18 research outputs found

    Using the Kano Method in Improving the Quality of Product Safety Management Classes

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    Analiza ryzyka dotyczącego pozyskania jagód na plantacji borówki

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    Kryteria jakości artykułów naukowych

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    The publication of original research findings in peer-reviewed scientific journals is an important aspect of academic achievements and contribution to the society. Yet, failures to adhere to journals’ guidelines and standards are a common reason for the rejection of submitted manuscripts. The aim of this paper is to present the most important formal principles that researchers must comply with if they want their work to be printed in a refereed journal relating to food and food technology. The paper presents the results collected by three journal editors. Each of the coauthors recorded and analyzed his own latest reviews and then determined the most common errors in them by following a list of ten accepted rules and calculated the frequencies of recorded manuscript errors. The results showed consistent observations between the three coauthors. It is determined that the most often committed errors or non-compliances are poor experimental design, lack of innovation, and poor writing

    Peptides as potential ligands binding transition metal ions

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    Peptides are crucial ligands for transition metal ions and form complexes with them, that can have important biological activity. Many factors impact on the creation of complexes such as: protection of amine group from N-terminal or carboxylate group from C-terminals of the protein, the presence of noncoordinating and coordinating side chains in the peptide sequence, the number of histidyl residues and their location in the peptide chain. In complexes the metal ion can be bound bound by various donor atoms from amino acids residues (e.g. nitrogen, oxygen or sulphur). In general, the protection of N- or C-terminal groups influences the less stable formation of complexes. Stable complexes are created, if the free amine group from the N-terminal is involved in the coordination process. Peptides with noncoordinating side chains include alanine or glycine. Glycine complexes are more stable than these with alanine. Histidyl residue is the most effective amino acid residue in binding metal ions. The amine group of the lysyl residue, thiol from cysteine or carboxylate from aspartyl or glutamyl residues are also functional groups that coordinate metal ions. The coordination process is initiated by a group that anchors metal ion. A free amine group from N-terminus or imidazole nitrogen are the best examples of anchor groups. The metal ions can also be bound through amide nitrogens, after their forced deprotonation by the anchor group and formation of chelate rings. Peptides containing two or more histidyl residues exhibit high structural diversity in the complexes formation. In addition, these peptides can also form macrochelates and polynuclear complexes. The location of amino acid residues in the peptide chain (especially histydyl residue) also results in the thermodynamically stable formation of complexes

    Propriedades da carne e perfil de ácidos graxos do pernil de catetos (Tayassu tajacu) alimentados com torta de babaçu (Orbignya phalerata) Meat properties and fatty acids profile of the ham of peccaries (Tayassu tajacu) fed babassu (Orbignya phalerata) meal

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    Analisaram-se as propriedades da carne e o perfil de ácidos graxos do pernil de catetos alimentados com dietas contendo diferentes porcentagens de torta de babaçu, usada como fonte energética alternativa substituindo parte do milho na alimentação, em sistemas de produção em cativeiro. Avaliou-se o pernil de 12 animais quanto às suas propriedades - perda de peso ao cozimento, força de cisalhamento, pH e capacidade de retenção de água-, depois extraiu-se o óleo da carne e determinou-se o perfil dos ácidos graxos. Não foram observados efeitos (P>0,05) das porcentagens de torta de babaçu sobre as propriedades da carne; os ácidos graxos (AG) insaturados, mono e poli-insaturados, foram encontrados em maior quantidade (51,6-57,8%) que os ácidos graxos saturados (42,2-48,4%) na carne do pernil. Baseando-se na teoria de que os AG poli-insaturados ingeridos na dieta humana são responsáveis pela redução nos níveis séricos de colesterol, sugere-se que a carne de catetos seja uma boa fonte alternativa de proteína.<br>The meat properties and the fatty acids profile of the ham of peccaries ham fed diets with different levels of babassu meal, used as an alternative energy source substituting part of corn on feeding peccaries in captivity, were studied. The ham meats of 12 animals were evaluated on their properties: cooking losses, shear force, pH, and water holding capacity. After that, the meat oil was extracted to determine the fatty acids contents. No effects (P>0.05) of the babassu meal levels on the meat properties were observed. The unsaturated fatty acids, mono and polyunsaturated, were found in higher quantity than the saturated fatty acids in the ham meat of peccaries. Based on the theory that the polyunsaturated fatty acids ingested in the human diet are responsible for reduction of the seric levels of cholesterol, it can be suggested that the peccary meat is a good alternative source of protein