41 research outputs found

    Kajian Ragam Bahasa Slogan Pada Papan Reklame Di Kota Medan (Kajian Sosiolinguistik)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan fenomena penggunaan bahasa dalam slogan yang terdapat pada papan reklame di kota Medan dan menggambarkan ragam bahasa dalam slogan yang terdapat pada papan reklame di kota Medan. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan teknik dokumentasi berupa foto.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahasa yang digunakan dalam slogan merupakan bahasa yang singkat dan pendek.Kebanyakan slogan tidak mengindahkan unsur sintaksis dan morfologi.Hal itu bertujuan untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam mengingat slogan tersebut. Slogan yang ada pada papan reklame di kota Medan pada umumnya menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, bahasa asing yakni bahasa Inggris, dan beberapa diantara slogan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang dipadukan dengan bahasa asing. Selain itu juga terdapat slogan yang menggunakan dialek kedaerahan tertentu.Ragam bahasa yang digunakan dalam penulisan slogan adalah ragam bahasa USAha.Ragam bahasa ini berada diantara ragam formal dan ragam informal

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Teknik Menyusui yang Benar pada Ibu Nifas di Puskesmas Sentani Kabupaten Jayapura Tahun 2017

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    Latar belakang: Teknik Menyusui yang Benar pada ibu nifas adalah cara pemberian ASI dari ibu ke bayi dengan perlekatan yang benar. Dalam proses menyusui sering terjadi masalah seperti puting susu lecet sehingga menghambat pemberian ASI kepada bayi. Pada tahun 2014 cakupan pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Indonesia hanya 52,3% sedangkan angka yang diharapkan yaitu 80%. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dengan Teknik Menyusui yang Benar pada ibu nifas pada di Puskesmas Sentani Kabupaten Jayapura. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu nifas dengan jumlah 303 ibu nifas dan besar sampel sebanyak 75 responden dimana pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Non Probability dengan cara Accidental Sampling. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ibu yang melakukan teknik menyusui dengan benar dengan pengetahuan baik sebanyak 14 (18,7) dan data terendah pada ibu yang melakukan teknik menyusui dengan tidak benar dengan pengetahuan kurang sebanyak 24 (33,0%). Hasil uji statistik hubungan pengetahuan dengan teknik menyusui diperoleh nilai p-value 0,001 yang artinya ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan dengan teknik menyusui yang benar pada ibu nifas. Dengan nilai koefisien kontingensi yang menunjukan hasil 0,622 yang artinya terdapat korelasi atau hubungan yang erat antara pengetahuan dengan teknik menyusui. Kesimpulan: Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan dengan teknik menyusui yang benar pada ibu nifas dengan nilai p-value 0,001 dan nilai koefisien kontingensi 0,622 yang artinya keeratan hubungannya adalah kuat. Saran meningkatkan motivasi bidan dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan pada ibu nifas dengan cara melakukan kunjungan rumah agar bisa mempraktekkan secara langsung Teknik Menyusui yang Benar pada ibu nifas sehingga ibu dapat memberikan ASI pada bayinya dengan sehingga dapat mengurangi kesakitan yang dialami saat menyusui

    Pengaruh Metode Pemasakan Terhadap Komposisi Kimia Dan Asam Amino Ikan Seluang (Rasbora Argyrotaenia)

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    The purpose this study was to determine the effect of different cooking methods (boiling, steaming, and deep frying) on chemical and amino acids composition of silver rasbora fish (Rasbora argyrotaenia). This method used completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Fresh silver rasbora served as control. During cooking, temperature was measured using thermocouple every minutes until done. The result showed that different cooking methods contributed to changes in chemical dan amino acid composition of silver rasbora fish. Steaming was the best method to maintain the high protein level of fish composed to boiling and deep frying. Results of analysis showed that the lowest water content (7.85%) was fand in deep fried fish while the lowest fat level was found in steamed fish with the value of 2.05%. The highest protein level was found in steamed fish is (12.223 mg/mL). Glutamic acid, leucine, proline and lysine were in high proportion of amino acid content in silver rasbora fish

    Analisis Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai Pada Balai Teknik Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Surabaya

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    Performance appraisal is an activity carried out management / supervisors to assess and measure also evaluate the performance of employees for the work they do. Performance appraisal could be used to determine the weaknesses and strengths of employees. The weaknesses and strengths used as foundation to improve the weaknesses and strengthen the advantages in order to improve productivity and employee development. Performance appraisal is intended to determine the level of employee performance. This study was to describe how the level of employee performance at Balai Teknik Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Surabaya and What the indicators which are the weak levels of employee performance appraisal at Balai Teknik Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Surabaya with quantitative descriptive. The data analyze is used an average or mean, mode, median and frequency distribution and graphs. Informants in this study are civil servants of Balai Teknik Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Surabaya and data collected through questionnaires, observation, and documentation to provide information about employee performance. The results of this study explains that the level of employee performance Balai Teknik Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Surabaya are good and indicators that are weak and need to increase with the lowest average is an indicator of time, teamwork and some sub indicators are indicators of quantity and discipline. Based on these results, the performance level civil servants at Balai Teknik Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Surabaya are good. There are some suggestions that can be done such as socialization of time management to all employees and also employee need more focus and concentration to their work, more understand the importance of teamwork with superiors, subordinates, colleagues and other organization, so that the work can be done properly and according to expectations of organization

    Subtitusi Tepung Ketan Dengan Rumput Laut (Eucheuma Cottonii) Pada Pembuatan Engkak Ketan

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    The objective of this research was to determine the effect of substitution of glutinous rice flour with seaweed for proximate, physic, sensory and microbiology. The research was conducted in March and April 2014 in Laboratory of Fisheries Technology and Laboratory of Bioprocess, Chemical Engineering Department, Sriwijaya University, Indralaya. This research used non factorial complete randomized design with four treatments and repeated twice. Glutinous rice flour was substituted with different concentration of seaweed A1 (12.5%), A2 (25%), A3 (37.5%), A4 (50%). The parameters observed were proximate analysis (water content), texture analysis, sensory (colour, texture and taste) and microbiology test. The results showed that substitution of glutinous rice flour with seaweed was not significant on hardness and water content. Based on analysis, the composition of the value obtained around 23.83-29.83% water content and 184.6-349.34 gf hardness analysis. Hedonic test was significant on colour and taste but not significant on texture. Microbiology test showed that engkak ketan is safe for eat on H

    Perubahan Mutu Ikan Gabus (Channa Striata) Asap Selama Penyimpanan

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    The purpose of this reseach was to determine quality changes of smoked snakehead (Channa striata) during storage with different smoked conditions. The methods of this research used experimental methods and the data was discussed as a descriptive to compare. The parameters observed were chemical analysis such as moisture content, water activity (aw), protein content, fat content and microbiologycal analysis of fungi. In the first storage of smoked snakehead fish has nutrient ingredient are moisture content 41.42%, protein content 42.23%, fat content 2.84%. In the end storage nutrient ingredient of smoked snakehead fish are moisture content 63.20%, protein content 27.64%, fat content1.79%. Smoked snakehead fish was saved at normal temperature for 7 days has water activity and total of fungi colony smoked snakehead fish was save for 7 days is 2.409 x 102, but the fungi was not growth in the first storage

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Ivd SD Negeri 59 Boncah Mahang

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    This study was carried out because of low learning outcomes Mathematics fourth grade students of SD Negeri 59 Boncah Mahang. Of the 32 students who achieve KKM many as 17 people (53.12%) while students who did not complete (46.87%) with an average of 59.06. the purpose of this research is to improve learning outcomes Mathematical IVD grade students of SD Negeri 59 Boncah Mahang denganp Problem Based Learning model. The results of this study showed the average value of 59.06 Basic Scores increased in the first cycle of 3.70% to 61.25. the second cycle of the average value of students also increased by 26.35% to 74.62% on a base score completeness result of learning mathematics students only 53.12% (Action Completed) after application of the model teacher PBM in the first cycle classical completeness obtained are increased to increase to 74.62% , Activity Cycle I teacher at the first meeting of 74.37% with both categories. The second meeting increased to 80% in both categories. At the first meeting of the second cycle at 85% with the category very well, at the second meeting increased to 90% with very good category. Activities of students in the first cycle of the first meeting obtain sufficient percentage of 60% category. The second meeting 75% with very good category. In the second cycle at the first meeting of student activity increased to 80% with very good category. And at the second meeting increased to 85% with very good category