uses green tea extract supplemented to overweight and obese women. Objective: To find out the reduction of body fat total and lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, HDL) in the blood of overweight and obese women personnel of Yogyakarta Municipal Health Office supplemented with green tea extract.Method: The study was randomized double-blinded control trial. The subject of the study was overweight and obese women of 35-55 years old personnel of Yogyakarta Municipal Health Office. Samples were 86 women randomly taken, comprising experiment group and control group, each of which consisting of 43 women. Each group had diet according to individual appetite. Both groups were given capsules of similar form and color but different ingredients: placebo and green tea extract. The experiment took three months. Blood was taken before and after the experiment to identify lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, HDL). Body fat total was examined using body fat analyzer. Data analysis used paired t-test.Results: Green tea extract supplementation could significantly reduce body fat total and insignificantly reduce cholesterol level, triglyceride, and LDL, significantly increase HDL in overweight and obese women.Conclusion: Green tea extract supplementation could reduce body fat total and increase HDL (p<0.005)


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    Latar belakang Stres oksidatif telah diketahui berperan dalam patogenesis diabetes melitus (DM), termasuk penyakit jantung koroner (PJK) sebagai salah satu komplikasi tersering. Kuersetin adalah salah satu kelompok flavonoid alami yang banyak tersebar dalam tumbuhan dan dapat bekerja sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa kuersetin dapat mencegah komplikasi dan mengontrol kolesterol LDL pada DM tipe 2. Tujuan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi kuersetin dan glibenklamid terhadap kadar kolesterol LDL pada tikus yang mengalami DM tipe 2. Metode Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental murni dengan desain kelompok kontrol pre dan post- test. Terdapat 16 tikus diabetes sebagai subjek penelitian yang akan dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok perlakuan; kelompok 1 menerima plasebo, kelompok 2 glibenklamid 5 mg/kgBB/peroral, kelompok 3 kuersetin 20 mg/kgBB/peroral dan kelompok 4 kombinasi keduanya. Perlakuan diberikan selama 4 minggu dan diperiksa perubahan kadar kolesterol LDL yang terjadi. Hasil Kombinasi kuersetin dan glibenklamid menurunkan kadar kolesterol lebih baik secara signifikan dari pada tanpa kombinasi maupun plasebo (
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