5 research outputs found

    Set of panels showing the density variances between SG and OT pools for spots 1 to 10.

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    <p>In each panel the region of the stained gel containing the spot of interest was magnified (inset) and the up-/downregulation graphically represented. Pvalue indicating statistical significant density variance (T-test) is reported in each panel.</p

    Immunoblotting of proteins from SG and OT profiles generated as indicated in Fig 1.

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    <p>PVDF membranes were incubated with the rabbit polyclonal antibodies anti-FliD of <i>M</i>. <i>mitochondrii</i>, followed by anti-rabbit antibody. The protein spot(s) indicated by an arrow in Panel A (OT pool) was tentatively assigned to FliD. Panel B shows the SG profile in which the hypothetical FliD spot is undetectable.</p