10 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Masyarakat Tentang Cara Aman Menggunakan Tabung Gas 3 Kg

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    Government program towards the conversion from kerosene uses to liquified petroleum gas (LPG) has generated a safety problems such as fire, explosion that effect death, injury, or material losses. There has been many fire and explosion accidents related to the use of 3 kg LPG container in the public and statistically high number of accidents occur in the year of 2010 – 2011. The objectives of the research is to investigate the improvement of knowledge and skills in the public related to safe use of 3 kg LPG container and its accessories after the intervention program through training and counseling. Research was conducted at Kelurahan Tirtajaya, Depok. Research suggested that after the intervention towards training and counseling there has been improvement on the knowledge and skill towards the safe use of LPG 3 kg and its accessories

    Factors Related to Contact Dermatitis on Workers at PT Inti Pantja Press Industri

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    PT Inti Pantja Press Industri (IPPI) is an automotive manufacturing industry for car pressing body and car chassis. In the manufacturing process, its uses a variety of chemicals which may cause contact dermatitis for workers. There are other factors which may cause the contact dermatitis to workers worsen including indirect causes. The objective of this research is to investigate factors related to contact dermatitis in workers at PT IPPI. Research is conducted using a cross sectional design with quantitative approach which describe factors affecting the development of workers contact dermatitis. Research subjects are all the worker who uses chemicals during the work process (80 workers) consists from 4 (four) different sections: production (handwork), maintenance (plant service and die shop), quality control, and inventory finish part. Methodology used for data collection was using a questionnaire in which respondents were asked to fullfill a self-completion questionnaire. Results suggested that workers at PT IPPI experienced contact dermatitis are 39 workers (48,8%). There are 4 (four) factors were investigated using chi-square test (95% level of confidence) which are significantly related to contact dermatitis, including: type of work {p value 0,02, odds ratio 3,4 (1,305-8,641)}; age {p value 0,042, odds ratio 2,8 (1,136-7,019)}; working period {p value 0,014, odds ratio 3,5 (1,383-9,008)}; history of dermatitis at previous workplace {p value 0,042, odds ratio 5,9 (1,176-29,103)}. Factors which are not related to contact dermatitis are history of allergy, personal hygiene, and the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

    Audit Sarana Prasarana Pencegahan Penanggulangan Dan Tanggap Darurat Kebakaran Di Gedung Fakultas X Universitas Indonesia Tahun 2006

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    Building Fire Safety Audit at Faculty X, University of Indonesia, Year 2006. Fire may cause loss of life, material and valuable assets. The objective of this study is to conduct audit for fire safety and emergency response in the building at Faculty X, University of Indonesia, Depok. The audit results on the building fire safety facilities including emergency response and preparedness are then compared to the Building Code Australia (BCA) and Indonesian regulation on the building fire safety (Kep.MenPU.No 10 and 11/KPTS/2000). The building selected are Building A, B, C, D, F and G. Building classification for A, B, D, F and G are classified as Class 5, while Building C is classified as Class 9b. Variable which are evaluated including emergency exit, building structure, fire alarm and detector, communication and fire warning system, evacuation procedure, portable fire extinguishers, hydrant, sprinkler, and emergency response preparedness. Results suggested that emergency exit is locked, and this is not comply to the regulation. Building structure has been complied to the regulation since it was made of concrete. Fire detector and alarm only provided in Building G, while other building is not available. There is no evacuation procedure available. Portable fire extinguisher has been available in all the building. Hydrant an sprinkler only available in building G. There is no emergency response preparedness in this faculty. In conclusion, the fire safety facilities in this faculty need to be improved

    Factors Related to Occupational Contact Dermatitis on Workers Exposed to Chemicals Used at Industrial Automotive Company

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    Occupational contact dermatitis is one of skin disease in industrial settings which may reduce worker productivities. The occupational contact dermatitis occurs when workers are come into contact with chemicals at part of the worker’s body. This chemical contact could lead to an occupational contact dermatitis. The objective of this research is to investigate factors related to the occupational contact dermatitis at the worker who come into contact with chemicals used in industrial automotive company in Indonesia, Cibitung Jawa Barat. The study design is a descriptive research. The research subjects were selected using a stratified random sampling, and the total subjects were 54 person. The data were collected based on physical examination by a medical doctor, and the research questionnaire. Result from this study indicated that 74% (40 workers) experience dermatitis contact: acute dermatitis contact 26% (14 workers), sub acute 39% (21 workers), and chronic 9% (5 workers). Furthermore, data analysis using a multivariate statistical analysis indicated that there are three major factors related to the occurence of contact dermatitis: duration of contact, frequency of contact and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) particularly gloves. In conclusion, incidence rate of occupational dermatitis contact at industrial setting is 65%/100 worker, and prevalence rate of occupational dermatitis contact at industrial setting is 74%/100 worker. In order to minimize the occupational contact dermatitis it is recommended to raise the workers awareness, the correct type of gloves used specifically to the type of chemicals, as well as improving the workers knowledge

    Analisis Implementasi Sistem Tanggap Darurat Berdasarkan Asosiasi Perlindungan Kebakaran Nasional 1600

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    Penelitian kesesuaian pelaksanaan sistem tanggap darurat di PT X menjadi upaya untuk mempersiapkan proses tanggap darurat. Penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi deskriptif analitik ini menggunakan dua jenis data meliputi data primer yang didapatkan melalui wawancara dan observasi, serta data sekunder melalui telaah dokumen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kesesuaian implementasi sistem tanggap darurat di PT X Perusahaan Pelayanan Gas dan Minyak, ditinjau dari National Fire Protection Association 1600 (NFPA 1600) tahun 2012. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan kesesuaian implementasi sistem tanggap darurat PT X berdasarkan NFPA 1600 adalah 36,23%, sedangkan ketidaksesuainya adalah 37,60%. Diharapkan dapat mempertimbangkan saran yang diberikan untuk meningkatkan pemenuhan semua elemen persyaratan NFPA 1600 dalam mengimplementasikan sistem tanggap darurat di Perusahaannya. The focus of this study was looking for an overview of compliance conformity for implementation emergency response system at PT X to prepared emergency response in the event of an emergency/disaster. This research is a qualitative descriptive study design that uses two types of data, primary data obtained through interviews and observations, and secondary data through document review. The purpose of this study to determine conformity of the implementation emergency response system in Oil and Gas Services Company PT X as per National Fire Protection Association 1600 (NFPA 1600) in 2012. This study resulted was the conformity of the emergency response system implementation based on NFPA 1600 in PT X was 36,23%, while unconformity proportion was 37,6%. PT X are expected to consider the advice had given based on results of this study to improve compliance to all elements requirements of NFPA 1600 in the company\u27s emergency response system

    Quantification of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) in Penaeid Shrimps from Southeast Asia and Latin America Using TaqMan Probe-Based Quantitative PCR

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    We developed a qPCR assay based on the β-tubulin gene sequence for the shrimp microsporidian parasite Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP). This assay reacted with the hepatopancreas (HP) of EHP-infected shrimps, and the highest copy numbers were found in HP and feces samples from Southeast Asian countries (106–108 copies mg−1), while HP samples from Latin America, Artemia, and EHP-contaminated water showed lower amounts (101–103 copies mg−1 or mL−1 of water). No false positive was found with the normal shrimp genome, live feeds, or other parasitic diseases. This tool will facilitate the management of EHP infection in shrimp farms. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.1

    Analisis Logam Fe, Zn dan Protein pada Kecap Industri Rumah Tangga dan Kecap Indofood

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    Telah dilakukan pengukuran kandungan besi, seng dan protein pada kecap industri rumah tangga merek Ayam, Ikan Mas dan sebagai pembanding juga dianalisa kecap merek Indofood. Terhadap air yang dipakai untuk merebus kacang kedelai dari kecap industri rumah tangga juga diukut kandungan logam besi dan sengnya. Kadar logam dalam kecap maupun air yang dipakai untuk merebus kacang kedelai diukur secara Spektro fotometri Serapan Atom melalui proses persiapan sampel secara destruksi basah dengan HNO3-H2SO4 dan H2O2, sedangkan penentuan protein dilakukan dengan metode semi mikro kjeddahl. Hasil penelitian untuk kecap indofood didapatkan kadar seng 4,35 ppm, besi tidak ada, protein 8,77%. Untuk kecap merek Ayam kadar besinya 28,01 ppm, Seng 44,054 dan protein 66,7%. Kecap merek Ikan Mas mengandung besi 118,45 ppm, seng 6,69 ppm dan protein 6,43%

    Manajemen keselamatan operasi : membangun keunggulan operasi dalam industri proses

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    Buklu ini membahas implementasi manajemen keselamatan proses ini harus dibaca dan menjadi salah satu referensi aplikatif di Indonesia.xxxv, 348 hlm.: 21 c

    Quantification of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) in Penaeid Shrimps from Southeast Asia and Latin America Using TaqMan Probe-Based Quantitative PCR

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    We developed a qPCR assay based on the β-tubulin gene sequence for the shrimp microsporidian parasite Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP). This assay reacted with the hepatopancreas (HP) of EHP-infected shrimps, and the highest copy numbers were found in HP and feces samples from Southeast Asian countries (106–108 copies mg−1), while HP samples from Latin America, Artemia, and EHP-contaminated water showed lower amounts (101–103 copies mg−1 or mL−1 of water). No false positive was found with the normal shrimp genome, live feeds, or other parasitic diseases. This tool will facilitate the management of EHP infection in shrimp farms