41 research outputs found

    Green Pathways for the Enzymatic Synthesis of Furan-Based Polyesters and Polyamides

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    The attention towards the utilization of sustainable feedstocks for polymer synthesis has grown exponentially in recent years. One of the spotlighted monomers derived from renewable resources is 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA), one of the most promising bio-based monomers, due to its resemblance to petroleum-based terephthalic acid. Very interesting synthetic routes using this monomer have been reported in the last two decades. Combining the use of bio-based monomers and non-toxic chemicals via enzymatic polymerizations can lead to a robust and favorable approach towards a greener technology of bio-based polymer production. In this chapter, a brief introduction to FDCA-based monomers and enzymatic polymerizations is given, particularly focusing on furan-based polymers and their polymerization. In addition, an outline of the recent developments in the field of enzymatic polymerizations is discussed. </p

    Generalized skew derivations with centralizer conditions on multilinear polynomials

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    Let R be a noncommutative prime ring of characteristic not 2 with extended centroid C, the maximal right ring of quotients Q and a nonzero generalized skew derivation d. Assume that f (X-1, center dot center dot center dot ,X-n) is amultilinear polynomial over C that is not central-valued on R and f (R) is the set of all evaluations of the multilinear polynomial f (X-1, center dot center dot center dot ,X-n) in R. Denote the set S := {delta(u)u | u is an element of f (R)}. The goal of the paper is to study C-R(S), the centralizer of S in R. To be precise, given a noncentral element b is an element of R it is proved that if b is an element of C-R(S), i.e.