19 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Praktik Periksa Payudara Sendiri (Sadari) Santri Putri Pondok Pesantren Dawar Kabupaten Boyolali

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    The prevalence of breast cancer in the world has steadily increased and most diagnosis when has entered an advanced stage. Efforts to realize needs to be done by the adolescent girls to detect early the appearance of symptoms breast cancer. Lack of knowledge of realized particulary at the female santri caused aware of the program. This is because the absence of education health implemented of health workers to santri at Dawar muslim boarding school.The aim of this research to analyze the effects of health education on knowledge, attitudes and practies BSE santri at Dawar muslim boarding school.This research used a quasi experimental design non equivalent control group. The samples were female santri used total sampling about 60 santri used paired t-test for normal data and wilcoxon test for abnormally data with alpha 0,05.The result showed is increased knowledge, attitudes and practices in treathment group, and there were no different knowledge, attitudes and practices in control group. Health education provided have the effect of large enough on knowledge and practice as well as the effect of in the attitude. This is in accordance with the results of the eta squared that 0,084 for knowledge, 0,352 for attitudes and 0,062 for practice. Muslim boarding school need to work together with health workers in providing health education to santri. Health agency should be doing heatlh education about breast cancer especially about BSE targeting to santri

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Berbasis Outdoor Study terhadap Hasil Belajar Geografi Siswa SMA

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    The purpose of this study to find out the results for students at SMA 1 Gayam, class 11th IPS, material environment and sustainable development. This research was quasi experiment, using project based learning model based outdoor learning study. Based on the research results, shows geography student learning outcomes in SMA 1 Gayam increased visits from pretest control class is 57,33 while posttest 77,5. The results of the experiment are a class pretest 54,83 while posttest 76. Gain Score control class is 20,17 while the experiment class is 55,83. Based on the results of t-test analysis using SPSS 16.0 for windows shows significant value 0,000 which means H0 rejected and H1 be accepted, so learning to use the model Project Based Leaning based Outdoor Study effected to student lerning outcomes geography high school.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Gayam, kelas XI IPS, materi lingkungan hidup dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimen semu, menggunakan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning berbasis Outdoor Study. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukkan hasil belajar geografi siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Gayam mengalami peningkatan dilihat dari pretest kelas kontrol adalah 57,33 sedangkan postest 77,5. Hasil pretest kelas eksperimen adalah 54,83 sedangkan postest 76. Gain Score kelas kontrol adalah 20,17 sedangkan kelas eksperimen 55,83. Berdasarkan hasil analisis uji-t menggunakan SPSS 16.0 for windows menunjukkan nilai signifikansi 0,000 yang berarti H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima, sehingga pembelajaran menggunakan model Project based Learning berbasis Outdoor Study berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa SMA

    Pengaruh Hormon Asam Indol Asetat Yang Dihasilkan Azospirillum SP. Terhadap Perkembangan Akar Padi

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    Free-living bacteria of thegenus Azospirillum live in close association with rice roots.This bacteria produced indole acetic acid (IAA), a plantgrowth hormon, to the environment. IAA was isolated fromcultures of Azospirillum strains and investigated for its effecton root development and plant height of rice variety IR64 invitro. Rice cultures of variety IR64 were grown in vitro andinoculated with cultures of Azospirilllum. Production of IAAby the bacterium during its growth period in rice culture mediumcontaining different levels of nitrogen was observed.Results of the experiment showed that strains AzospirillumAz15 and Az44 had a high ability to produce IAA, i.e., 57.93μg/ml at 12 days after incubation (DAI) and 40.42 μg/ml at 7DAI, respectively. The IAA production pattern of AzospirillumAz15 and Az44 in the liquid medium were fluctuativeuntil the end of the incubation period, while that of the strainAz7 was linier. Strain Az7 gave a better effect on the rootdevelopment and plant height than strains Az15 and Az44.Treatment combination of strain Az7 and 100% nitrogen gavehighest root development. High level of nitrogen increasedIAA content in the uninoculated culture, while low IAAcontent on the inoculated one. Inoculation the culture withstrain Az7 together with 50% nitrogen application resulted inthe IAA content, root dry weight, root length, fiber root number,and plant height as high as those on cultures containing100% nitrogen (1 mM NH4NO3) without inoculation. Inoculationof rice culture with Azospirillum is expected to reducenitrogen application on rice IR64 by the IAA production asindicated by significant changes in the root growth anddevelopment. A higher concentrations of IAA tend to givebetter effects on the root growth and development of riceIR64

    Pengaruh Komponen Kimia Dan Ikatan Pembuluh Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Bambu

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    . Bamboo is natural composite material which is built from many types of cells. Fibers cells which are bundled become vascular bundles have highest contribution toward the strength of bamboo split among others. Besides the amount of vascular bundles, the bamboo split strength is also determined by chemical component of cell walls and its position (internodes/node). This research reported that the tensile strength has positive correlation with the amount of vascular bundles. If the amount vascular bundles increase, then the tensile strength also increases. The increasing of lignin contents in cell wall proportionally and quadratically increases the tensile stress of internodes and node of bamboo split, respectively. This research did not found the maximum stationer point of quadratic equation for lignin content effect toward bamboo split tensile strength, thus the tensile strength always increase along with the lignin content in this research range (<33%). Correlation value between tensile strength and ratio of alpha cellulose to holocellulose is high which prove that alpha cellulose highly contribute to the tensile strength even though best subset regression procedure could not identified this phenomenon because of its autocorrelation occurrence

    Keragaman Genetik Rizobakteri Penghasil Asam Indol Asetat Berdasarkan 16S RRNA dan Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis

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    Asam indol asetat (AIA) dapat dihasilkan oleh bakteri rizosfer/rizobakteri pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman (PPT). Keragaman genetik isolat bakteri PPT indigenous Indonesia perlu diinvestigasi untuk mencari sumber potensial agen PPT dengan informasi kekerabatan intra dan interspesies yang jelas. Karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keragaman genetik rizobakteri penghasil AIA indigenous Indonesia dengan gen 16S rRNA, dilengkapi dengan ARDRA. Koleksi isolat bakteri BB Biogen diidentifikasi kandungan AIA-nya, morfologi secara makroskopis dan sekuensing pada sekuen 16S rRNA dan ARDRA. Total empat belas isolat rizobakteri memiliki kandungan AIA dalam kisaran 5,24-37,69 µg/ml dan tertinggi pada SM1. Karakteristik morfologi koloni rizobakteri mendukung variasi strain bakteri penghasil AIA. Delapan isolat terpilih diidentifikasi sebagai spesies Bacillus dengan homologi 96-99%. Lima isolat (SM1, JP4, KP3, MB2, dan CP3) diidentifikasikan sebagai B. subtilis, SC2 sebagai B. amyloliquefaciens, BL2 dekat dengan B. velezensis, dan JP3 memiliki homologi tinggi dengan Brevundimonas olei. Delapan isolat rizobakteri tersebut berkerabat dekat dengan strain bakteri referensi yang memiliki kesamaan spesies. Analisis ARDRA-RsaI menghasilkan lima filotipe dengan keunikan pola sidik jari. Isolat CP3, MB 2, dan KP 3 berada dalam satu filotipe. Kedekatan isolat dalam Bacillus sp. digambarkan oleh filotipe 5 (B. subtilis SM1 dan B. velezensis BL2) yang diduga jauh dari B. amyloliquefaciens SC2 (filotipe 4) dan JP 3 pada genus Brevundimonas (filotipe 3). Keragaman genetik isolat rizobakteri penghasil AIA terhitung rendah berdasarkan 16S-rRNA dan ARDRA-RsaI

    Analisis Kejadian Infeksi Saluran Kemih Berdasarkan Penyebab pada Pasien di Poliklinik Urologi RSUD Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu

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    Â Urinary infection is a pathological condition that has been known for a long time and can be found in various primary health services to subspecialty. The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence of infection urinary tract in patients at the urological clinic poly Dr. M Yunus Bengkulu. The research design used qualitative with a descriptive approach. The informant's research method in this study used the "Purposive Sampling" technique. The source of information in this study was patients who visited the urology clinic poly Dr. Married M Yunus Bengkulu and data from the medical clinic of the urology clinic Dr. RSUD M Yunus Bengkulu as many as 5 patients. Data collection uses in-depth interview techniques. The results of this study obtained a theme namely, a etiological aspect. In the etiological aspect, it is found the patient have a habit of holding urine and drinking less water, especially at certain times and circumstances. The conclusions were the informants understood a little about urinary infections, all informants had experienced urinary tract infections for the first time, the sexual activities carried out by informants were reasonable or mediocre sexual activity, all informants had the habit of sometimes holding back urination, especially in when certain activities such as long trips and work, and all informants have the habit of drinking water.

    Pengaruh Variasi Konsentrasi Pati Talas Beneng (Xanthosoma Undipes K. Koch) sebagai Penghancur terhadap Kadar Zat Aktif dan Uji Batas Mikroba Tablet Parasetamol 500 Mg

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    Sediaan tablet terdiri atas zat aktif dan eksipien. Eksipien atau zat tambahan pada formulasi tablet dapat berupa zat pengisi, zat pengikat dan adhesif, disintegran (penghancur), lubrikan, glidan, antiadheren, adsorben, zat penyedap, dan zat pewarna. Eksipien merupakan zat inert secara fisik, kimia, dan farmakologi yang ditambahkan ke dalam formulasi sediaan tablet untuk membantunya memenuhi persyaratan proses teknologi, persyaratan spesifikasi teknis, fisik, penampilan, persyaratan mutu resmi (farmakope). Eksipien penting untuk sediaan tablet adalah bahan penghancur. Bahan penghancur mempengaruhi pelepasan zat aktif obat dari sediaan untuk kemudian dapat memberikan efek terapi yang diinginkan. Salah satu bahan penghancur adalah amilum atau pati. Tanaman yang berpotensi memiliki kadar pati yang tinggi adalah talas beneng. Umbi Xanthosoma undipes K. Koch sendiri memiliki kadar pati sebesar 15.21%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi pati talas beneng terhadap kadar dan batas mikroba tablet parasetamol 500 mg. Pembuatan tablet dilakukan dengan kempa langsung dengan variasi konsentrasi pati talas beneng sebagai penghancur yaitu 0% (FI), 5% (FII), 10% (FIII) dan 15% (IV). Hasil penetapan kadar menunjukkan bahwa semua formulasi memenuhi persyaratan kadar Farmakope Indonesia yaitu FI = 100,27%; FII = 99,95%; FIII = 100,06%; dan FIV 99,85%. Uji batas mikroba menunjukkan bahwa Angka Lempeng Total FI = 20 cfu/g; FII = 35 cfu/g; FIII = 10 cfu/g; FIV = 50 cfu/g. Angka Kapang Kamir yaitu FI = 110 cfu/g; FII = 100 cfu/g; FIII = 50 cfu/g; FIV = 150 cfu/g. Uji bakteri patogen menunjukkan bahwa semua formula tidak tercemar bakteri patogen. Kata kunci: tablet, Xanthosoma undipes K.Koch, parasetamol, penetapan kadar, mikrob

    Peningkatan Produktivitas melalui Pelatihan Kerajinan Tangan di Era Pandemi Desa Sukolilan Kecamatan Patebon Kabupaten Kendal

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    Pandemi Covid 19 yang terjadi di Indonesia berdampak pada terhambatnya perekonomian negara. Kondisi ini juga dirasakan oleh kepala keluarga yang secara finansial terhambat bahkan tidak sedikit yang finansialnya harus terhenti.  Hal ini dirasakan juga pada kondisi perekonomian rumah tangga penduduk Desa Sukolilan Kecamatan Patebon Kabupaten Kendal. Pelatihan dirasakan perlu oleh tim pengabdian masyarakat Universitas Selamat Sri Kendal yang ditujukan untuk ibu rumah tangga tentang peningkatan produktivitas melalui pelatihan  kerajinan tangan di era pandemi. Kegiatan ini diharapkan masyarakat setempat terutama para ibu-ibu rumah tangga Desa Sukolilan Kecamatan Patebon Kabupaten Kendal dapat mengembangkan ilmu yang diberikan untuk memanfaatkan waktu luang dengan kegiatan yang produktif melalui pembuatan kerajinan tangan selama masa pandemi pemerintah  menerapkan protokol kesehatan untuk di rumah saja dan dapat dijadikan peluang usaha untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga. Hasil dari kegiatan pelatihan, ibu-ibu rumah tangga memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan berwirausaha