8 research outputs found

    Peran Pemerintah Desa dalam Mengelola Badan USAha Milik Desa (Bumdes)

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    : The role of rural government on institutional management is the foremost unit of society development. Especially Rural-Own Enterprises , as the government program that has to be empowered in order to realize the good socio-economic empowerment of society by prioritizing the society participation and initiatives. The goal of this research is to knowing the rural government role on managing Rural-Own Enterprises and to knowing the Rural-Own Enterprises programs of Bumiaji village, Batu. This research is kind of a qualitative method. The research sampling that used is a purposive sampling with the informants like the Headman of Bumiaji village, the village Secretary, the Village Chief of Banaran, Head of Government Affairs, Rural-Own Enterprises Administrators, Rural-Own Enterprises administrator, and two residents of Bumiaji village. The data collection technique that used by the researcher were an interview, observation, and documentation. While the data analysis method that used is descriptive. The results of this research prove that the rural government's role of Bumiaji village in managing Rural-Own Enterprises is, as the formation and development's institution of Rural-Own Enterprises, as the training mediator and motivator of the organization's member formation and also as the controller of Rural-Own Enterprises. The Bumiaji Village's Rural-Own Enterprises programs are the establishment of the Village Prosperity Agency , The Association of the Drinking Water Users , and the Arjuna Gelora Management Agency. Keywords: Rural, Government Role, managing and Rural-Own Enterprise

    Strategi Komisi Pemilihan Umum dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat pada Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah

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    : People political participation in regional leader election is an important aspect so General Election Comission (KPU) use special strategy to improve people participation in regional leader election application. The research uses qualitative research method with data collection technique in form of interview, observation, and documentation. It took place in General Election Commission (KPU) of Malang Regency. Informer in this research are KPU commissioner, with purpossive sampling technique. To review data validity. Research result are: 1. KPU of Malang Regency strategy in improving people participation in regional leader election of 2015, seen from three phases, they are formulation, which shown a clear socialization plan from KPU. Second phase is election, KPU do socialization to eight voters segments by their socialization method, which is direct meetup face by face, also mass media USAge with their application adjusted with segment characterization. Third phase is resource allocation, which is by doing technical guiding to ad hoc committee. 2. Obstacles faced by KPU are the minimum budget, people aphaty responses, and limited KPU's personnels amount. Keywords: Strategy, Political participation, Regional leader electio

    Implementation of Compulsory Study 12 Year Policy to Increase Education Quality in Kudus Regency

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    Education is an important instrument in improving the human resources quality. Kudus Regency has implemented compulsory study since 2010 through Kudus Regency Regional Regulation Number 2/ 2010 about Compulsory Study 12 (Twelve) Years. While, Central Government issued compulsory study 12 year policy in June 2013 through Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation Number 80/2013 about Universal Secondary Education. Obviously, this is a bold step of Kudus Regency Government in improving the education quality at Kudus Regency. The research objectives are: to know, analyze, and describe about Implementation of compulsory study 12 years policy to increase education in Kudus Regency; and to know, analyze, and describe about supporting and inhibiting factors toward implementation of compulsory study 12 years policy to increase education quality in Kudus Regency. This research resulted that the implementation compulsory study 12 years policy in Kudus Regency has been successfully, viewed from the actor that completely carry out their duties and responsibilities; the existence of funding and programs from Kudus Regency Government and Central Government is supporting the mechanism implementation in accordance with the provisions. The compulsory study 12 years policy in Kudus Regency had positive impact in improving the education quality at Kudus Regency, it is seen from the increase of Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) for secondary education from 60% in 2008 to 80,59% in 2013. The success in improving the education quality is also seen from achievement of Kudus Regency in obtained champions in various championships. The supporting factors are The content of the Kudus Regency Regional Regulation Number 2/ 2010 about Compulsory Study 12 Years and the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 80/ 2013 about Universal Secondary Education which clear and easy to understand; the willingness of Kudus Society in receiving the compulsory study 12 years policy; the support funding and scholarships provided by Kudus Regency Government and Central Government. And the inhibiting factors are lack of quality and quantity of human resources (teachers) in Kudus Regency; lack of facilities and infrastructure in supporting the education; the facilities and infrastructure referred is the practice equipments for students that expensive; inequality in educational development at Kudus Regency, especially in rural area; the mindset of Kudus Regency society who ignore the education, especially in rural area; unpredictable conditions such as flood that rather frequently in Kudus, so that damage the education infrastructure

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Rusunawa dalam Mengatasi Permukiman Kumuh di Kota Malang

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    : Increasing population in Malang every year is accompanied by increased need for shelter and limited land with low economy causing the emergence of slums. So the Government of Malang City issued Rusunawa policy as a derivative policy on it. In this study using qualitative research methods with the steps of data collection is done through observation, interview and documentation with informants through snowball technique. To measure the validity of data validity is done an examination technique based on degree of trust and certainty of research object by using triangulation of source. From that step then analyzed by using data analysis model of Sugiyono theory (2011: 247-252) which include Data Reduction process, Data Presentation, and Drawing Conclusion. From the research, it has been found that: (1) Rusunawa policy in Malang City has succeeded in preventing the slum settlement in Malang, but has not been successful in overcoming slum settlement in Malang. In addition, the sanctions are so extreme it also helped trigger the re-emergence of slums in Malang. (2) Rusunawa policy support factor in Malang City is the participation and support from some people of Malang City, besides the existence of fund support from government of Malang City every year in terms of management of Rusunawa. (3) Inhibiting factors are limited land and the living pattern of some people who are less aware of cleanliness, in addition to the lack of funds in the budget of Malang City Rusunawa and promises fund disbursement from the central government is not liquid, and also the lack of participation of some communities who have long Inhabiting residence in slum areas with a variety of specific reasons greatly hampered the success of Rusunawa policy in addressing slum settlements in Malang. Keywords: Rusunawa Policy, Slum Residential in Malang Cit

    Pelaksanaan Sistem Reward dan Punishment di Lingkungan Kementerian Keuangan dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Pegawai (Studi pada Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara/kppn, Kudus)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis sistem pemberian reward dan punishment dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan pegawai di Lingkungan Kementerian Keuangan, terutama di Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara/KPPN Kudus. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa setelah adanya pelaksanaan pemberian reward dan punishment, kedisiplinan pegawai KPPN Kudus semakin meningkat, baik dalam disiplin waktu maupun disiplin perbuatan. Adapun peningkatan disiplin waktu maupun disiplin perbuatan pegawai KPPN Kudus terlihat dari meningkatnya disiplin dan keteraturan kerja pegawai KPPN Kudus, serta ketepatan dan kecepatan waktu pegawai KPPN Kudus dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan. Kata Kunci: reward dan punishment; kedisiplinan pegawa

    Kebijakan Inovasi Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan Dimasa Pandemi Covid – 19 dalam Rangka Mewujudkan Good Governance pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan inovasi pelayanan publik pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Pasuruan. Kebijakan inovasi pelayanan administrasi kependudukan pada aspek pelayanan publik, inovasi pelayanan, dokumen kependudukan dan output pelayanan bagi masyarakat. Di era digitalisasi telah dilakukan penyesuaian dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dengan kebutuhan era serba teknologi sebagaimana tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 2019 tentang Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan Secara Online ( dalam jaringan). Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Keabsahan data diperoleh setelah pengambilan data primer dan data sekunder secara sistematis dari informan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Metode purposive sampling dan analisis data kualitatif induktif untuk menarik kesimpulan yang kredibel Penerapan kebijakan inovasi pelayanan pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Pasuruan menunjukkan kualitas pelayanan prima pada percepatan proses dokumen kependudukan yaitu kepuasan masyarakat dengan mudah, cepat. , pelayanan yang efisien dan efektif, perlakuan birokrasi yang jujur untuk mewujudkan kinerja pemerintahan yang profesional, produktif, inovatif dan akuntabel. Masyarakat dengan mudah, cepat, efektif, memperoleh dokumen kependudukan untuk keperluan pendidikan, kesehatan, pekerjaan, perbankan, keimigrasian. This study aims to analyze the public service innovation policy at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Pasuruan Regency. Population administration service innovation policies in the aspects of public services, service innovation, population documents and output of services for the community. In the era of digitalization, adjustments have been made in implementing services for the community with the needs of the all-technological era as stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Home State of the Republic Indonesia Number 7 of 2019 concerning online population administration services (in network). This research uses descriptive qualitative. The validity of the data obtained after taking primary data and secondary data systematically from the informants during in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Purposive sampling method and inductive qualitative data analysis to draw credible conclusions.The implementation of service innovation policies at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Pasuruan Regency shows excellent service quality at the acceleration of the population document process, namely community satisfaction with easy, Fast, efficient and effective services, honest treatment of bureaucracy to create productive, innovative and accountable professional government performance. Society easily, quickly, effectively, to obtain population documents for the purposes of education, health, employment, banking, immigration