5,479 research outputs found

    Human Death as Neocortical Death: The Ethical Context

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    Forced triboelectrification of fine powders in particle wall collisions

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    Triboelectric separation as an inexpensive and environmentally friendly technique could contribute to material-specific sorting. However, the application as a widespread method is limited due to the complexity of the process. In particle wall collisions, various parameters like collision energy and angle, work function of the contact partners, humidity, surface roughness, etc. influence the particle charging in a hardly predictable way. This study investigates the possibilities of forced triboelectric particle charging by applying an electrical potential to the metal contact partner (copper/steel pipe). The variations included different pipe lengths (0.5 m–3 m), particle materials, and particle sizes for limestone. A distinction is made between the net charge of the particles and the positive, negative, and neutral mass fractions. The work functions of the investigated materials vary from about 3.2 eV to >8.5 eV for glass, limestone, artificial slag, and lithium aluminate particles. With the applied high-voltage potential, the particle net charge can be shifted linearly. For limestone, it is shown that the neutral fraction is highest at the Point of Zero Net Charge (PZNC). This observation may identify an approach for the material selective separation of one target component from a multi-material mixture

    Results of the Cooperative Uniform Soybean Nurseries

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    United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry, Cooperating with Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering, and the State Agricultural Experiment Stations Of The North Central Region

    The Role of RNA Editing in Cancer Development and Metabolic Disorders

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    Numerous human diseases arise from alterations of genetic information, most notably DNA mutations. Thought to be merely the intermediate between DNA and protein, changes in RNA sequence were an afterthought until the discovery of RNA editing 30 years ago. RNA editing alters RNA sequence without altering the sequence or integrity of genomic DNA. The most common RNA editing events are A-to-I changes mediated by adenosine deaminase acting on RNA (ADAR), and C-to-U editing mediated by apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide 1 (APOBEC1). Both A-to-I and C-to-U editing were first identified in the context of embryonic development and physiological homeostasis. The role of RNA editing in human disease has only recently started to be understood. In this review, the impact of RNA editing on the development of cancer and metabolic disorders will be examined. Distinctive functions of each RNA editase that regulate either A-to-I or C-to-U editing will be highlighted in addition to pointing out important regulatory mechanisms governing these processes. The potential of developing novel therapeutic approaches through intervention of RNA editing will be explored. As the role of RNA editing in human disease is elucidated, the clinical utility of RNA editing targeted therapies will be needed. This review aims to serve as a bridge of information between past findings and future directions of RNA editing in the context of cancer and metabolic disease

    Results of the Cooperative Uniform Soybean Tests

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    Protecting the Health of First Nation Personnel at Contaminated Sites: A Case Study of Mid-Canada Radar Line Site 050 in Northern Canada

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    Recently, First Nation (FN) organizations have entered into agreements with federal and provincial government representatives to remediate radar-line sites in Ontario. These agreements stipulated that FN people would take part in the site delineation and remediation process to gain job experience and economic benefits. One important aspect of the process was protecting FN personnel from contaminant exposure and thus, from potential negative health outcomes associated with the cleanup work itself. In this paper, we describe the safety precautions used by FN workers preparing Mid-Canada Radar Line (MCRL) Site 050 for Phase 2 of the delineation process and the health monitoring protocol that was tested. We measured concentrations of total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs as Aroclor 1260), 14 individual PCB congeners, p,p’-DDT, p,p’-DDE, nine other organochlorine pesticides, and lead in the blood of Fort Albany FN workers before they started work at Site 050 and approximately a week before they completed their three-month work period in the contaminated zone. No significant differences were found in the paired samples. These results indicate that the safety precautions taken were adequate for the work and the site in question. The monitoring protocol discussed here may be used as a template and modified to meet the specific needs of other projects. The results of this study are important because other Aboriginal groups have entered or will be entering into agreements with government organizations for the remediation of other MCRL sites in Ontario and across Canada.Les stations de ligne radar dĂ©saffectĂ©es situĂ©es tant dans l’Arctique que dans le Subarctique canadiens seraient des sources ponctuelles de contamination. Des organismes des PremiĂšres nations ont participĂ© derniĂšrement, avec des reprĂ©sentants des gouvernements fĂ©dĂ©ral et provinciaux, Ă  des accords visant l’assainissement des stations de ligne radar en Ontario. Ces accords stipulaient que des membres des PremiĂšres nations prendraient part Ă  la dĂ©limitation des sites et au processus d’assainissement afin d’acquĂ©rir de l’expĂ©rience de travail et de profiter des retombĂ©es Ă©conomiques. Un volet important de ce processus visait Ă  protĂ©ger le personnel autochtone de l’exposition aux contaminants et donc, d’effets potentiels nĂ©gatifs pour la santĂ© associĂ©s aux opĂ©rations de nettoyage mĂȘmes. Dans cet article, on dĂ©crit les mesures de sĂ©curitĂ© utilisĂ©es par les travailleurs autochtones oeuvrant sur le site 050 de la ligne radar Mid-Canada durant la phase 2 du processus de dĂ©limitation, ainsi que le protocole de contrĂŽle de la santĂ© mis alors Ă  l’essai. On a mesurĂ© les concentrations de l’accumulation de diphĂ©nyles polychlorĂ©s (PCB comme l’Arochlore 1260), de 14 congĂ©nĂšres de PCB, de p,p’-DDT, de p,p’-DDE, de neuf autres pesticides organochlorĂ©s ainsi que de plomb dans le sang des travailleurs autochtones de Fort Albany avant qu’ils commencent Ă  travailler au site 050 et une semaine environ avant qu’ils terminent leur pĂ©riode de travail de trois mois dans la zone contaminĂ©e. On n’a pas trouvĂ© de diffĂ©rences significatives entre les Ă©chantillons appariĂ©s. Ces rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent que les mesures de sĂ©curitĂ© prises Ă©taient adĂ©quates pour le travail et le site en question. Le protocole de contrĂŽle discutĂ© ici pourrait servir de modĂšle et ĂȘtre adaptĂ© pour rĂ©pondre aux critĂšres spĂ©cifiques d’autres projets. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude sont importants car d’autres groupes autochtones participent actuellement ou vont participer Ă  des accords avec des agences gouvernementales visant l’assainissement d’autres sites de la ligne radar Mid-Canada en Ontario et Ă  travers le Canada
