53 research outputs found

    Continuum limit of amorphous elastic bodies (III): Three dimensional systems

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    Extending recent numerical studies on two dimensional amorphous bodies, we characterize the approach of elastic continuum limit in three dimensional (weakly polydisperse) Lennard-Jones systems. While performing a systematic finite-size analysis (for two different quench protocols) we investigate the non-affine displacement field under external strain, the linear response to an external delta force and the low-frequency harmonic eigenmodes and their density distribution. Qualitatively similar behavior is found as in two dimensions. We demonstrate that the classical elasticity description breaks down below an intermediate length scale ξ\xi, which in our system is approximately 23 molecular sizes. This length characterizes the correlations of the non-affine displacement field, the self-averaging of external noise with distance from the source and gives the lower wave length bound for the applicability of the classical eigenfrequency calculations. We trace back the "Boson-peak" of the density of eigenfrequencies (obtained from the velocity auto-correlation function) to the inhomogeneities on wave lengths smaller than ξ\xi.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    On the study of local stress rearrangements during quasistatic plastic shear of a model glass: do local stress components contain enough information?

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    We present a numerical study of the mechanical response of a 2D Lennard-Jones amorphous solid under steady quasistatic and athermal shear. We focus here on the evolution of local stress components. While the local stress is usually taken as an order parameter in the description of the rheological behaviour of complex fluids, and for plasticity in glasses, we show here that the knowledge of local stresses is not sufficient for a complete description of the plastic behaviour of our system. The distribution of local stresses can be approximately described as resulting from the sum of localized quadrupolar events with an exponential distribution of amplitudes. However, we show that the position of the center of the quadrupoles is not related to any special evolution of the local stress, but must be described by another variable

    Dressed emitters as impurities

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    Dressed states forming when quantum emitters or atoms couple to a photonic bath underpin a number of phenomena and applications, in particular nonradiating effective interactions occurring within photonic bandgaps. Here, we present a compact formulation of the resolvent-based theory for calculating atom-photon dressed states built on the idea that the atom behaves as an effective impurity. This establishes an explicit connection with the standard impurity problem in condensed matter. Moreover, it allows us to formulate and settle - independently of the bath Hamiltonian - a number of properties previously known only for specific models or not entirely formalized. The framework is next extended to the case of more than one emitter, which is used to derive a general expression of dissipationless effective Hamiltonians explicitly featuring the overlap of single-emitter dressed bound states

    Plastic Response of a 2D Lennard-Jones amorphous solid: Detailed analysis of the local rearrangements at very slow strain-rate

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    We analyze in details the atomistic response of a model amorphous material submitted to plastic shear in the athermal, quasistatic limit. After a linear stress-strain behavior, the system undergoes a noisy plastic flow. We show that the plastic flow is spatially heterogeneous. Two kinds of plastic events occur in the system: quadrupolar localized rearrangements, and shear bands. The analysis of the individual motion of a particle shows also two regimes: a hyper-diffusive regime followed by a diffusive regime, even at zero temperature

    Microscopic elasticity of complex systems

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    Lecture Notes for the Erice Summer School 2005 Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter: from Materials to Chemical Biology. Perspectives in celebration of the 65th Birthday of Mike Klein organized by Kurt Binder, Giovanni Ciccotti and Mauro Ferrari

    Experimental and numerical analysis of a liquid aluminium injector for an Al-H2O based hydrogen production system

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    This paper investigates pressurised injection system for liquid aluminium for a cogeneration system based on the Al–H2O reaction. The reaction produces hydrogen and heat which is used for super-heating vapour for a steam cycle. The aluminium combustion with water generates also alumina as a byproduct; the aluminium oxide can be recycled and transformed back to aluminium. Thus, aluminium can be exploited as energy carrier in order to transport energy from the alumina recycling plant to the place where the cogeneration system is located. The water is also used in a closed loop; indeed, the amount of water produced employing the hydrogen obtained by the proposed system corresponds to the oxidizing water for the Al/H2O reaction. The development of a specific test rig designed for investigating the liquid aluminium injection is presented in this research study. The injector nozzle is investigated by means of numerical thermal and structural analysis. The calculations are compared and validated against the experimental measurements carried out on ad-hoc developed test rig. A good agreement between the numerical results and the experimental values is found and the new design of the nozzle is devised

    Stress response inside perturbed particle assemblies

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    The effect of structural disorder on the stress response inside three dimensional particle assemblies is studied using computer simulations of frictionless sphere packings. Upon applying a localised, perturbative force within the packings, the resulting {\it Green's} function response is mapped inside the different assemblies, thus providing an explicit view as to how the imposed perturbation is transmitted through the packing. In weakly disordered arrays, the resulting transmission of forces is of the double-peak variety, but with peak widths scaling linearly with distance from the source of the perturbation. This behaviour is consistent with an anisotropic elasticity response profile. Increasing the disorder distorts the response function until a single-peak response is obtained for fully disordered packings consistent with an isotropic description.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure captions To appear in Granular Matte

    Continuum limit of amorphous elastic bodies: A finite-size study of low frequency harmonic vibrations

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    The approach of the elastic continuum limit in small amorphous bodies formed by weakly polydisperse Lennard-Jones beads is investigated in a systematic finite-size study. We show that classical continuum elasticity breaks down when the wavelength of the sollicitation is smaller than a characteristic length of approximately 30 molecular sizes. Due to this surprisingly large effect ensembles containing up to N=40,000 particles have been required in two dimensions to yield a convincing match with the classical continuum predictions for the eigenfrequency spectrum of disk-shaped aggregates and periodic bulk systems. The existence of an effective length scale \xi is confirmed by the analysis of the (non-gaussian) noisy part of the low frequency vibrational eigenmodes. Moreover, we relate it to the {\em non-affine} part of the displacement fields under imposed elongation and shear. Similar correlations (vortices) are indeed observed on distances up to \xi~30 particle sizes.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    Towards the QFT on Curved Spacetime Limit of QGR. I: A General Scheme

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    In this article and a companion paper we address the question of how one might obtain the semiclassical limit of ordinary matter quantum fields (QFT) propagating on curved spacetimes (CST) from full fledged Quantum General Relativity (QGR), starting from first principles. We stress that we do not claim to have a satisfactory answer to this question, rather our intention is to ignite a discussion by displaying the problems that have to be solved when carrying out such a program. In the present paper we propose a scheme that one might follow in order to arrive at such a limit. We discuss the technical and conceptual problems that arise in doing so and how they can be solved in principle. As to be expected, completely new issues arise due to the fact that QGR is a background independent theory. For instance, fundamentally the notion of a photon involves not only the Maxwell quantum field but also the metric operator - in a sense, there is no photon vacuum state but a "photon vacuum operator"! While in this first paper we focus on conceptual and abstract aspects, for instance the definition of (fundamental) n-particle states (e.g. photons), in the second paper we perform detailed calculations including, among other things, coherent state expectation values and propagation on random lattices. These calculations serve as an illustration of how far one can get with present mathematical techniques. Although they result in detailed predictions for the size of first quantum corrections such as the gamma-ray burst effect, these predictions should not be taken too seriously because a) the calculations are carried out at the kinematical level only and b) while we can classify the amount of freedom in our constructions, the analysis of the physical significance of possible choices has just begun.Comment: LaTeX, 47 p., 3 figure

    Genomics-assisted breeding in four major pulse crops of developing countries: present status and prospects

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    The global population is continuously increasing and is expected to reach nine billion by 2050. This huge population pressure will lead to severe shortage of food, natural resources and arable land. Such an alarming situation is most likely to arise in developing countries due to increase in the proportion of people suffering from protein and micronutrient malnutrition. Pulses being a primary and affordable source of proteins and minerals play a key role in alleviating the protein calorie malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and other undernourishment-related issues. Additionally, pulses are a vital source of livelihood generation for millions of resource-poor farmers practising agriculture in the semi-arid and sub-tropical regions. Limited success achieved through conventional breeding so far in most of the pulse crops will not be enough to feed the ever increasing population. In this context, genomics-assisted breeding (GAB) holds promise in enhancing the genetic gains. Though pulses have long been considered as orphan crops, recent advances in the area of pulse genomics are noteworthy, e.g. discovery of genome-wide genetic markers, high-throughput genotyping and sequencing platforms, high-density genetic linkage/QTL maps and, more importantly, the availability of whole-genome sequence. With genome sequence in hand, there is a great scope to apply genome-wide methods for trait mapping using association studies and to choose desirable genotypes via genomic selection. It is anticipated that GAB will speed up the progress of genetic improvement of pulses, leading to the rapid development of cultivars with higher yield, enhanced stress tolerance and wider adaptability
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