251 research outputs found
Pengelolaan Sistem Transportasi oleh Dinas Perhubungan Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2013-2015
This research is based on the Regulations of the regional city of Pekanbaru number 02 of 2009 about Traffic And Road Transport that the Department of transportation the city of Pekanbaru has the authority as a service to manage transportation in General. Problems occurred at the existing highway transportation in the city of Pekanbaru in between Oplet, City Bus and Metro Trans because of the low level of mobility and accessibility in transportation such as the operating system, the frequency of arrival on the uncertain transportation, the operation of urban transport is still the old already as Oplet and City Bus, and not of route diversion transport routes new oplet intersecting route Trans Metro Pekanbaru.A common purpose is to research described by the management of transportation department of transportation Pekanbaru. This is cityhe methodology, qualitative study data collection techniques used is, documentation, interviews and observation. While data analysis was descriptive.This study looked at the management of municipal Pekanbaru on mobility and accessibility on transportation and setting route study conducted transportation department on Oplet, City Bus and Trans Metro Pekanbaru.The result of this research suggests transportation system management done transportation department on the implementation of the route diversion on oplet and city bus with not been undertaken effectively and efficiently, as evidenced by at present well intersecting with the route Trans Metro Pekanbaru.While in the development of Trans Metro corridor can be done effectively and efficient, evidenced by 2 corridor and in 2015 to 8 corridor
Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Electronic-procurement Di Kabupaten Purbalingga
The number of corruption cases in the procurement of goods / services of the Government raises the demand for the Government to innovate suppress the crime rate speed. One of the innovations undertaken by the Government is to develop their electronic-procurement services. However, the development of electronic-procurement services in several agencies are still not able to provide services to the maximum. The focus of this research is Quality Service-Procurement electronic Purbalingga. The purpose of this study to determine the quality of electronic-procurement services in Purbalingga and any aspects of the inhibitors. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documents related to the quality of electronic-procurement services in Purbalingga. The results showed that the quality of electronic-procurement services in Purbalingga has been good, although still hampered in some aspects, ease of access, control and affordability. Therefore, in this case need a strong effort from all stakeholders in improving the quality of service
Analisis Kinerja Bidang Pelestarian Promosi dan Kerhasama Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Kota Surakarta
Penelitian ini akan menganalisis kinerja yang di lakukan Bidang Pelestarian, Promosi, dan Kerjasama Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Kota Surakarta. Teori yang di gunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah teori kinerja organisasi sektor publik berdasarkan aspek kinerja yang terdiri atas economy, efficiency, dan effectiveness. Economy berkaitan dengan pengadaan input, efficiency berkaitan dengan proses input menjadi output, sedangkan effectiveness berkaitan dengan manfaat serta dampak output dan outcome dengan desain penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang di gunakan melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi dengan informasi dari pegawai Bidang Pelestarian, Promosi, dan Kerjasama Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata serta masyarakat sebagai partisipan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang di lakukan peneliti mengenai kinerja Bidang Pelestarian Promosi dan Kerjasama Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata kota Surakarta, peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Keberhasilan dari pengembangan pariwisata yang terutama adalah dari segi promosi pariwisatanya. Bidang pelestarian, Promosi, Kerjasama sebenarnya sudah memberikan arah yang positif dalam pengembangan pariwisata dengan kegiatan dan program promosi pariwisata, tetapi Kinerja bidang tersebut kurang optimal karena belum sepenuhnya mencapai tujuan disebabkan oleh terbatasnya Sumber Daya organisasi baik Sumber Daya Manusia, Anggaran maupun Teknologi informasinya.Mengenai masalah tersebut, terdapat beberapa saran yang dapat di lakukan seperti meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia, pengusulan distribusi dana yang lebih besar, meningkatkan kegiatan promosi dan informasi pariwisata
Pengawasan Pemerintah Daerah Terhadap Pelaksanaan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Di Kabupaten Brebes
This research is based on fact that Implementation of Indonesian labor protection is still notoptimum as there is a labor of Indonesia in Brebes Regency who cannot return to areas of origin, suffered acts of violence and the wages are not paid. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of the Controlling of local governments to the implementation of Indonesia Labor Protection in Social Service, Labor and transmigration Brebes Regency. This research methodology uses a quantitative approach. The sample in this research amount 27 respondents randomly. Method of collecting data by using the questionnaire given to the entire sample in this research. The research questionnaire using likert scale type and through the stages of test validity, reability, cross-tabulations, correlation rank kendall, analysis of correlation coefficient determination test, and kendall Concordance test as a method of data processing research.Based on The results of research showed that, there is influences between controlling of local government on the implementation of Indonesian Labor Protection where the results of the calculation of correlation rank kendall tau shows Z-count (2.97) ˃ Z tables (1.96). Based on this research, Controlling influential to the implementation of labor protection in Social Service, Labor and transmigration Brebes Regency. Those results proved by a test of of the coeffisien of determination (KD) shows that Controlling influential of 19.27% to the implementation of Indonesian labor protection. The recommendations given by the author that should be improved communication between employees and PPTKIS to reduce misinformation that Indonesian Labor who are abroadand need for education and training related to the Procedure of Placement and Protection of Indonesian Labor for employees and PPTKIS
Strategi Pengelolaan Perparkiran Di Kota Salatiga
City parking area Salatiga has function in parking management performing at Territotial Salatiga City. Pads goes upon this management number region regulation 12 year 2011 about Parking Management at Common Wayside. Until now, parking management performing is still there are some problem for example : prasarana's medium facility that subtraced is equal to, society and executor behavior that doesn't play the game and its reducing coordination of Observation and Operation section. The position of the Department of Transportation in parking management in Salatiga City is as an agency or agencies that manage parking management in Salatiga City, one of them in the implementation of regional development that will work well if one has a good strategy in the development of transportation facilities. Research Parking Management Strategies in Salatiga City using qualitative descriptive research method, in which this study describe, record, analyze, and interpret the conditions of Salatiga. The analysis process is conducted which begins with the identification of internal and external environment to assess weakness, strengths, opportunities, and threats in the increase in parking the city of Salatiga. Then proceed by using SWOT analysis, so that the resulting strategy SO, strategy ST, WO strategies, and strategies using the SWOT matrix WT. The next step is to identify strategic issues based on the results of a SWOT analysis using litmus tests to determine strategic alternatives, decide on a strategy for estimating the increase in parking retribution
Adsorption of Lead Ion in Water Solutions Using Kaolin-Surfactant Modified as Adsorben
Kaolin is one of the natural adsorbent materials. The adsorption ability of kaolin is still low and need to be modified with organic compounds such as surfactants. This research aimed to optimize the lead adsorption in a waste water using modified kaolin. This study modified kaolin adsorben with cationic surfactants which have activated on temperature 300oC during 3 hours in a furnace. The comparison of kaolin and surfactant were 1:0, 1:2, 1:3 and 2:1, respectively while adsorption time were 30, 60 and 90 minute. Lead was used as the artificial waste at a concentration of 100 ppm. The waste from municipal reservoir water storage of Lhokseumawe was used as a benchmark and application. The sample was analyzed by using AAS and characterized by FTIR. The modified adsorben kaolin-surfactan 1:2 gained the highest reduction of efficiency 78% while the lead ion of municipal waste decreased from 4.65 ppm into 2.67 ppm
Pengembangan Teknologi Pembuatan Biopolimer Bernilai Ekonomi Tinggi Dari Limbah Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays) Untuk Industri Makanan: Cmc (Carboxymethylcellulose)
Corncobs is agricultural waste that have ascent amounts every years. The purposes of this research were to obtain information cellulose alternative source from corncobs for material of CMC; get optimum condition of synthesis CMC with food grade of DS and the characteristic of pH, viscosity, purity CMC. Synthesis CMC through alkalization and carboxymethylation process. The variation of NaOH concentration are 7,93; 10,00; 15,00; 20,00; 22,07% in alkalization and variations amount of NaMCA are 4,5858; 5,0000; 6,0000; 7,0000; 7,4142 gram in carboxymethylation. The result was cellulose content in corncobs is 62,80 %. The optimum condition which obtained from 15% NaOH and 5,04 g NaMCA gave CMC with DS 0, 82 ; pH 7,64 ; purity 99,52 % ; and viscosity 25,40 cps
Pengaruh Aktivitas dalam Organisasi Kemahasiswaan terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi Fkip Universitas Riau
This study aims to determine the effect of activities in student organizations on learning outcomes. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive, then the data is tabulated and analyzed using SPSS program. Population in this research are student of class of 2013, 2014, and 2015 FKIP University of Riau Economic Education as many as 52 respondents, and samples taken by census. The research instrument used is questionnaire and documentation. The data analysis used is simple linear regression. The result of the research shows that the activity in student organization affects the students' achievement of FKIP University Economic Education. Based on the result of descriptive analysis, the activity in student organization is quite active as much as 32 students (61,54%), and the result of study that follow student organization is not good enough 2,65-2,96 counted 20 student (38,46%). From the results of simple linear regression analysis obtained constanta value (a) of 4.585 and the value of regression coefficient (b) of 0.019 with regression equation Y = 4,585 - 0,019X. From the results of simple linear regression analysis, there is a negative influence between the activities in student organizations on learning outcomes, it can be concluded that the more activities in student organizations that followed will decrease the learning outcomes. Judging from the calculation of R2 (R Square Change) obtained value of 0.380. It means that the contribution of activity in student organization to learning result is 38%
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