5 research outputs found

    Behavioral Improvement and Regulation of Molecules Related to Neuroplasticity in Ischemic Rat Spinal Cord Treated with PEDF

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    Pigment epithelium derived factor (PEDF) exerts trophic actions to motoneurons and modulates nonneuronal restorative events, but its effects on neuroplasticity responses after spinal cord (SC) injury are unknown. Rats received a low thoracic SC photothrombotic ischemia and local injection of PEDF and were evaluated behaviorally six weeks later. PEDF actions were detailed in SC ventral horn (motor) in the levels of the lumbar central pattern generator (CPG), far from the injury site. Molecules related to neuroplasticity (MAP-2), those that are able to modulate such event, for instance, neurotrophic factors (NT-3, GDNF, BDNF, and FGF-2), chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPG), and those associated with angiogenesis and antiapoptosis (laminin and Bcl-2) and Eph (receptor)/ephrin system were evaluated at cellular or molecular levels. PEDF injection improved motor behavioral performance and increased MAP-2 levels and dendritic processes in the region of lumbar CPG. Treatment also elevated GDNF and decreased NT-3, laminin, and CSPG. Injury elevated EphA4 and ephrin-B1 levels, and PEDF treatment increased ephrin A2 and ephrins B1, B2, and B3. Eph receptors and ephrins were found in specific populations of neurons and astrocytes. PEDF treatment to SC injury triggered neuroplasticity in lumbar CPG and regulation of neurotrophic factors, extracellular matrix molecules, and ephrins

    Behavioral Improvement and Regulation of Molecules Related to Neuroplasticity in Ischemic Rat Spinal Cord Treated with PEDF

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    Pigment epithelium derived factor (PEDF) exerts trophic actions to motoneurons and modulates nonneuronal restorative events, but its effects on neuroplasticity responses after spinal cord (SC) injury are unknown. Rats received a low thoracic SC photothrombotic ischemia and local injection of PEDF and were evaluated behaviorally six weeks later. PEDF actions were detailed in SC ventral horn (motor) in the levels of the lumbar central pattern generator (CPG), far from the injury site. Molecules related to neuroplasticity (MAP-2), those that are able to modulate such event, for instance, neurotrophic factors (NT-3, GDNF, BDNF, and FGF-2), chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPG), and those associated with angiogenesis and antiapoptosis (laminin and Bcl-2) and Eph (receptor)/ephrin system were evaluated at cellular or molecular levels. PEDF injection improved motor behavioral performance and increased MAP-2 levels and dendritic processes in the region of lumbar CPG. Treatment also elevated GDNF and decreased NT-3, laminin, and CSPG. Injury elevated EphA4 and ephrin-B1 levels, and PEDF treatment increased ephrin A2 and ephrins B1, B2, and B3. Eph receptors and ephrins were found in specific populations of neurons and astrocytes. PEDF treatment to SC injury triggered neuroplasticity in lumbar CPG and regulation of neurotrophic factors, extracellular matrix molecules, and ephrins

    Importância da intoxicação por Amorimia pubiflora (Malpighiaceae) em bovinos em Mato Grosso: reprodução experimental da intoxicação em ovinos e bovinos

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    No município de Colniza, Mato Grosso, a principal limitação para expansão pecuária é a ocorrência de "morte súbita" em bovinos, com registros de mortalidade próxima a 50% dos animais. Em visitas realizadas em áreas de ocorrência do problema, nos anos de 2004, 2011 e 2012, constatou-se que havia coincidência entre a ocorrência de "mortes súbitas" no rebanho e a presença de Amorimia pubiflora nas pastagens. As mortes ocorrem durante todo ano, porém acentuam-se no início do período das chuvas, quando há maior quantidade de brotação nas áreas de pastoreio. A intoxicação foi reproduzida em ovinos e bovinos através da administração de folhas jovens coletadas em dois períodos do ano, e, em ovinos, através de folhas maduras e dos frutos. Nos ovinos que morreram, as primeiras manifestações clínicas foram observadas entre 34min e 17h34min após a administração da planta e a evolução clínica foi de 3min a 15h20min, com uma fase final superaguda de 3 a 21min. As principais alterações clínicas encontradas foram taquicardia, evidenciação da jugular, tremores musculares, apatia e relutância à movimentação. Todos os sinais acentuavam-se após a movimentação. A fase final superaguda foi caracterizada por relutância para caminhar, cifose, tremores e contrações musculares generalizadas, principalmente de membros, cabeça e pescoço. Notou-se também taquipneia com respiração abdominal, decúbito esternal e rapidamente lateral ou quedas em decúbito lateral, opistótono, nistagmo e cianose de mucosa oral, seguidos de morte. As folhas jovens, independentemente do período da coleta, foram mais tóxicas; causaram a morte de ovinos a partir de 2g/kg e de um bovino que ingeriu 3g/kg. Já as folhas maduras revelaram-se tóxicas e causaram morte na dose de 20g/kg e os frutos ocasionaram a morte de um ovino que ingeriu 5g/kg. Concluímos que monofluoracetato de sódio (MFA), encontrado na concentração de 0,015% nas folhas em brotação de A. pubiflora, é o princípio tóxico responsável pela "morte súbita" causada por Amorimia pubiflora. Esse estudo mostra a importância de A. pubiflora para a região Centro-Oeste do Brasil, principalmente para a pecuária bovina do município de Colniza, MT. Essa planta é tóxica, também, para ovinos e o quadro clínico é similar ao descrito para bovinos

    Induction and transfer of resistance to poisoning by Amorimia pubiflora in sheep whith non-toxic dosis of the plant and ruminal content

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    ABSTRACT: Amorimiapubiflora (Malpighiaceae), which contains sodium monofluoroacetate (MFA) is the main cause of "sudden death" in cattle in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. This research investigated the induction of resistance to the poisoning in sheep by the continuous administration of non-toxic doses of the plant and also the possibility to transfer this resistance to other sheep by the transfaunation of ruminal fluid. For this a group of four sheep (G1) received daily doses of 0.5g kg-1 for 20 days and after an interval of 15 days were challenged with three daily doses of 1g kg-1 for 3 days. Also the transfer of resistance to A. pubiflora poisoning was evaluated by transfaunation of rumen fluid (100ml for 10 days) from G1 sheep to five sheep (G2), followed by challenge with the dose of 1g kg-1 for 3 days (G2D2) and after a three-day interval they received a single dose of 3g kg-1 (G2D3). The degree of resistance was evaluated by monitoring the onset of clinical signs, heart rate, and outcome of the poisoning compared with the control groups, which were challenged with three daily doses of 1g kg1 (G3) and with a single dose of 3g kg-1 (G4). Clinical parameters evaluated in Groups G1 and G2 were significantly less pronounced than those observed in G3 and G4 (control) (P<0.05). Sheep in G4 (control) died after receiving a single dose of 3g kg-1, while those in G2 (transfaunated) survived. These findings demonstrated that consumption of non-toxic doses of A. pubiflora induced resistance in sheep and that this resistance can be transferred by transfaunation. New experiments are needed to determine the most efficient ways to induce resistance and to use this technique in the field to prevent the poisoning