293 research outputs found

    Analysis of TRMM-LIS Lightning and Related Microphysics Using a Cell-Scale Database

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    Previous studies of tropical lightning activity using Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) data performed analyses of lightning behavior over mesoscale "feature" scales or over uniform grids. In order to study lightning and the governing ice microphysics intrinsic to thunderstorms at a more process-specific scale (i.e., the scale over which electrification processes and lightning occur in a "unit" thunderstorm), a new convective cell-scale database was developed by analyzing and refining the University of Utah's Precipitation Features database and retaining precipitation data parameters computed from the TRMM precipitation radar (PR), microwave imager (TMI) and LIS instruments. The resulting data base was to conduct a limited four-year study of tropical continental convection occurring over the Amazon Basin, Congo, Maritime Continent and the western Pacific Ocean. The analysis reveals expected strong correlations between lightning flash counts per cell and ice proxies, such as ice water path, minimum and average 85GHz brightness temperatures, and 18dBz echo top heights above the freezing level in all regimes, as well as regime-specific relationships between lighting flash counts and PR-derived surface rainfall rates. Additionally, radar CFADs were used to partition the 3D structure of cells in each regime at different flash counts. The resulting cell-scale analyses are compared to previous mesoscale feature and gridded studies wherever possible

    Examining Sub-Flash Properties of Lightning from GLM for Tracking and Intensification Characterization of Thunderstorms

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    Current methodologies for operational use of lightning are developed using ground-based networks. Lightning detectors measure different characteristics of the flash, thus they don't observe the same lightning event in the same manner: i.e., flash rates from NDLN (National Lightning Detection Network (R)) will typically not match flash rates from GLM (Geostationary Lightning Mapper) because each sensor is measuring different characteristics (EM (Electromagnetic) radiation vs. optical). Resolution/timeliness of space-based sensor data will change our "rules of thumb" for operational use: Lightning safety - how does the 2D mapping of lightning enhance lightning safety metrics; Is the super-fast input of data (20s) useful for decision-makers, including (non-AWIPS (Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System) -users) non-mets

    NASA SPoRT Capabilities Briefing

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    Transition to Operations Plans for GPM Datasets

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    Founded in 2002 at the National Space Science Technology Center at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, AL. Focused on transitioning unique NASA and NOAA observations and research capabilities to the operational weather community to improve short-term weather forecasts on a regional and local scale. NASA directed funding; NOAA funding from Proving Grounds (PG). Demonstrate capabilities experimental products to weather applications and societal benefit to prepare forecasters for the use of data from next generation of operational satellites. Objective of this poster is to highlight SPoRT's research to operations (R2O) paradigm and provide examples of work done by the team with legacy instruments relevant to GPM in order to promote collaborations with groups developing GPM products

    Sport Transition of JPSS VIIRS Imagery for Night-time Applications

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    The NASA/Shortterm Prediction, Research, and Transition (SPoRT) Program and NOAA/Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) work within the NOAA/Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Proving Ground to demonstrate the unique capabilities of the VIIRS instrument. Very similar to MODIS, the VIIRS instrument provides many highresolution visible and infrared channels in a broad spectrum. In addition, VIIRS is equipped with a lowlight sensor that is able to detect light emissions from the land and atmosphere as well as reflected sunlight by the lunar surface. This band is referred to as the DayNight Band due to the sunlight being used at night to see cloud and topographic features just as one would typically see in daytime visible imagery. NWS forecast offices that collaborate with SPoRT and CIRA have utilized MODIS imagery in operations, but have longed for more frequent passes of polarorbiting data. The VIIRS instrument enhances SPoRT collaborations with WFOs by providing another day and nighttime pass, and at times two additional passes due to its large swath width. This means that multispectral, RGB imagery composites are more readily available to prepare users for their use in GOESR era and highresolution imagery for use in highlatitudes is more frequently able to supplement standard GOES imagery within the SPoRT Hybrid GEOLEO product. The transition of VIIRS also introduces the new DayNight Band capability to forecast operations. An Intensive Evaluation Period (IEP) was conducted in Summer 2013 with a group of "Front Range" NWS offices related to VIIRS nighttime imagery. VIIRS singlechannel imagery is able to better analyze the specific location of fire hotspots and other land features, as well as provide a more true measurement of various cloud and aerosol properties than geostationary measurements, especially at night. Viewed within the SPoRT Hybrid imagery, the VIIRS data allows forecasters to better interpret the more frequent, but coarse GOES Imagery. Nighttime Microphysics and Dust RGB Imagery provides cloud analysis of cloud height, thickness, and composition in order for operational applications such as separating fog from low clouds, dust plume detection, and determining precipitating clouds in radar-void/ blocked regions. The DayNight Band has a particular benefit to seeing light from cities, fires, or other emissions as well as the reflection of moonlight off of clouds and smoke plumes, given the right lunar phase and angle. Examples from the VIIRS transition and IEP will be presented
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