33 research outputs found

    Chrome Plug-in to Support SRL in MOOCs

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    Proceeding of: 6th European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, EMOOCs 2019 Naples, Italy, May 20–22, 2019.Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have gained popularity over the last years, offering a learning environment with new opportunities and challenges. These courses attract a heterogeneous set of participants who, due to the impossibility of personal tutorship in MOOCs, are required to create their own learning path and manage one’s own learning to achieve their goals. In other words, they should be able to self-regulate their learning. Self-regulated learning (SRL) has been widely explored in settings such as face-to-face or blended learning environments. Nevertheless, research on SRL in MOOCs is still scarce, especially on supporting interventions. In this sense, this document presents MOOCnager, a Chrome plug-in to help learners improve their SRL skills. Specifically, this work focuses on 3 areas: goal setting, time management and selfevaluation. Each area is included in one of the 3 phases composing Zimmerman’s SRL Cyclical Model. In this way, the plug-in aims to support enrolees’ self-regulation throughout their complete learning process. Finally, MOOCnager was uploaded to the Chrome Web Store, in order to get a preliminary evaluation with real participants from 6 edX Java MOOCs designed by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Results were not conclusive as the use of the plug-in by the participants was very low. However, learners seem to prefer a seamless tool, integrated in the MOOC platform, which is able to assist them without any learner-tool interaction.The authors acknowledge the eMadrid Network, funded by the Madrid Regional Government (Comunidad de Madrid) with grant No. P2018/TCS-4307. This work also received partial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness/Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, Projects RESET (TIN2014-53199-C3-1-R) and Smartlet (TIN2017- 85179-C3-1-R), and from the European Commission through Erasmus+ projects COMPETENSEA (574212-EPP-1-2016-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), LALA (586120-EPP-1-2017-1-ESEPPKA2- CBHE-JP), and InnovaT (598758-EPP-1-2018-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).Publicad

    Promoter methylation of Wnt5a is associated with microsatellite instability and BRAF V600E mutation in two large populations of colorectal cancer patients

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    BACKGROUND: In colorectal cancer (CRC), tumour microsatellite instability (MSI) status and CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) status are indicators of patient outcome, but the molecular events that give rise to these outcomes remain largely unknown. Wnt5a is a critical regulator of non-canonical Wnt activity and promoter hypermethylation of this gene has emerging prognostic roles in CRC; however the frequency and prognostic significance of this epigenetic event have not been explored in the context of colorectal tumour subtype. Consequently, we investigated the frequency and prognostic significance of Wnt5a methylation in a large cohort of MSI-stratified CRCs. METHODS: Methylation was quantified in a large cohort of 1232 colorectal carcinomas from two clinically distinct populations from Canada. Associations were examined between methylation status and clinicopathlogical features, including tumour MSI status, BRAF V600E mutation, and patient survival. RESULTS: In Ontario, Wnt5a methylation was strongly associated with MSI tumours after adjustment for age, sex, and tumour location (odds ratio (OR)=4.2, 95% confidence interval (CI)=2.4-7.4, P<10(-6)) and with BRAF V600E mutation, a marker of CIMP (OR=12.3, 95% CI=6.9-21.7, P<10(-17)), but was not associated with patient survival. Concordant results were obtained in Newfoundland. CONCLUSION: Methylation of Wnt5a is associated with distinct tumour subtypes, strengthening the evidence of an epigenetic-mediated Wnt bias in CRC

    Abdominal ganglioneuromas in adults.

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    Ganglioneuromas are rare tumours of the parasympathetic nervous system. Their definitive diagnosis is made on histological examination. When they arise from the adrenal medulla, their assessment and management are the same as those of other adrenal tumours. We here report 3 cases of ganglioneuromas highlighting important points regarding the radiological assessment, management, decision making and surgical approaches

    WNT5A expression in human breast cancer

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    The Wnt family encodes secreted signaling molecules involved in cell adhesion and, by implication, cell growth. Wnt5a has been shown to behave as a putative oncogene and also as a tumour suppressor gene. This is a reflection of its role within a multi-step pathway and in the variety of ways in which its production can be stimulated or switched off. Wnt genes can be functionally separated into two classes; those that activate the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin pathway and those that activate the Wnt/Ca++ pathway. Wnt5a signals through frizzled receptors and, depending upon which frizzled receptor is present, may activate either pathway. Therefore the observed function of Wnt5a is entirely dependent upon its context, hence the confusion over its role in tumorigenesis. This study examines Wnt5a mRNA expression using RT-PCR in human breast cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred and twenty malignant breast tumours and 33 normal breast tissues were analysed. The levels of transcription of Wnt5a were determined using real-time quantitative PCR. Levels of expression were analysed against staging, nodal involvement, grade, distant metastasis and survival over a 6-year follow-up period. RESULTS: Levels of Wnt5a mRNA were lower in tumours than in normal tissue (mean values: 107 vs. 62.7). They fell further with increasing stage using the Nottingham Prognostic Index. This became statistically significant when NPI3 was compared to normal tissue (p=0.043, t-test). There was a trend towards lower levels of Wnt5a in those with progressive disease, however, this did not reach statistical significance. In patients with ER-negative disease, lower levels of Wnt5a were significantly associated with a worse clinical outcome (p=0.016). CONCLUSION: There is a trend for mRNA levels to be lower in cancerous tissue and lower still in those showing more aggressive behaviour. This is consistent with the hypothesis that Wnt5a is a tumour suppressor gene with potential clinical applications

    WNT5A expression in human breast cancer

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    The Wnt family encodes secreted signaling molecules involved in cell adhesion and, by implication, cell growth. Wnt5a has been shown to behave as a putative oncogene and also as a tumour suppressor gene. This is a reflection of its role within a multi-step pathway and in the variety of ways in which its production can be stimulated or switched off. Wnt genes can be functionally separated into two classes; those that activate the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin pathway and those that activate the Wnt/Ca++ pathway. Wnt5a signals through frizzled receptors and, depending upon which frizzled receptor is present, may activate either pathway. Therefore the observed function of Wnt5a is entirely dependent upon its context, hence the confusion over its role in tumorigenesis. This study examines Wnt5a mRNA expression using RT-PCR in human breast cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred and twenty malignant breast tumours and 33 normal breast tissues were analysed. The levels of transcription of Wnt5a were determined using real-time quantitative PCR. Levels of expression were analysed against staging, nodal involvement, grade, distant metastasis and survival over a 6-year follow-up period. RESULTS: Levels of Wnt5a mRNA were lower in tumours than in normal tissue (mean values: 107 vs. 62.7). They fell further with increasing stage using the Nottingham Prognostic Index. This became statistically significant when NPI3 was compared to normal tissue (p=0.043, t-test). There was a trend towards lower levels of Wnt5a in those with progressive disease, however, this did not reach statistical significance. In patients with ER-negative disease, lower levels of Wnt5a were significantly associated with a worse clinical outcome (p=0.016). CONCLUSION: There is a trend for mRNA levels to be lower in cancerous tissue and lower still in those showing more aggressive behaviour. This is consistent with the hypothesis that Wnt5a is a tumour suppressor gene with potential clinical applications

    Retinal arterioles narrow with increasing duration of anti-retroviral therapy in HIV infection: a novel estimator of vascular risk in HIV?

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    OBJECTIVES: HIV infection is associated with an increased risk of age-related morbidity mediated by immune dysfunction, atherosclerosis and inflammation. Changes in retinal vessel calibre may reflect cumulative structural damage arising from these mechanisms. The relationship of retinal vessel calibre with clinical and demographic characteristics was investigated in a population of HIV-infected individuals in South Africa. METHODS: Case-control study of 491 adults ≥30 years, composed of 242 HIV-infected adults and 249 age- and gender-matched HIV-negative controls. Retinal vessel calibre was measured using computer-assisted techniques to determine mean arteriolar and venular diameters of each eye. RESULTS: The median age was 40 years (IQR: 35-48 years). Among HIV-infected adults, 87.1% were receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) (median duration, 58 months), their median CD4 count was 468 cells/µL, and 84.3% had undetectable plasma viral load. Unadjusted mean retinal arteriolar diameters were 163.67±17.69 µm in cases and 161.34±17.38 µm in controls (p = 0.15). Unadjusted mean venular diameters were 267.77±18.21 µm in cases and 270.81±18.98 µm in controls (p = 0.07). Age modified the effect of retinal arteriolar and venular diameters in relation to HIV status, with a tendency towards narrower retinal diameters in HIV cases but not in controls. Among cases, retinal arteriolar diameters narrowed with increasing duration of HAART, independently of age (167.83 µm 6 years, p-trend = 0.02), and with a HIV viral load >10,000 copies/mL while on HAART (p = 0.05). HIV-related venular changes were not detected. CONCLUSIONS: Narrowing of retinal arteriolar diameters is associated with HAART duration and viral load, and may reflect heightened inflammatory and pro-atherogenic states of the systemic vasculature. Measurement of retinal vascular calibre could be an innovative non-invasive method of estimating vascular risk in HIV-infected individuals