14 research outputs found

    QT interval in healthy dogs: which method of correcting the QT interval in dogs is appropriate for use in small animal clinics?

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    The electrocardiography (ECG) QT interval is influenced by fluctuations in heart rate (HR) what may lead to misinterpretation of its length. Considering that alterations in QT interval length reflect abnormalities of the ventricular repolarisation which predispose to occurrence of arrhythmias, this variable must be properly evaluated. The aim of this work is to determine which method of correcting the QT interval is the most appropriate for dogs regarding different ranges of normal HR (different breeds). Healthy adult dogs (n=130; German Shepherd, Boxer, Pit Bull Terrier, and Poodle) were submitted to ECG examination and QT intervals were determined in triplicates from the bipolar limb II lead and corrected for the effects of HR through the application of three published formulae involving quadratic, cubic or linear regression. The mean corrected QT values (QTc) obtained using the diverse formulae were significantly different (&#961;<0.05), while those derived according to the equation QTcV = QT + 0.087(1- RR) were the most consistent (linear regression). QTcV values were strongly correlated (r=0.83) with the QT interval and showed a coefficient of variation of 8.37% and a 95% confidence interval of 0.22-0.23 s. Owing to its simplicity and reliability, the QTcV was considered the most appropriate to be used for the correction of QT interval in dogs

    Ressonância magnética na avaliação de enxerto osteocondral autógeno na cartilagem articular de coelhos

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    RESUMO: Este trabalho teve o objetivo de determinar as características e a aplicabilidade do exame de ressonância magnética na avaliação de enxerto ostecondral autógeno, em formato íntegro ou macerado, associado ou não ao fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo 1 (IGF-1), utilizado no reparo de lesões induzidas na cartilagem articular de coelhos. Foram utilizados 9 coelhos da linhagem Nova Zelândia, em que as 18 articulações fêmoro-tíbio-patelares foram submetidas à enxertia osteocondral autógena no sulco troclear femoral. Estas foram divididas em quatro grupos, denominados como enxerto osteocondral íntegro + IGF-1 (n=5), enxerto osteocondral íntegro + solução fisiológica (n=4), enxerto osteocondral macerado + IGF-1 (n=5) e enxerto osteocondral macerado + solução fisiológica (n=4). Os animais foram eutanasiados em 12 semanas após a cirurgia e as articulações foram submetidas ao exame de ressonância magnética utilizando um aparelho scanner de 1,5 Tesla de alto campo magnético. Além disso, amostras dos locais de enxertia foram submetidas aos exames anatomopatológicos. O exame de ressonância magnética mostrou-se eficaz como um método não invasivo para avaliação do tecido de reparação em enxertos osteocondrais na cartilagem articular do fêmur de coelhos, fornecendo dados complementares aos exames macroscópicos e histológicos. Por meio destas imagens e dos exames anatomopatológicos, foram observados resultados satisfatórios em relação ao processo de reparação dos enxertos osteocondrais autógenos na cartilagem de coelhos, independentemente de seu formato ou da adição de IGF-1

    Strain and strain rate by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in a maned wolf Strain e strain rate por meio de ecocardiogratia speckle traking bidimensional em um lobo-guará

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    The measurement of cardiovascular features of wild animals is important, as is the measurement in pets, for the assessment of myocardial function and the early detection of cardiac abnormalities, which could progress to heart failure. Speckle tracking echocardiography (2D STE) is a new tool that has been used in veterinary medicine, which demonstrates several advantages, such as angle independence and the possibility to provide the early diagnosis of myocardial alterations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the left myocardial function in a maned wolf by 2D STE. Thus, the longitudinal, circumferential and radial strain and strain rate were obtained, as well as, the radial and longitudinal velocity and displacement values, from the right parasternal long axis four-chamber view, the left parasternal apical four chamber view and the parasternal short axis at the level of the papillary muscles. The results of the longitudinal variables were -13.52±7.88, -1.60±1.05, 4.34±2.52 and 3.86±3.04 for strain (%), strain rate (1/s), displacement (mm) and velocity (cm/s), respectively. In addition, the radial and circumferential Strain and Strain rate were 24.39±14.23, 1.86±0.95 and -13.69±6.53, -1.01±0.48, respectively. Thus, the present study provides the first data regarding the use of this tool in maned wolves, allowing a more complete quantification of myocardial function in this species.A obtenção de parâmetros cardiovasculares em animais selvagens são importantes de serem avaliados, assim como em animais de companhia, para a obtenção da função miocárdica e determinação precoce de alterações cardíacas que poderiam evoluir para insuficiência cardíaca . A ecocardiografia speckle tracking (2D STE) é uma ferramenta nova que tem sido utilizada em medicina veterinária, a qual tem demonstrado várias vantagens quanto ao seu uso, como a independência do ângulo de insonação e a possibilidade de se obter o diagnóstico precoce de alterações miocárdicas. Objetivou-se avaliar a função miocárdica esquerda de um lobo guará por meio do uso da 2D STE. Desta forma, foram obtidas as variáveis Strain e Strain Rate longitudinais, circunferenciais e radiais, assim como a velocidade e o deslocamento longitudinais e radiais, utilizando os cortes eixo longo paraesternal direito quatro câmaras, paraesternal esquerdo apical quatro câmaras e eixo curto paraesternal direito no plano dos músculos papilares. Os resultados das variáveis longitudinais fora -13,52±7,88, -1,60±1,05, 4,34±2,52 e 3,86±3,04 para Strain (%), Strain rate (1/s), deslocamento (mm) e velocidade (cm/s), respectivamente. Quanto ao Strain e Strain rate radiais e circunferenciais foram obtidos 24,39±14,23, 1,86±0,95 e -13,69±6,53, -1,01±0,48. Portanto, o presente estudo fornece os primeiros dados a respeito do uso desta ferramenta em lobos guarás, permitindo uma quantificação da função miocárdica de forma mais completa nesta espécie

    Strain and strain rate by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in a maned wolf

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    The measurement of cardiovascular features of wild animals is important, as is the measurement in pets, for the assessment of myocardial function and the early detection of cardiac abnormalities, which could progress to heart failure. Speckle tracking echocardiography (2D STE) is a new tool that has been used in veterinary medicine, which demonstrates several advantages, such as angle independence and the possibility to provide the early diagnosis of myocardial alterations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the left myocardial function in a maned wolf by 2D STE. Thus, the longitudinal, circumferential and radial strain and strain rate were obtained, as well as, the radial and longitudinal velocity and displacement values, from the right parasternal long axis four-chamber view, the left parasternal apical four chamber view and the parasternal short axis at the level of the papillary muscles. The results of the longitudinal variables were -13.52±7.88, -1.60±1.05, 4.34±2.52 and 3.86±3.04 for strain (%), strain rate (1/s), displacement (mm) and velocity (cm/s), respectively. In addition, the radial and circumferential Strain and Strain rate were 24.39±14.23, 1.86±0.95 and -13.69±6.53, -1.01±0.48, respectively. Thus, the present study provides the first data regarding the use of this tool in maned wolves, allowing a more complete quantification of myocardial function in this species

    Radiographic assessment of the proximal tibial angles in dogs and cats with and without cranial cruciate ligament rupture

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    ABSTRACT: The influence of the proximal tibial angles in the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture in dogs is still controversial, and little is known regarding this topic in cats. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the angles of the proximal portion of the tibia in dogs and cats with and without CCL rupture. Retrospective and prospective radiographs of the stifle joints were obtained and divided into four groups. Group 1 was composed of 70 stifle joint images of dogs without orthopedic disorders (healthy dogs), group 2 had 70 stifle joint images of dogs with CCL rupture, group 3 had 50 stifle joint images of cats without orthopedic disorders (healthy cats) and group 4 had 25 stifle joint images of cats with CCL rupture. Radiographs were taken with the stifle joint in the mediolateral projection, positioned at the angle of hind limb support. Between the two groups of dogs evaluated, the dogs with CCL rupture had statistically greater tibial plateau angle (TPA) compared with healthy dogs. No difference was shown in relation to the TPA between healthy cats and cats with CCL rupture. In relation to the patellar ligament angle by tibial plateau method the values for the healthy dogs were significantly higher than those for the CCL ruptured dogs. Similarly, healthy cats had significantly higher mean values than cats with CCL rupture. In the patellar ligament angle by common tangent method there was no significantly difference between the two groups of dogs. Between the two groups of cats, animals with CCL rupture had statistically higher mean values than healthy cats. In general, the groups of dogs showed higher mean values than the groups of cats. For the patellar ligament insertion angle (PLIA) healthy dogs showed a significantly higher mean than dogs with CCL rupture. There was no significant difference between the groups of cats. In conclusion, the TPA and the PLIA possibly influence the etiology of CCL rupture in dogs but not in cats. The low patellar ligament angle measured by common tangent method may favorably influence the reduced incidence of CCL rupture in cats

    Evaluation of left atrial function in asymptomatic dogs with chronic myxomatous mitral valve disease: two-dimensional feature-tracking echocardiography and Simpson’s monoplanar methods

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    ABSTRACT: The present study evaluated the volume and function of the left atrium by two-dimensional echocardiographic feature-tracking imaging (2D-FTI) and Simpson’s monoplanar modeling in dogs with asymptomatic degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD). The study consisted of 80 dogs that were divided into the following three groups: Group 1, 21 dogs (A); Group 2, 30 dogs (B1) and Group 3, 29 dogs (B2). The variable strain (contraction phase) was significantly lower in Group 3 than in Group 1 (12.92±4.54 x 16.69±5.74, p=0.014), and significant differences in the contraction strain index (CSI) were observed between all of the groups that were evaluated (1 = 46.82±8.10, 2 = 39.88±8.03, 3 = 35.25±5.64, p<0.0001). The atrial diastolic volume index (AdVi) that was measured by 2D-FTI was significantly higher in Group 3 than in Group 1 (1.31±0.95 x 0.96±0.31, p=0.038), and the atrial cardiac index (ACI) was also higher in Group 3 than in Group 1 (102.38±80.18 x 78.19±33.38, p=0.030). Atrial function was assessed by Simpson’s monoplanar method, which demonstrated an increase in the left atrial systolic volume, while the contractile function decreased with an increasing disease severity (Group 1 0.21±0.06; Group 2 0.25±0.06; Group 3 0.32±0.08, p<0.0001). The intraobserver and interobserver assessments showed low to moderate variability; most of the values for the coefficient of variation for the variables that were analysed with each method were below 25%. Thus, DMVD was determined to cause an alteration in atrial function, especially in the contraction phase, and even in asymptomatic animals, and the methods of 2D-FTI echocardiography and Simpson’s monoplanar evaluation are sensitive and early methods for the detection of left atrial dysfunction

    Importância da eletrocardiografia como um exame pré-cirúrgico em cães1

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    RESUMO: Foi analisado o perfil eletrocardiográfico pré-cirúrgico de 124 cães submetidos a diferentes intervenções cirúrgicas com objetivo de relacionar as variáveis idade, sexo, porte, ausência ou presença de alterações cardiovasculares detectadas durante o exame físico e afecção cirúrgica com os achados eletrocardiográficos. Não foi observada associação entre essas variáveis e as alterações eletrocardiográficas. Um total de 79 animais (63,7%) apresentou algum tipo de alteração no eletrocardiograma. Assim, este estudo sugere que o exame eletrocardiográfico pré-cirúrgico é de grande valia, independente do sexo, idade, peso, histórico ou sinais clínicos associados a doença cardíaca