329 research outputs found

    Strategic Communications and Corporate Branding: a Study of Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group

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    Corporate communications hold a vital function to maintain the company's positive image and reputation in front of stakeholders. A corporate communications practitioner must be able to handle a variety of communication processes in an organization, including to determine the right strategy to reach its communications goal. The purpose of this research is to analyze the corporate communications strategy of Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group to create its corporate branding and reflect it with public relations strategic planning process. The researcher gathered the primary data from in-depth interview with key informant and combine it with secondary data from other relevant data. Afterwards, it was verified by triangulation to strengthen the credibility of data and continue with analysis process. This research concluded that Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group has implemented its corporate branding strategy accordingly to public relations strategic planning process. Some of the targets have been achieved in one year period, however there have been suggestions to improve the future corporate branding strategy formation

    Director's Duty to Employees: Co-Relation Between Corporate and Labour Laws

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    Labour law does not always provide a satisfactory answer to the issue on the protection of workers' or employees' interests. Modern corporate law gives an alternative way in promoting the interests of employees; whereby it obliges directors to take into account not only shareholders' but also employees' interests in decisionmaking process. Hukum perburuhan tidak selalu memuaskan dalam melindungi kepentingan buruh atau pegawai Perusahaan. Hukum Perusahaan yang modern memberikan alternatif untuk memajukan kepentingan para pegawai Perusahaan, di mana ia menentukan agar direktur dalam mengemban tugasnya pada Perusahaan, tidak hanya memperhatikan kepentingan pemegang saham tetapi juga harus memperhatikan kepentingan pegawai dalam proses pengambilan keputusan

    Effects of Oxytocin Massage on Labor Duration and Uterine Involution at Independent Midwivery Practice Sri Hastuti Surabaya

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    BACKGROUND: Prolonged labor may cause poor infant clinical condition. Lengthening uterine involution may cause postpartum hemorrhage. Oxytocin is a hormone secreted by the neurons of the hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary in mammals. Theoretically, oxytocin stimulates contraction of uterine smooth muscle by increasing the sodium permeability of uterine myofibrils. High estrogen concentrations lower the threshold for uterine response to oxytocin. Uterine response to oxytocin increases with the duration of pregnancy. This study aimed to determine effect of oxytocin massage on labor duration and uterine involution. SUBJECT AND METHODS: This was an experimental study, using post test only design with a control group. It was conducted at Independent Midwivery Practice (BPM) Sri Hastutik, Surabaya, East Java. A sample of 32 pregnant mothers was monitored during the delivery and post partum processes. The dependent variables were phase I labor duration and uterine involution. The independent variable was oxytocin massage. The data was analyzed by McNemar test. RESULTS: Pregnant mothers who received intra-partum oxytocin massage were 6.60 times more likely to have rapid labor than those who did not receive oxytocin massage (OR=6.60; 95%CI= 1.40 to 31.05; p=0.013). Pregnant mothers who received intra-partum oxytocin massage were 9.53 times more likely to have rapid uterine involution than those who did not receive oxytocin massage (OR=9.53; 95%CI= 1.85 to 49.20; p=0.004). CONCLUSION: Oxytocin massage is effective to shorten labor duration and uterine involution. Keywords: oxytocin massage, phase I labor duration, uterine involutio

    Proses Penanaman Nilai-nilai Ketamansiswaan melalui Budaya Sekolah di SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan YOGYAKARTA Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017

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    This study aims to obtain a picture of the proccess planting values Ketamansiswaan trought school culture at SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta. This study a qualitative research study used to examine the condition of natural object. The subjects of this study consisted of one principal, one teacher of karawitan and tembang, one teacher of dance and dolanan anak, five classroom teacher and three student representing classes four and five. The data obtained are teseted its validity by increasing persistence, triangulation, and using reference material. The result showed that in SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta. The proccess of planting values Ketamansiswaan trought school culture at SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta are (1) proccess of planting values Ketamansiswaan trought school culture by habituation and include students in the school programs and activities and throught learning, (2) the values of Ketamansiswaan are formed kodrat alam, independence, culture, nationality, and humanity, (3) obstacles facing factors science of tecnology, material, parents, human resources, lack of time, gaps and diversity, the solution by infussing as many cultures as possible, collect HP, includding work shop activities and training Ketamansiswan, meeting with parents of students, varied learning methods, seating position, and learning tailored to the willingness and ability of students

    Perencanaan Strategis Pembangunan Desa Di Desa Pingit Kecamatan Rakit Kabupaten Banjarnegara

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    Implementation of the Rural Development Plan implemented through Empowerment, Participatory, in favor of the public, open, accountable, selective, efficient, accurate, sustainability, and through an iterative process in order to obtain effective results. Here is an opportunity for the implementation of bottom-up planning by promoting community participation (participatory society). Further Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 66 Year 2007 concerning Rural Development Planning, chapter 2 (paragraph 3) states that RPJMDes village contains financial policy, rural development strategy and work program villages. The purpose of research is to describe the development planning in Pingit village, District Rakit, Banjarnegara, describe and analyze the development strategy in Pingit village, District Rakit, Banjarnegara. Efforts to address the problem and the purpose of the research carried out by using the theory of strategic planning by using the SWOT analysis and the Litmus Test as a way to address concerns and goals of research conducted in the strategic planning of the construction village, in the village of Pingit, Subdistrict Rakit, Banjarnegara. The results showed that the development in the Village Planning Pingit starting from the lowest level of the RT level, which is then submitted at the time of execution Musrenbangdes.So it can be said Pingit village development planning using the planning system bootom up planning. This approach is an effort to involve all stakeholders from the beginning, so that any decision is taken in planning their decision together, and encourage the involvement and commitment to fully implement them

    Pengembangan Teknologi Pembuatan Biopolimer Bernilai Ekonomi Tinggi Dari Limbah Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays) Untuk Industri Makanan: Cmc (Carboxymethylcellulose)

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    Corncobs is agricultural waste that have ascent amounts every years. The purposes of this research were to obtain information cellulose alternative source from corncobs for material of CMC; get optimum condition of synthesis CMC with food grade of DS and the characteristic of pH, viscosity, purity CMC. Synthesis CMC through alkalization and carboxymethylation process. The variation of NaOH concentration are 7,93; 10,00; 15,00; 20,00; 22,07% in alkalization and variations amount of NaMCA are 4,5858; 5,0000; 6,0000; 7,0000; 7,4142 gram in carboxymethylation. The result was cellulose content in corncobs is 62,80 %. The optimum condition which obtained from 15% NaOH and 5,04 g NaMCA gave CMC with DS 0, 82 ; pH 7,64 ; purity 99,52 % ; and viscosity 25,40 cps

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Pasien Jamkesmas Rawat Jalan Di RSUD Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    RSUD Kabupaten Sukoharjo is refferal hospital for Jamkesmas patients. The implementasion of Jamkesmas based on the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 40 in 2012. The issue of outpatient Jamkesmas service is about difference Jamkesmas patient and general patient services. This research to describe and analyze the quality of outpatient Jamkesmas service and dimensions that support and obstruct it. This research use the qualitative descriptive methods. This research based on the six dimensions of Zheitmal et al, Salim & Woodward and Lenvinne theory. Tangibles, there was no difference in the use of infrastructure. Reliability, the ability of employe to serve adjusted the skill and training supports. Responsiveness, less respons to accept complaint and suggestion from patients. Courtessy, It has not shown friendly attitude, polite and responsive. Equity, there was still a difference service by the attitude, counter, drugs and procedures. Accountability, there was no evidence transparency of employe service. The Conclusion is quality of outpatient Jamkesmas service still unsatisfactory. The Advice is given to obstacle dimension of service by increasing the use of criticism and suggestion facilities , employe serve heartedly, there is no difference service and give the evidence of service

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Di Balai Pelayanan Penempatan Dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (Bp3tki) Semarang Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Hall Placement Services and Protection of Indonesian Workers (BP3TKI) is a public organization that provides services to Indonesia and the Labour Candidate Indonesian Workers in the field of manufacturing services Identity Card Work Abroad (KTKLN). BP3TKI Semarang is an organization built from the National Agency for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BNP2TKI). This study aims to identify and obtain a clear picture of the quality of services provided BP3TKI Semarang and also identify dimensions that lead to a poor quality of service. Type used is descriptive qualitative view of the six terms of quality of service and also the five dimensions of service. The results showed that the quality of services provided and also less than the maximum of five dimensions of service showed a poor value. It is evident from the results of the interview. To improve the quality of care in BP3TKI KTKLN Semarang should consider service user satisfaction
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