3 research outputs found

    Atypical sensory processing is associated with lower body mass index and increased eating disturbance in individuals with anorexia nervosa

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    Background:Elevated autism spectrum disorder (ASD) traits are associated with anorexia nervosa (AN). Conversely, eating disturbances, which are core characteristics of AN, are common in ASD. Among individuals with ASD, atypical sensory processing is associated with eating disturbance. Because AN and ASD appear to overlap, it would be crucial to understand whether sensory processing atypicality exist also in AN. Further, it would be essential to find if atypical sensory processing is associated with eating disturbances in individuals with AN, since treatment modifications may be needed. We therefore aimed to examine whether atypical sensory processing is associated with AN and its core characteristics. MethodsParticipants of the current study included 42 individuals with AN and 40 healthy controls (HCs). All participants were adult women. Sensory processing, other ASD traits, and eating disorder symptoms were assessed with self-report questionnaires. ResultsIndividuals with AN reported lower registration, decreased sensation seeking, increased sensory sensitivity, and increased sensation avoiding compared to HCs. When analyzing groups with restrictive AN (AN-R) and binge-purge type AN (AN-BP) separately, only individuals with AN-R exhibited decreased sensation seeking, and only those with AN-BP exhibited lower registration. After controlling for body mass index as a covariate, group differences remained significant only in sensory sensitivity between individuals with AN and HCs. Increased atypical sensory processing predicted lower body mass index and increased disordered eating. ConclusionResults suggest that sensory processing appears to differ between AN and HC women, and AN subtypes may exhibit distinct sensory processing atypicality. Sensory sensitivity may be stable traits whereas other aspects of atypical sensory processing may be related to acute AN. Atypical sensory processing may contribute to the severity of AN, and thus it is crucial to recognize sensory processing differences when treating individuals with AN.Peer reviewe

    Emotion recognition, alexithymia, empathy, and emotion regulation in women with anorexia nervosa

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    Purpose Anorexia nervosa (AN) is associated with challenges in recognizing, understanding, and interpreting one's own and other's emotional states, feelings, and thoughts. It is unknown whether difficulties in emotion processing occur independently of common comorbid symptoms of AN and predict acute eating disorder characteristics. We aimed to examine emotion recognition, alexithymia, emotion regulation, and empathy in individuals with AN and to assess whether these predict eating disorder symptoms independently from comorbid symptoms. Methods Participants included 42 women with AN and 40 healthy control (HC) women between 18-30 years. Basic and complex emotion recognition was assessed with face photos and video clips. Alexithymia, empathy, emotion regulation, and comorbid symptoms (anxiety, depressive, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms and ASD traits) were assessed with self-assessment questionnaires. Results Participants with AN exhibited difficulties in basic and complex emotion recognition, as well as increased alexithymia, decreased empathy, and challenges in emotion regulation when compared to HCs. After controlling for comorbid symptoms, differences remained only in complex emotion recognition. Challenges in emotion recognition were associated with lower body mass index, and increased alexithymia was associated with increased eating disorder symptoms. Increased challenges in emotion regulation were associated with a shorter duration of illness, higher body mass index, and increased eating disorder symptoms. Conclusions Participants with AN displayed widespread deficit in emotion processing, but only challenges in complex emotion recognition occurred independently from comorbid symptoms. Deficits in emotion processing may contribute to the illness severity and thus could be an important treatment target.Peer reviewe

    Laihuushäiriö ja autismikirjo

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    Laihuushäiriöön liittyy usein autismikirjolle tyypillisiä piirteitä, eli vaikeuksia sosiaalisessa tiedonkäsittelyssä ja vuorovaikutuksessa, joustamatonta ja kaavamaista käyttäytymistä sekä aistitiedon käsittelyn poikkeavuuksia. Osa laihuushäiriötä sairastavista täyttää autismikirjon häiriön diagnostiset kriteerit, ja heillä syömishäiriöoireiden taustalla vaikuttavat autismikirjon piirteet. Lisäksi joillain autismikirjon piirteet mahdollisesti korostuvat akuutin laihuushäiriön aikana. Autismikirjon piirteet liittyvät laihuushäiriön heikompaan ennusteeseen ja lisäävät häiriön pitkittymisen riskiä. Laihuushäiriötä sairastavat autismikirjolla olevat henkilöt eivät mahdollisesti hyödy riittävästi laihuushäiriön tämänhetkisistä hoitomenetelmistä, ja hoitokäytäntöjä tulisikin muokata niin, että heitä hoidettaessa autismikirjon piirteet huomioitaisiin nykyistä paremmin.Peer reviewe