22 research outputs found

    Les mencheviks face à la révolution d'Octobre [Le Congrès extraordinaire du RSDRP (novembre-décembre 1917)]

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    L. Haimson, The Mensheviks and the October Revolution. The extraordinary Party Congress of the RSDRP (November-December 1917). This article is devoted to an examination of the deliberations of the Extraordinary Congress of the RSDRP(o) in November-December 1917, in the broader context of the evolution of political attitudes in various factions of the Menshevik Party after the Bolshevik seizure of power. The extraordinary Congress was the first congress of the Menshevik Party held after the October Revolution, as well as the first dominated by its new Internationalist majority. The article examines the major debates between this new party majority and its Defensist opponents on the crucial issues that now divided them : the posture to be adopted toward the Soviet regime— and specifically the character of the government that should be installed to replace it, the issue of the war, and the policies to be adopted toward the Constituent Assembly, the democratic organs of local self-government, and the central and local organs of Soviets. The article examines the reasons for the sense of paralysis felt by most factions within the Menshevik Party at this time, as well as the factors that caused them — temporarily — to attenuate if not bury their differences.L. Haimson, Les Mencheviks face à la révolution d'Octobre. Le Congrès extraordinaire du RSDRP (novembre-décembre 1917). Cette étude est consacrée à un examen des délibérations du Congrès extraordinaire du RSDRP (o) de novembre-décembre 1917, dans le contexte plus large de l'évolution de l'attitude politique des différentes factions du Parti menchevik, après la prise du pouvoir par les Bolcheviks. Ce fut le premier congrès du Parti menchevik après la révolution d'Octobre, et aussi le premier dominé par sa nouvelle majorité internationaliste. Le présent article examine les principaux débats entre cette nouvelle majorité du Parti et ses adversaires Défensistes sur les problèmes cruciaux qui les divisaient alors : attitude à adopter à l'égard du régime soviétique, et en particulier caractéristiques du Gouvernement qui devrait être mis en place pour le remplacer, problème de la guerre, politique à adopter envers l'Assemblée Constituante, les organismes démocratiques d'autonomie locale et les organes centraux et locaux des soviets. Cet article examine les raisons du sentiment de paralysie éprouvé par la plupart des factions au sein du Parti menchevik à ce moment-là, de même que les facteurs qui les poussèrent — temporairement — à tempérer, si ce n'est à enterrer, leurs divergences.Haimson Leopold. Les mencheviks face à la révolution d'Octobre [Le Congrès extraordinaire du RSDRP (novembre-décembre 1917)]. In: Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique, vol. 14, n°1-2, Janvier-juin 1973. pp. 5-32

    The Politics of Rural Russia, 1905–1914

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    This volume treats an important and hitherto neglected topic in modern Russian history: The political evolution of the Russian countryside in the early twentieth century. Eight scholars examine the political and social conservatism of rural Russia from the formation of the Duma following the revolution of 1905 until the outbreak of World War I


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    Changements démographiques et grèves ouvrières à Saint-Pétersbourg, 1905-1914

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    Demographic Change and Strike Waves in St. Petersburg 1905-14 The core of this article is devoted to an analysis of demographic changes in St Petersburg between 1900 and 1910, with particular emphasis on the strata of industrial workers employed in different districts and branches of industry. Various findings of the analysis suggest a close relationship between the processes of urbanization which, to differing degrees, these various strata of St Petersburg workers experienced during this decade and the patterns of strike actions that they came to display by the eve of the First World War. The results of a quantitative analysis of labor unrest among all workers of the Empire under Factory Inspection during the 1905- 07 and 1912- 14 strike waves are summarized in the introduction of the article. These results, in turn, strongly suggest that our findings concerning the workers of St Petersburg represent an extreme but illustrative case of more general tendencies in the dynamics of labor unrest in Imperial Russia by the eve of the War, pointing to the impact of processes of urbanization -even more than that of the factor of urban concentration on the intensity and character of industrial strikes.Haimson Leopold, Brian Eric. Changements démographiques et grèves ouvrières à Saint-Pétersbourg, 1905-1914. In: Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations. 40ᵉ année, N. 4, 1985. pp. 781-803