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    Hubungan Karakteristik Pemilik Anjing Dengan Upaya Pencegahan Rabies Di Puskesmas Tobelo Kabupaten Halmahera Utara

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    : Rabies is a viral disease of the nervous system that could attack all type of warm-blooded animals ( especially dogs), and humans. Character is a personality that's affected by motivation, which induces need to execute something. The prevention of rabies not only depends on animal problems, but also human problems. The success of rabies termination depends on the level of understanding about the rabies disease and awareness of the society. Objective to analyze the characteristic relationship between dog owner and the effort of rabies prevention in Puskesmas Tobelo, region of South Halmahera. Research Design : descriptive analytical by using approach of cross sectional and sampling technic usingpurposive sampling with total of50 samples. Results: Using chi-square test on Fisher exact with mean value α = 0.05 or 95 % and found value of P (age of dog owners 0.023, goal keeping dogs 0,000, breed of dog 0,005 and the origin of the dog 0,000). ConclusionThere are characteristic relationship between dog owner and the effort of rabies prevention in Tobelo Puskesmas, region of South Halmahera. Advice : Give more motivation to the dog owner in preventing rabies