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    Pieces of the Puzzle. An interview with Leonid A. Gavrilov, Ph.D.

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    us amount of work, which was done in collaboration with Dr. Natalia Gavrilova, my wife. We were fortunate to make a number of new findings, which have since been cited in the scientific literature. Writing a book was a good method of selfeducation in aging studies. How do I know that this self-education was correct? Well, indicators include the fact that our book was selected and cited by the Encyclopedia Britannica as a recommended reference on longevity. The book also received positive reviews in a dozen scientific journals, including Nature, the British Medical Journal, and BioEssays, and more than 100 citations in the scientific literature. We believe that our research and self-education efforts were not in vain. Another very good test of our scientific credentials occurred five years ago, when Natalia and I immigrated to the United States from Russia and applied for research funding in this new and highly competitive environment. We were lucky to be awarded research grants fro