236 research outputs found

    Microbial manipulation of host sex determination

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    A recent study in the lepidopteran Ostrinia scapulalis shows that endosymbionts can actively manipulate the sex determination mechanism of their host. Wolbachia bacteria alter the sex-specific splicing of the doublesex master switch gene. In ZZ males of this female heterogametic system, the female isoform of doublesex is produced in the presence of the bacteria. The effect is a lethal feminization of genotypic males. Curing of ZW females leads to males that die, indicating that the bacteria have an obligate role in proper sex determination and development of their host. Microbial intervention with host sex determination may be a driving force behind the evolutionary turnover of sex determination mechanisms

    An Extraordinary Sex Determination Mechanism in a Book Louse

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    In this commentary, Leo Beukeboom considers the findings of Hodson et al. in this issue of GENETICS, and their discovery of an unusual sex determination mechanism in a book louse, a little-studied group of insects

    Insects in production:An introduction

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    Insects have been on the menu of humans for centuries, but only recently we have begun to mass produce them for human food and animal feed. This introduction first paints a synopsis of mass cultured insects and their application. The new insect production industry raises many interesting fundamental and applied questions about insect biology and fitness. The second part of the introduction to this special issue addresses the 13 articles dealing with the improvement of mass-rearing efforts for a range of insects. The various studies focus on the effects of diet and microorganisms on relevant life-history traits and economic value of the insects. They reflect the current rapid developments in the insect production industry

    Effect of temperature on egg production in the common housefly

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    Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), better known as the common housefly, is increasingly considered to be a new, alternative protein source for animal nutrition. By transferring low-value organic side streams into high-value protein products, its commercial production contributes to a circular economy. Next to technical innovations for scaling-up the production capacity, efficient egg production has been identified as one of the bottlenecks of housefly production systems. We investigated egg production in two strains, one originally from Spain (SPA) and one from The Netherlands (GK), at 25 and 32 °C. At 25 °C, duration of preoviposition period, laying phase, and adult longevity was longer than at 32 °C. Lifetime egg production was lower at 32 °C, but the number of clutches laid per female was unaffected by temperature. Daily egg production at 32 °C was higher during the first 7 days, revealing a trade-off between higher early-in-life reproductive effort and adult longevity. The combination of shorter sexual maturation period and higher daily egg-laying rate resulted in reaching 50% of total egg production only 6 days after emergence at 32 °C for both strains, compared to 13 and 14 days at 25 °C for SPA and GK, respectively. We conclude that, in the absence of a need for high adult survival rates, houseflies have favourable production performances at higher temperature, and that efficacy and yield of the production process could be maximized by increasing the rearing temperature to 32 °C

    Epistatic interactions between sex chromosomes and autosomes can affect the stability of sex determination systems

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    Sex determination (SD) is an essential and ancient developmental process, but the genetic systems that regulate this process are surprisingly variable. Why SD mechanisms vary so much is a longstanding question in evolutionary biology. SD genes are generally located on sex chromosomes which also carry genes that interact epistatically with autosomes to affect fitness. How this affects the evolutionary stability of SD mechanisms is still unknown. Here, we explore how epistatic interactions between a sexually antagonistic (SA) non‐SD gene, located on either an ancestral or novel sex chromosome, and an autosomal gene affect the conditions under which an evolutionary transition to a new SD system occurs. We find that when the SD gene is linked to an ancestral sex‐chromosomal gene which engages in epistatic interactions, epistasis enhances the stability of the sex chromosomes so that they are retained under conditions where transitions would otherwise occur. This occurs both when weaker fitness effects are associated with the ancestral sex chromosome pair or stronger fitness effects associated with a newly evolved SD gene. However, the probability that novel SD genes spread is unaffected if they arise near genes involved in epistasis. This discrepancy occurs because, on autosomes, SA allele frequencies are typically lower than on sex chromosomes. In our model, increased frequencies of these alleles contribute to a higher frequency of epistasis which may therefore more readily occur on sex chromosomes. Because sex chromosome–autosome interactions are abundant and can take several forms, they may play a large role in maintaining sex chromosomes

    Fitness benefits of the fruit fly <i>Rhagoletis alternata</i> on a non-native rose host

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    Many species have been introduced worldwide into areas outside their natural range. Often these non-native species are introduced without their natural enemies, which sometimes leads to uncontrolled population growth. It is rarely reported that an introduced species provides a new resource for a native species. The rose hips of the Japanese rose, Rosa rugosa, which has been introduced in large parts of Europe, are infested by the native monophagous tephritid fruit fly Rhagoletis alternata. We studied differences in fitness benefits between R. alternata larvae using R. rugosa as well as native Rosa species in the Netherlands. R. alternata pupae were larger and heavier when the larvae fed on rose hips of R. rugosa. Larvae feeding on R. rugosa were parasitized less frequently by parasitic wasps than were larvae feeding on native roses. The differences in parasitization are probably due to morphological differences between the native and non-native rose hips: the hypanthium of a R. rugosa hip is thicker and provides the larvae with the possibility to feed deeper into the hip, meaning that the parasitoids cannot reach them with their ovipositor and the larvae escape parasitization. Our study shows that native species switching to a novel non-native host can experience fitness benefits compared to the original native host

    Chromosomal anchoring of linkage groups and identification of wing size QTL using markers and FISH probes derived from microdissected chromosomes in Nasonia(Pteromalidae : Hymenoptera)

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    Nasonia vitripennis is a small parasitic hymenopteran with a 50-year history of genetic work including linkage mapping with mutant and molecular markers. For the first time we are now able to anchor linkage groups to specific chromosomes. Two linkage maps based on a hybrid cross (N. vitripennis x N. longicornis) were constructed using STS, RAPID and microsatellite markers, where 17 of the linked STS markers were developed from single microdissected banded chromosomes. Based on these microdissections we anchored all linkage groups to the five chromosomes of N. vitripennis. We also verified the chromosomal specificity of the microdissection through in situ hybridization and linkage analyses. This information and technique will allow us in the future to locate genes or QTL detected in different mapping populations efficiently and fast on homologous chromosomes or even chromosomal regions. To test this approach we asked whether QTL responsible for the wing size in two different hybrid crosses (N. vitripennis x N. longicornis and N. vitripennis x N. giraulti) map to the same location. One QTL with a major effect was found to map to the centromere region of chromosome 3 in both crosses. This could indicate that indeed the same gene/s is involved in the reduction of wing in N. vitripennis and N. longicornis. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel