7 research outputs found

    Model averaged parameter estimates (back transformed) for farming system and landscape effects (extent of arable land in landscape).

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    <p>The responses were square root transformed mean species counts per trap (Species Density, SD), and log mean numbers per trap. Effect size = organic/conventional ratio (LCI = Lower Confidence Interval, UCI = Upper Confidence Interval). Confidence intervals not encompassing zero are emboldened.</p

    Organic Farming: Biodiversity Impacts Can Depend on Dispersal Characteristics and Landscape Context - Fig 4

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    <p>(a) Hunting spider activity density and field plant species richness (before harvest). Organic farms shown as solid points. Upward trend in conventional farms (open points, model averaged parameter estimate 0.10, SE = 0.05, P = 0.04), no trend among organic farms (model averaged parameter estimate 0.02, SE = 0.02, P = 0.29). (b) Hunting spider species density and field plant species richness (before harvest). Organic farms shown as solid points. Upward trend in conventional farms (open points, model averaged parameter estimate 0.05, SE = 0.03, P = 0.06), no trend among organic farms (model averaged parameter estimate 0.005, SE = 0.01, P = 0.66).</p

    Effects of farming system and landscape (% arable) on activity density of hunting spiders where system effect is significant.

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    <p>Organic: solid lines, filled points; conventional: dotted line, open points. Plots in left hand panel: lines in plots are linear regressions plotted on log scale by system, points are farms. Plots in right hand panel: lines in plots are linear regression (solid line) and reference line (dotted at system difference = zero), points are farm pairs. Right hand panel extracts system effect from left hand panel, O-C difference on arithmetic scale.</p

    Effects of farming system and landscape on activity density of web-building spiders, no system effect, and one example plotted.

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    <p>Organic: solid lines, filled points; conventional: dotted line, open points. Plot in left hand panel: line in plot is linear regression plotted on log scale by system, points are farms. Plot in right hand panel: line in plot is linear regression (solid line) and reference line (dotted at system difference = zero), points are farm pairs. Right hand panel extracts system effect from left hand panel, O-C difference on arithmetic scale.</p

    Model selection outputs for responses with significant system effect or system-landscape interaction.

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    <p>Top 3 models in descending order of Akaike weight given for each such response variable. Predictor variables: 1- arabkm1z (arable in 1 km x 1 km square around farm), 2- arabkm3z (arable in 3 km x 3 km square around farm), 3- calyear (calendar year, 2002,2003), 4- system (organic, conventional), 5- woodkm1z (woodland in 1 km x 1 km square around farm), 6- woodkm3z (woodland in 3 km x 3 km square around farm). Interaction terms: 7- arabkm1z:system, 8- arabkm3z:system, 9- system:woodkm1z, 10- system:woodkm3z. In the presence of system-landscape interaction, landscape models are given for each system separately. Model averaged parameter estimates given in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0135921#pone.0135921.s001" target="_blank">S1 Table</a>.</p

    Effect of farming system and landscape on activity density of carabid beetles.

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    <p>Organic: solid lines, filled points; conventional: dotted line, open points. Plots in left hand panel: lines in plots are linear regressions plotted on log scale by system, points are farms. Plots in right hand panel: lines in plots are linear regression (solid line) and reference line (dotted at system difference = zero), points are farm pairs. Right hand panel extracts system effect from left hand panel.</p