4 research outputs found


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    This article deals with an analysis of the first description of the Russian language – the grammar of Mark Ridley, physician in the Kremlin (at the end of the 16th century). It is an example of interlanguage and may be examined as valuable evidence of naturalistic second language acquisition. The stylistic features of Russian oral language as a source of knowledge about the spoken language of Muscovites of the end of the 16th century. Key words: second language acquisition, Russian grammar, Marc Ridley, interlanguage, 16th century.Статья посвящена рассмотрению первого грамматического описания русского языка – грамматики кремлевского врача Марка Ридлея (конца XvI века). Доказывается, что эту грамматику, которая является примером интерязыка, можно рассматривать как ценное свидетельство естественного овладения вторым языком. В грамматике Ридлея получили отражение стилистические особенности устной русской речи, поэтому ее можно рассматривать и как источник знаний о разговорной речи москвичей конца XvI века

    Видовые характеристики глагола в учебниках русского языка для иностранцев второй половины XVIII – начала XIX века (французская традиция)

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    The article deals with aspectual characteristics of the verb in Russian language textbooks for French-speaking students of J.-B. J. Charpentier and F. de Marignan (1768), F. V. Karjavine (1791), J.-B. Maudru (1802, 1808), as well as anonymous "New Russian Grammar" (1788). The authors of these textbooks relied on the description of the verb in the "Russian grammar" of M. V. Lomonosov (1755), but at the same time interpreted them in their own way, trying to make them more understandable for students. Each of them offered his own version of the systematization of verbal forms. The French authors used grammatical terms familiar to French students. Thus, the evolution of ideas about verbal aspects in the Russian textbooks for French-speaking students was due to pedagogical considerations. The anonymous author of the “New Russian Grammar”, which is being analyzed for the first time, was based on grammatical ideas of V. E. Adodurov: he distinguished three verbal tenses and two aspects, thereby anticipating further theories of Russian verb aspects.В статье рассматриваются видовые характеристики русского глагола в учебниках русского языка для франкоговорящих учащихся Ж.-Б. Ж. Шарпантье и Ф. де Мариньяна (1768), Ф. В. Каржавина (1791), Ж.-Б. Модрю (1802, 1808), а также в анонимной «Новой российской грамматике» (1788). Установлено, что авторы этих учебников и учебных пособий, кроме автора "Новой Российской грамматики" 1788 г., опирались на описание видовых характеристик глагола в «Российской грамматике» М. В. Ломоносова (1755), но при этом по-своему их интерпретировали, стремясь сделать их более понятными для учащихся. Каждый из них предлагал свой вариант систематизации глагольных форм, и кроме того, авторы-французы использовали в своих учебниках знакомую французским учащимся грамматическую терминологию. Таким образом, эволюция представлений о виде русского глагола в учебниках русского языка для франкоговорящих была обусловлена педагогическими соображениями. Анонимный автор "Новой российской грамматики", которая исследуется впервые, опирался на грамматическую концепцию В. Е. Адодурова: он выделил три времени и два вида, тем самым предвосхитив дальнейшие теории видов русского глагола

    Morphological Features of Russian Speech of Two Generations of Bilinguals and Monolinguals

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the morphological features of the Russian speech of two generations of Russian-German bilinguals living in Germany and Russian monolinguals living in Russia. The relevance of this study is due to the need to study the state of the Russian language abroad, its preservation and development. Four groups of informants took part in the study: 22 bilingual adults, 26 their children, 19 monolingual adults, 23 their children. The age of the parents is 35-50 years, the age of the children is 10-15 years. The material of the study was transcripts of audio recordings of oral stories based on pictures from the book by M. Mayer “Frog: where are you?”. Research methods are directed sampling, descriptive, systematization, statistical and comparative. Deviations from morphological norms were grouped into two structural types: 1) deviations from the norms of constructing word forms; 2) deviations from the norms of the choice of word forms. The study determined the average number of deviations from morphological norms in the stories of four groups of informants. It was found that in families seeking to preserve the Russian language in conditions of emigration, the morphological system remains relatively stable. At the same time, the average proportion of deviations from morphological norms in the speech of bilinguals is higher than in the speech of monolinguals, and in the speech of children is higher than in the speech of their parents. The average values of the number of typical deviations from the norms in each of the groups were determined. The heterogeneity of the number of deviations from the norms in individual representatives of each of the groups of informants was revealed. It is established that in some families the literary language is preserved, and the influence of the German language is not revealed, in others the vernacular is the means of communication, and some deviations from morphological norms may be caused by interlanguage interference. It should be noted that the greatest difficulty for all native speakers of the Russian language is the norms of the use of case forms and prepositional-case