219 research outputs found

    Odniesienie do nieobecności w angielskich sekwencjach no + N i w sekwencjach pas de + N i / lub aucun + N w języku francuskim

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    This paper enquires into the field of negative noun determination in English and in French. It focuses on the English sequences ‘No + countable noun in the singular’ (No + N-Ø) and ‘No + count­able noun in the plural’ (No + N-s), and some of their possible translations in French, namely aucun or pas de, followed by a noun either in the singular or in the plural.The existence in English of the two sequences raises the question of the differences in meaning these two sequences convey and induces one to examine their French possible translations with pas de or aucun. The aim thus is to examine examples in which both constructions are grammatically allowed in English, in order to elucidate the process through which reference is construed, and to examine the similarities and differences in meaning in the French sequences resorting to aucun or pas de. An analysis of each of the constructions will lead us to investigate the linguistic features, pertaining to sets of properties and occurrences, subjective and argumentative factors, which may or may not imply patterns of correspondences through translation. We will address these issues via the examination of translated examples taken from a parallel corpus made up of extracts from contemporary novels written in English after 1980 and of their translations into French.In English, no marks an impossible scanning operation either over a set of items defined in a space and time frame, with a noun in the plural, or over an open set defined according to proper­ties, with a noun in the singular.We have determined that in French, differentiating between two markers depends on defining a different linguistic operation for each of them: a scanning operation for aucun and a blocking of validation for pas de. We have further proved that the meanings construed by their respective operations agreed with their contextual environment.Niniejszy artykuł wkracza w dziedzinę uwarunkowań dotyczących połączeń rzeczownika ze znakiem negacji w języku angielskim i francuskim. Koncentruje się na angielskich ciągach “No + policzalny rzeczownik w liczbie pojedynczej” (No + N-Ø) i “No + policzalny rzeczownik w liczbie mnogiej” (No + N-s) i niektórych z ich możliwych tłumaczeniach w języku francuskim: aucun lub pas de, po którym następuje rzeczownik w liczbie pojedynczej lub w liczbie mnogiej.Istnienie w języku angielskim takich dwóch sekwencji rodzi pytanie o różnice w ich znaczeniu i nakłania do zbadania ich francuskich możliwych tłumaczeń za pomocą pas de lub aucun. Celem jest zatem zbadanie przykładów, w których obie konstrukcje są gramatycznie dopuszczalne w języku angielskim, w celu wyjaśnienia procesu, za pomocą którego interpretowane jest ich odniesienie, oraz w celu zbadania podobieństw i różnic w znaczeniu sekwencji francuskich wykorzystujących aucun lub pas de.Analiza każdej z konstrukcji rzeczownikowej doprowadzi nas do zbadania cech językowych, odnoszących się do zestawów właściwości oraz zdarzeń, czynników subiektywnych i argumentacyjnych, które mogą (lub nie) implikować poprzez tłumaczenie schematy zależności. Zajmiemy się tymi zagadnieniami, badając przetłumaczone przykłady zaczerpnięte z korpusu paralelnego złożonego z fragmentów współczesnych powieści napisanych po angielsku po 1980 roku i ich tłumaczeń na język francuski.W języku angielskim no oznacza niemożliwą operację skanowania zarówno na zestawie ele­mentów zdefiniowanych w ramie przestrzeni i czasu – z rzeczownikiem w liczbie mnogiej, jak i w otwartym zestawie zdefiniowanym według właściwości – z rzeczownikiem w liczbie poje­dynczej.Ustaliliśmy, że w języku francuskim rozróżnianie dwóch markerów zależy od zdefiniowania różnych operacji językowych dla każdego z nich: skanowania dla aucun i blokowania walidacji dla pas de.Udowodniliśmy ponadto, że znaczenia interpretowane przez ich działania są zgodne z ich kontekstowym otoczeniem

    Un cadre d'analyse structurationniste des relations partenariales.

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    L’objectif de cette communication est de proposer un cadre d’analyse de l’évolution des relations partenariales. Ce cadre d’analyse est centré sur les dimensions interactives au sein de la relation modélisée comme système social complexe. Dans un premier temps nous proposons une revue de la littérature consacrée à ce sujet de la dynamique partenariale pour en dégager les principales caractéristiques. Nous distinguons ainsi deux courants majeurs. Le premier courant privilégie l’étude des facteurs explicatifs influençant la relation partenariale : son évolution apparaît ainsi conditionnée par l’existence d’éléments endogènes et/ou exogènes. Le second courant met l’accent sur la dimension systémique de la relation : celle -ci est alors vue comme ayant sa logique propre et son évolution peut être éclairée par une étude de la nature des forces à l’œuvre. Dans un second temps nous précisons les bases conceptuelles de notre cadre d’analyse, en relation avec ces travaux. Nous considérerons que la relation partenariale constitue un système social complexe, où les interactions entre individus, organisations et éléments contextuels sont à l’origine des modifications dans la structuration de la relation. Par nature non prédictive, cette évolution peut néanmoins être éclairée en considérant le processus par lequel les individus et les organisations construisent, par leurs interactions constantes, la structure et sont en retour modelés par elle. Pour ce faire, notre cadre d’analyse se compose de deux étapes complémentaires. La première étape fait référence aux éléments structurants du système partenarial : mode de coordination de la relation partenariale d’une part, relations individu/organisation d’autre part. Cette identification d’éléments structurants est à la base d’une définition de six formes archétypales de relations partenariales. Dans une seconde étape, nous proposons une grille de lecture des interactions fortes au sein du système partenarial . Ces interactions sont regroupées en familles de phénomènes liant entre eux les éléments de la structure à un triple niveau : inter-individuel, inter-organisationnel et en lien au contexte. Dans un troisième temps nous appliquons ce cadre d’analyse à une relation partenariale entre un producteur agricole et un grossiste. Cette relation se déroule sur une période de douze années. De sa mise en place jusqu’à sa dissolution, elle passe par une suite d’évènements qui en modifie la structure. Le cadre d’analyse proposé permet de mieux comprendre son évolution. Il met notamment en évidence la dimension interactive forte du phénomène partenarial, son caractère mouvant, contingent et aléatoire, ainsi que l’importance des dimensions individuelles et contextuelles dans son devenir.Système social; Structuration; Relation; Partenariat; Organisation; Interaction; Individu; Evolution;

    Ins1 Gene Up-Regulated in a β-Cell Line Derived from Ins2 Knockout Mice

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    The authors have derived a new β-cell line (βIns2−/−lacZ) from Ins2−/− mice that carry the lacZ reporter gene under control of the Ins2 promoter. βIns2−/−lacZ cells stained positively using anti-insulin antibody, expressed β-cell–specific genes encoding the transcription factor PDX-1, glucokinase, and Glut-2, retained glucose-responsiveness for insulin secretion, and expressed the lacZ gene. Analysis of Ins1 expression by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) showed that Ins1 transcripts were significantly raised to compensate for the lack of Ins2 transcripts in βIns2−/−lacZ cells, as compared to those found in βTC1 cells expressing both Ins1/Ins2. Thus, transcriptional up-regulation of the remaining functional insulin gene in Ins2−/− mice could potentially contribute to the β-cell adaptation exhibited by these mutants, in addition to the increase in β-cell mass that we previously reported.We have also shown that lacZ expression, as analyzed by determining β-galactosidase activity, was up-regulated by incubating βIns2−/−lacZ cells with GLP-1 and/or IBMX, 2 known stimulators of insulin gene expression. These cells thus represent a new tool for testing of molecules capable of stimulating Ins2 promoter activit

    Consumer interest and willingness to pay for in-bulk products with reusable packaging options

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    ABSTRACT: Consumers are looking for solutions to reduce waste at source, especially plastic waste from single-use packaging. Simply recycling packaging will not be enough and reduction at the source must be emphasized as part of a sustainable circular economy. Selling products in bulk using reusable containers is one of the emerging paths of the zero waste movement. To achieve this, it is necessary to change consumption patterns and behaviors. Our goal is to better understand how source reduction of plastic packaging can be an asset in a zero waste objective. Using a contingent valuation method, we conducted a large pan-Canadian survey on the purchasing preferences of 2002 Canadian households to analyze the willingness to pay (WTP) for different food and household products. Results indicate that most consumers do not appear to be willing to pay more for bulk products with reusable packaging even if they are interested in buying more bulk products. Different socio-demographic and attitudinal parameters, such as age, gender, sense of convenience, and pro-environmental behaviors, influence willingness to buy and pay. The originality of this work is to provide an economic perspective on the reduction of single-use containers and changes in consumption practices in the context of the zero waste movement and the circular economy

    Integrated maps in quail (Coturnix japonica) confirm the high degree of synteny conservation with chicken (Gallus gallus) despite 35 million years of divergence

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    BACKGROUND: By comparing the quail genome with that of chicken, chromosome rearrangements that have occurred in these two galliform species over 35 million years of evolution can be detected. From a more practical point of view, the definition of conserved syntenies helps to predict the position of genes in quail, based on information taken from the chicken sequence, thus enhancing the utility of this species in biological studies through a better knowledge of its genome structure. A microsatellite and an Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) genetic map were previously published for quail, as well as comparative cytogenetic data with chicken for macrochromosomes. Quail genomics will benefit from the extension and the integration of these maps. RESULTS: The integrated linkage map presented here is based on segregation analysis of both anonymous markers and functional gene loci in 1,050 quail from three independent F2 populations. Ninety-two loci are resolved into 14 autosomal linkage groups and a Z chromosome-specific linkage group, aligned with the quail AFLP map. The size of linkage groups ranges from 7.8 cM to 274.8 cM. The total map distance covers 904.3 cM with an average spacing of 9.7 cM between loci. The coverage is not complete, as macrochromosome CJA08, the gonosome CJAW and 23 microchromosomes have no marker assigned yet. Significant sequence identities of quail markers with chicken enabled the alignment of the quail linkage groups on the chicken genome sequence assembly. This, together with interspecific Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH), revealed very high similarities in marker order between the two species for the eight macrochromosomes and the 14 microchromosomes studied. CONCLUSION: Integrating the two microsatellite and the AFLP quail genetic maps greatly enhances the quality of the resulting information and will thus facilitate the identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL). The alignment with the chicken chromosomes confirms the high conservation of gene order that was expected between the two species for macrochromosomes. By extending the comparative study to the microchromosomes, we suggest that a wealth of information can be mined in chicken, to be used for genome analyses in quail

    Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of small ruminant lentiviruses isolated from Canadian sheep and goats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Small Ruminant Lentiviruses (SRLV) are widespread in Canadian sheep and goats and represent an important health issue in these animals. There is however no data about the genetic diversity of Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus (CAEV) or <it>Maedi Visna </it>Virus (MVV) in this country.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We performed a molecular and phylogenetic analysis of sheep and goat lentiviruses from a small geographic area in Canada using long sequences from the <it>gag </it>region of 30 infected sheep and 36 infected goats originating from 14 different flocks. Pairwise DNA distance and phylogenetic analyses revealed that all SRLV sequences obtained from sheep clustered tightly with prototypical <it>Maedi visna </it>sequences from America. Similarly, all SRLV strains obtained from goats clustered tightly with prototypical US CAEV-Cork strain.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The data reported in this study suggests that Canadian and US SRLV strains share common origins. In addition, the molecular data failed to bring to light any evidence of past cross species transmission between sheep and goats, which is consistent with the type of farming practiced in this part of the country where single species flocks predominate and where opportunities of cross species transmissions are proportionately low.</p