46 research outputs found

    Detecção rápida do Coronavírus Bovino (BCoV) por meio de uma semi-nested RT-PCR

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    Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is a member of the group 2 of the Coronavirus (Nidovirales: Coronaviridae) and the causative agent of enteritis in both calves and adult bovine, as well as respiratory disease in calves. The present study aimed to develop a semi-nested RT-PCR for the detection of BCoV based on representative up-to-date sequences of the nucleocapsid gene, a conserved region of coronavirus genome. Three primers were designed, the first round with a 463bp and the second (semi-nested) with a 306bp predicted fragment. The analytical sensitivity was determined by 10-fold serial dilutions of the BCoV Kakegawa strain (HA titre: 256) in DEPC treated ultra-pure water, in fetal bovine serum (FBS) and in a BCoV-free fecal suspension, when positive results were found up to the 10-2, 10-3 and 10-7 dilutions, respectively, which suggests that the total amount of RNA in the sample influence the precipitation of pellets by the method of extraction used. When fecal samples was used, a large quantity of total RNA serves as carrier of BCoV RNA, demonstrating a high analytical sensitivity and lack of possible substances inhibiting the PCR. The final semi-nested RT-PCR protocol was applied to 25 fecal samples from adult cows, previously tested by a nested RT-PCR RdRp used as a reference test, resulting in 20 and 17 positives for the first and second tests, respectively, and a substantial agreement was found by kappa statistics (0.694). The high sensitivity and specificity of the new proposed method and the fact that primers were designed based on current BCoV sequences give basis to a more accurate diagnosis of BCoV-caused diseases, as well as to further insights on protocols for the detection of other Coronavirus representatives of both Animal and Public Health importance.O Coronavírus bovino (BCoV) pertence ao grupo 2 do gênero Coronavirus (Nidovirales: Coronaviridae) e é agente causador de enterites tanto em bezerros como em bovinos adultos, bem como de doença respiratória em bezerros. O presente estudo teve por objetivo desenvolver uma semi-nested RT-PCR para a detecção do BCoV com base em seqüências representativas e recentes do gene do nucleocapsídeo, região conservada do genoma dos coronavírus. Três primers foram desenhados, a primeira amplificação com um fragmento esperado de 463pb e a segunda (semi-nested) com um fragmento esperado de 306pb. A sensibilidade analítica foi determinada pela diluição do BCoV cepa Kakegawa (título HA: 256) na base de 10 em água ultra-pura tratada com DEPC, em soro fetal bovino (SFB) e em uma suspensão fecal negativa para o BCoV, onde foram encontrados resultados positivos até a diluição de 10-2, 10-3 e 10-7, respectivamente. Este resultado sugere que a quantidade total de RNA na amostra influencia na precipitação dos pellets pelo método de extração utilizado. Quando se utiliza amostra fecal, a grande quantidade de RNA total funciona como carreadora do RNA do BCoV, demonstrando elevada sensibilidade analítica e ausência de possíveis substâncias inibidoras da PCR. O protocolo final da semi-nested RT-PCR foi aplicado a 25 amostras fecais de vacas adultas, previamente avaliadas por uma nested RT-PCR RdRp utilizada como teste de referência, resultando em 20 e 17 amostras positivas para o primeiro e segundo teste, respectivamente. Os resultados dos dois sistema de diagnóstico apresentaram concordância substancial (kappa: 0,694). A elevada sensibilidade e especificidade do novo método proposto e o fato de que os primers foram desenhados baseados em sequências atuais do BCoV, oferecem bases para o diagnóstico mais acurado de infecções causadas pelo BCoV, assim como para novas perspectivas em protocolos de detecção de outros Coronavírus de importância tanto em saninade animal quanto em saúde pública

    Intrahost Diversity of Feline Coronavirus: A Consensus between the Circulating Virulent/Avirulent Strains and the Internal Mutation Hypotheses?

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    To evaluate the most controversial issue concerning current feline coronavirus (FCoV) virology, the coexisting hypotheses of the intrahost and interhost origins of feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) in regard to the pathogenesis of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), this study aimed to assess the molecular diversity of the membrane gene FCoVs in 190 samples from 10 cats with signs of FIP and in 5 faecal samples from cats without signs of FIP. All samples from the non-FIP cats and 25.26% of the samples from the FIP cats were positive for the FCoV membrane (M) gene. Mutations in this gene consisted of SNP changes randomly scattered among the sequences; few mutations resulted in amino acid changes. No geographic pattern was observed. Of the cats without FIP that harboured FECoV, the amino acid sequence identities for the M gene were 100% among cats (Cats 1–3) from the same cattery, and the overall sequence identity for the M gene was ≥91%. In one cat, two different lineages of FCoV, one enteric and one systemic, were found that segregated apart in the M gene tree. In conclusion, the in vivo mutation transition hypothesis and the circulating high virulent-low virulent FCoV hypothesis have been found to be plausible according to the results obtained from sequencing the M gene

    Identificação de parvovírus suíno em javalis a partir do sequenciamento parcial do gene VP-2

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    Este estudo descreve a detecção e a identificação de DNA de parvovírus suíno (PVS) em amostras de órgãos de dois javalis, por PCR e sequenciamento direcionado ao gene VP-2. Pools de órgãos (baço, rins, fígado, linfonodos e tonsila) de três javalis adultos e assintomáticos de Paraguaçu Paulista, SP, criados com propósitos comerciais, foram submetidos à detecção de PVS, resultando em duas amostras positivas após reações de nested-PCR direcionadas aos genes NS-1 e VP-2. Os fragmentos parciais de VP-2 foram sequenciados e comparados a sequências homólogas de cepas NADL-2 e Kresse, demonstrando identidade nucleotídica de 100%. Com relação a 29 cepas de PVS previamente isoladas no Brasil, o grau de identidade nucleotídica variou de 99 a 100% (uma a três substituições de nucleotídeos). Estes resultados demonstram, pela primeira vez, a detecção direta por PCR de parvovírus suíno em javalis, confirmada por análise de sequenciamento genétic

    A Multigene Approach for Comparing Genealogy of Betacoronavirus

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    Gastroenteritis is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among young and newborn animals and is often caused by multiple intestinal infections, with rotavirus and bovine coronavirus (BCoV) being the main viral causes in cattle. Given that BCoV is better studied than equine coronaviruses and given the possibility of interspecies transmission of these viruses, this research was designed to compare the partial sequences of the spike glycoprotein (S), hemagglutinin-esterase protein (HE), and nucleoprotein (N) genes from coronaviruses from adult cattle with winter dysentery, calves with neonatal diarrhea, and horses. To achieve this, eleven fecal samples from dairy cows with winter dysentery, three from calves, and two from horses, all from Brazil, were analysed. It could be concluded that the enteric BCoV genealogy from newborn and adult cattle is directly associated with geographic distribution patterns, when S and HE genes are taken into account. A less-resolved genealogy exists for the HE and N genes in cattle, with a trend for an age-related segregation pattern. The coronavirus strains from horses revealed Betacoronavirus sequences indistinguishable from those found in cattle, a fact previously unknown

    Simultaneous presence of bovine papillomavirus in blood and in short-term lymphocyte cultures from dairy cattle in Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Bovine papillomaviruses (BPV) are the causal agents of benign and malignant lesions; they can cause dramatic economic losses in cattle. Although 10 virus types have been described, three types are most common in tumors, namely BPV-1, -2 and -4. Previous studies have reported BPV in blood cells and the possibility of blood acting as a latent virus site and/or transmission agent of virus dissemination. We studied a Holstein dairy herd in Pernambuco, Brazil, in which several animals showed severe cutaneous papillomatosis, without previous determination of BPV types. Blood samples and short-term lymphocyte cultures were collected from 54 cows. We compared the BPV types detected in peripheral blood to those identified in the respective lymphocyte cultures: BPV-1 was detected in 74% and BPV-2 in 87% of the whole blood samples. Simultaneous virus presence (BPV-1 and BPV-2) was found in 65% of the blood samples. BPV-1 or BPV-2 were detected in the lymphocyte cultures in 93% of the samples, and both in 89%. The detection of viral DNA in whole blood and in lymphocyte cultures is evidence that this virus is carried by lymphocytesFAPESP 2006/02439-6MCT/CNPq 554816/2006-7Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia do Ministério da Saúde - DECIT, Fundo Setorial de Biotecnologia (CT-Biotecnologia) e Saúde (CT-Saúde) 559043/2008-

    Canine distemper virus infection in a lesser grison (Galictis cuja): first report and virus phylogeny

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    Infectious diseases in wild animals have been increasing as a result of their habitat alterations and closer contact with domestic animals. Canine distemper virus (CDV) has been reported in several species of wild carnivores, presenting a threat to wildlife conservation. We described the first case of canine distemper virus infection in lesser grison (Galictis cuja). A free-ranging individual, with no visible clinical sigs, presented sudden death after one day in captivity. Molecular diagnosis for CDV infection was performed using whole blood collected by postmortem intracardiac puncture, which resulted positive. The virus phylogeny indicated that domestic dogs were the probable source of infection