3 research outputs found
Radical Scavenger Capacity of Jabuticaba Fruit ( Myrciaria cauliflora
Jabuticaba is an exotic fruit native to Brazil that has been arousing medicinal interest. Using chemical (HPLC-PDA, resonance mass spectra, and NMR), electroanalytical (differential pulse voltammetry, radical scavenging assay), and pharmacological (in vivo and in vitro) approaches, we have identified its bioactive compounds and hypotensive effects on hypertensive rats. The hydroalcoholic extract of jabuticaba (HEJ) presents a great quantity of phenolic compounds, and several molecules with hydroxyl groups present high efficiency as an antioxidant. The treatment with HEJ (100 and 300 mg/kg/day, for four weeks) presented hypotensive effects on L-NAME-induced hypertensive rats, possibly improving the nitric oxide bioavailability because of its high antioxidant potential. Furthermore, renal and cardiac hypertrophies were also attenuated after the HEJ treatment. Moreover, the vascular responses to contractile and dilating agonists were improved with the HEJ treatment, which is also able to induce nitric oxide production in endothelial cells
Fibrodisplasia ossificante progressiva: relato de caso e achados radiográficos Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: a case report and radiographic findings
A fibrodisplasia ossificante progressiva é uma doença genética rara do tecido conjuntivo, caracterizada por ossificação disseminada em tecidos moles e alterações congênitas das extremidades. Sua transmissão é autossômica dominante, com penetrância completa, mas expressão variável. O início ocorre na infância e o envolvimento progressivo axial e da região proximal dos membros leva a uma conseqüente imobilização e deformação articular. Apresentamos um caso de um paciente de 22 anos de idade, do sexo masculino, com quadro clínico característico de fibrodisplasia ossificante progressiva e discutimos os últimos avanços no diagnóstico e na fisiopatogenia desta entidade.<br>Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is a rare hereditary connective tissue disease characterized by disseminated soft tissue ossification and congenital abnormality of the extremities. It is genetically inherited as a dominant trait with complete penetrance but variable expression. The onset takes place during childhood and the progressive involvement of the spine and proximal extremities leads to immobilization and articular deformity. We report a case of a 22-year-old male patient with typical symptoms of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva and discuss the new advances in the diagnosis and pathophysiology