34 research outputs found

    ALICE: Study of Financial Hardship-Michigan

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    Through a series of new, standardized measurements, the United Way ALICE Reports present a broad picture of financial insecurity at the county and town level, and the reasons for why. What we found was startling -- the size of the workforce in each state that is struggling financially is much higher than traditional federal poverty guidelines suggest. The United Way ALICE Project is a grassroots movement stimulating a fresh, nonpartisan national dialogue about how to reverse the trend and improve conditions for this growing population of families living paycheck to paycheck

    ALICE: Study of Financial Hardship-Indiana

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    Through a series of new, standardized measurements, the United Way ALICE Reports present a broad picture of financial insecurity at the county and town level, and the reasons for why. What we found was startling -- the size of the workforce in each state that is struggling financially is much higher than traditional federal poverty guidelines suggest. The United Way ALICE Project is a grassroots movement stimulating a fresh, nonpartisan national dialogue about how to reverse the trend and improve conditions for this growing population of families living paycheck to paycheck

    ALICE: Study of Financial Hardship-Connecticut

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    Through a series of new, standardized measurements, the United Way ALICE Reports present a broad picture of financial insecurity at the county and town level, and the reasons for why. What we found was startling -- the size of the workforce in each state that is struggling financially is much higher than traditional federal poverty guidelines suggest. The United Way ALICE Project is a grassroots movement stimulating a fresh, nonpartisan national dialogue about how to reverse the trend and improve conditions for this growing population of families living paycheck to paycheck

    Optimal phase for coronary interpretations and correlation of ejection fraction using late-diastole and end-diastole imaging in cardiac computed tomography angiography: implications for prospective triggering

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    A typical acquisition protocol for multi-row detector computed tomography (MDCT) angiography is to obtain all phases of the cardiac cycle, allowing calculation of ejection fraction (EF) simultaneously with plaque burden. New MDCT protocols scanner, designed to reduce radiation, use prospectively acquired ECG gated image acquisition to obtain images at certain specific phases of the cardiac cycle with least coronary artery motion. These protocols do not we allow acquisition of functional data which involves measurement of ejection fraction requiring end-systolic and end-diastolic phases. We aimed to quantitatively identify the cardiac cycle phase that produced the optimal images as well as aimed to evaluate, if obtaining only 35% (end-systole) and 75% (as a surrogate for end-diastole) would be similar to obtaining the full cardiac cycle and calculating end diastolic volumes (EDV) and EF from the 35th and 95th percentile images. 1,085 patients with no history of coronary artery disease were included; 10 images separated by 10% of R–R interval were retrospectively constructed. Images with motion in the mid portion of RCA were graded from 1 to 3; with ‘1’ being no motion, ‘2’ if 0 to <1 mm motion, and ‘3’ if there is >1 mm motion and/or non-interpretable study. In a subgroup of 216 patients with EF > 50%, we measured left ventricular (LV) volumes in the 10 phases, and used those obtained during 25, 35, 75 and 95% phase to calculate the EF for each patient. The average heart rate (HR) for our patient group was 56.5 ± 8.4 (range 33–140). The distribution of image quality at all heart rates was 958 (88.3%) in Grade 1, 113 (10.42%) in Grade 2 and 14 (1.29%) in Grade 3 images. The area under the curve for optimum image quality (Grade 1 or 2) in patients with HR > 60 bpm for phase 75% was 0.77 ± 0.04 [95% CI: 0.61–0.87], while for similar heart rates the area under the curve for phases 75 + 65 + 55 + 45% combined was 0.92 ± 0.02. LV volume at 75% phase was strongly correlated with EDV (LV volume at 95% phase) (r = 0.970, P < 0.001). There was also a strong correlation between LVEF (75_35) and LVEF (95_35) (r = 0.93, P < 0.001). Subsequently, we developed a formula to correct for the decrement in LVEF using 35–75% phase: LVEF (95_35) = 0.783 × LVEF (75_35) + 20.68; adjusted R2 = 0.874, P < 0.001. Using 64 MDCT scanners, in order to acquire >90% interpretable studies, if HR < 60 bpm 75% phase of RR interval provides optimal images; while for HR > 60 analysis of images in 4 phases (75, 35, 45 and 55%) is needed. Our data demonstrates that LVEF can be predicted with reasonable accuracy by using data acquired in phases 35 and 75% of the R–R interval. Future prospective acquisition that obtains two phases (35 and 75%) will allow for motion free images of the coronary arteries and EF estimates in over 90% of patients

    Accuracy of the long-axis area-length method for the measurement of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction using multidetector computed tomography

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    Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is useful for assessing left ventricular (LV) volumes and function. Validation has mainly been carried out using Simpson's method of summing up consecutive short-axis areas. Because the latter method is time-consuming, many users prefer using a quicker method, based on a single view or a pair of views. To evaluate the accuracy of the long-axis area-length method (AL), which has not been validated for MDCT, using Simpson's method as the gold standard, as well as right anterior oblique LV angiography as a clinical standard. Twenty-three patients admitted with acute chest pain were clinically evaluated with electrocardiogram-gated MDCT and invasive LV angiography. MDCT-based end-diastolic, end-systolic and stroke volumes, and ejection fraction (EF) were calculated using Simpson's method, biplane AL and single-plane AL. For LV angiography, EF was calculated using single-plane AL. A Bland-Altman analysis showed a close agreement between biplane AL and Simpson's method for EF, with 1% underestimation, 95% CI of ±11% and a correlation of 0.89. For end-diastolic, end-systolic and stroke volumes, overestimations of 7 mL, 4 mL and 2 mL, and 95% CI of ±27 mL, ±15 mL and ±26 mL, respectively were found. Correlation coefficients were 0.95, 0.97 and 0.82, respectively. Comparisons with LV angiography were considerably weaker. The vertical long-axis AL method by MDCT correlated better with both LV angiography and Simpson's method than the horizontal long-axis AL method. The biplane AL method gives results for EF, which correspond closely with the more cumbersome Simpson's method, although volumes are slightly overestimated. La tomographie Ă  multidĂ©tecteurs (TGMD) est utile pour Ă©valuer les volumes et la fonction ventriculaires gauches (VG). La validation a Ă©tĂ© pour une bonne part rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  l’aide de la mĂ©thode de Simpson Ă©tablissant la somme des aires axe court consĂ©cutives. Parce que cette derniĂšre mĂ©thode est fastidieuse, de nombreux utilisateurs prĂ©fĂšrent une mĂ©thode plus rapide basĂ©e sur une ou deux perspectives. Évaluer la prĂ©cision de la mĂ©thode aire-longueur (AL) long axe, qui n’a pas Ă©tĂ© validĂ©e pour la TGMD, Ă  l’aide de la mĂ©thode de Simpson comme Ă©talon-or et Ă  l’aide de l’angiographie VG droite antĂ©rieure oblique comme norme clinique. Vingt-trois patients admis pour DRS aiguĂ« ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s sur le plan clinique au moyen d’une TGMD synchronisĂ©e avec l’électrocardiogramme et d’une angiographie VG effractive. Les volumes tĂ©lĂ©diastoliques, tĂ©lĂ©systoliques, le volume d’éjection systolique et la fraction d’éjection (FÉ) ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©s Ă  l’aide de la mĂ©thode de Simpson AL bidimensionnelle et AL unidimensionnelle. Pour l’angiographie VG, la FÉ a Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©e Ă  l’aide de la mĂ©thode AL unidimensionnelle. Une analyse de Bland-Altman a montrĂ© une concordance Ă©troite entre la mĂ©thode AL bidimensionnelle et la mĂ©thode de Simpson pour la FÉ, avec une sous-estimation de 1% et un IC Ă  95% de ± 11% et un coefficient de 0,89. Pour les volumes tĂ©lĂ©diastoliques, tĂ©lĂ©systoliques et d’éjection systolique, on a observĂ© des surestimations de 7 mL, 4 mL, 2 mL, et des IC Ă  95% de ± 27 mL, ± 15 mL et ± 26 mL. Les coefficients de corrĂ©lation Ă©taient de 0.95, 0.97 et 0.82, respectivement. Les comparaisons avec l’angiographie VG ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rablement plus faibles. La mĂ©thode AL long axe par TGMD a Ă©tĂ© en meilleure corrĂ©lation avec l’angiographie VG et avec la mĂ©thode de Simpson, comparativement Ă  la mĂ©thode AL long axe horizontale. La mĂ©thode AL bidimensionnelle donne des rĂ©sultats de FÉ qui correspondent Ă©troitement avec la mĂ©thode de Simpson, plus fastidieuse, mĂȘme si les volumes sont lĂ©gĂšrement surestimĂ©s

    Heart Failure With a Normal Ejection Fraction

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    Strain Analysis From 4-D Cardiac CT Image Data

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