1,905 research outputs found

    Three-Dimensional Myoarchitecture of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter and Esophageal Hiatus Using Optical Sectioning Microscopy.

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    Studies to date have failed to reveal the anatomical counterpart of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). We assessed the LES and esophageal hiatus morphology using a block containing the human LES and crural diaphragm, serially sectioned at 50 μm intervals and imaged at 8.2 μm/pixel resolution. A 3D reconstruction of the tissue block was reconstructed in which each of the 652 cross sectional images were also segmented to identify the boundaries of longitudinal (LM) and circular muscle (CM) layers. The CM fascicles on the ventral surface of LES are arranged in a helical/spiral fashion. On the other hand, the CM fascicles from the two sides cross midline on dorsal surface and continue as sling/oblique muscle on the stomach. Some of the LM fascicles of the esophagus leave the esophagus to enter into the crural diaphragm and the remainder terminate into the sling fibers of the stomach. The muscle fascicles of the right crus of diaphragm which form the esophageal hiatus are arranged like a "noose" around the esophagus. We propose that circumferential squeeze of the LES and crural diaphragm is generated by a unique myo-architectural design, each of which forms a "noose" around the esophagus

    Simulation and analysis of spatio-temporal maps of gastrointestinal motility

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spatio-temporal (ST) maps provide a method for visualizing a temporally evolving and spatially varying field, which can also be used in the analysis of gastrointestinal motility. However, it is not always clear what the underlying contractions are that are represented in ST maps and whether some types of contractions are poorly represented or possibly not at all.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To analyze the translation from stationary or propagating rhythmic contractions of the intestine to ST maps, a simulation program was used to represent different patterns of intestinal contraction and to construct their corresponding ST maps. A number of different types of contractions were simulated and their ST maps analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Circular strong contractions were well represented in ST maps as well as their frequency and velocity. Longitudinal contractions were not detected at all. Combinations of circular and longitudinal contractions were, to a limited extent detectable at a point in space and time. The method also enabled the construction of specific ST-patterns to mimic real-life ST maps and the analysis of the corresponding contraction patterns.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Spatio-temporal simulations provide a method to understand, teach and analyze ST maps. This approach could be useful to determine characteristics of contractions under a variety of circumstances.</p

    A model of blood flow in the mesenteric arterial system

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are some early clinical indicators of cardiac ischemia, most notably a change in a person's electrocardiogram. Less well understood, but potentially just as dangerous, is ischemia that develops in the gastrointestinal system. Such ischemia is difficult to diagnose without angiography (an invasive and time-consuming procedure) mainly due to the highly unspecific nature of the disease.</p> <p>Understanding how perfusion is affected during ischemic conditions can be a useful clinical tool which can help clinicians during the diagnosis process. As a first step towards this final goal, a computational model of the gastrointestinal system has been developed and used to simulate realistic blood flow during normal conditions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An anatomically and biophysically based model of the major mesenteric arteries has been developed to be used to simulate normal blood flows. The computational mesh used for the simulations has been generated using data from the Visible Human project. The 3D Navier-Stokes equations that govern flow within this mesh have been simplified to an efficient 1D scheme. This scheme, together with a constitutive pressure-radius relationship, has been solved numerically for pressure, vessel radius and velocity for the entire mesenteric arterial network.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The computational model developed shows close agreement with physiologically realistic geometries other researchers have recorded <it>in vivo</it>. Using this model as a framework, results were analyzed for the four distinct phases of the cardiac cycle – diastole, isovolumic contraction, ejection and isovolumic relaxation. Profiles showing the temporally varying pressure and velocity for a periodic input varying between 10.2 kPa (77 mmHg) and 14.6 kPa (110 mmHg) at the abdominal aorta are presented. An analytical solution has been developed to model blood flow in tapering vessels and when compared with the numerical solution, showed excellent agreement.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>An anatomically and physiologically realistic computational model of the major mesenteric arteries has been developed for the gastrointestinal system. Using this model, blood flow has been simulated which show physiologically realistic flow profiles.</p

    Effects of gastrointestinal tissue structure on computed dipole vectors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Digestive diseases are difficult to assess without using invasive measurements. Non-invasive measurements of body surface electrical and magnetic activity resulting from underlying gastro-intestinal activity are not widely used, in large due to their difficulty in interpretation. Mathematical modelling of the underlying processes may help provide additional information. When modelling myoelectrical activity, it is common for the electrical field to be represented by equivalent dipole sources. The gastrointestinal system is comprised of alternating layers of smooth muscle (SM) cells and Interstitial Cells of Cajal (ICC). In addition the small intestine has regions of high curvature as the intestine bends back upon itself. To eventually use modelling diagnostically, we must improve our understanding of the effect that intestinal structure has on dipole vector behaviour.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Normal intestine electrical behaviour was simulated on simple geometries using a monodomain formulation. The myoelectrical fields were then represented by their dipole vectors and an examination on the effect of structure was undertaken. The 3D intestine model was compared to a more computationally efficient 1D representation to determine the differences on the resultant dipole vectors. In addition, the conductivity values and the thickness of the different muscle layers were varied in the 3D model and the effects on the dipole vectors were investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The dipole vector orientations were largely affected by the curvature and by a transmural gradient in the electrical wavefront caused by the different properties of the SM and ICC layers. This gradient caused the dipoles to be oriented at an angle to the principal direction of electrical propagation. This angle increased when the ratio of the longitudinal and circular muscle was increased or when the the conductivity along and across the layers was increased. The 1D model was able to represent the geometry of the small intestine and successfully captured the propagation of the slow wave down the length of the mesh, however, it was unable to represent transmural diffusion within each layer, meaning the equivalent dipole sources were missing a lateral component and a reduced magnitude when compared to the full 3D models.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The structure of the intestinal wall affected the potential gradient through the wall and the orientation and magnitude of the dipole vector. We have seen that the models with a symmetrical wall structure and extreme anisotropic conductivities had similar characteristics in their dipole magnitudes and orientations to the 1D model. If efficient 1D models are used instead of 3D models, then both the differences in magnitude and orientation need to be accounted for.</p

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Presence of Electric and Magnetic Charges

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    Starting with the definition of quaternion gauge theory, we have undertaken the study of SU(2)_{e}\times SU(2)_{m}\times U(1)_{e}\times U(1)_{m} in terms of the simultaneous existence of electric and magnetic charges along with their Yang - Mills counterparts. As such, we have developed the gauge theory in terms of four coupling constants associated with four - gauge symmetry SU(2)_{e}\times SU(2)_{m}\times U(1)_{e}\times U(1)_{m}. Accordingly, we have made an attempt to obtain the abelian and non - Abelian gauge structures for the particles carrying simultaneously the electric and magnetic charges (namely dyons). Starting from the Lagrangian density of two SU(2)\times U(1) gauge theories responsible for the existence of electric and magnetic charges, we have discussed the consistent theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking and Higgs mechanism in order to generate the masses. From the symmetry breaking, we have generated the two electromagnetic fields, the two massive vector W^{\pm} and Z^{0} bosons fields and the Higgs scalar fields

    The gastrointestinal electrical mapping suite (GEMS): software for analyzing and visualizing high-resolution (multi-electrode) recordings in spatiotemporal detail

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    BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal contractions are controlled by an underlying bioelectrical activity. High-resolution spatiotemporal electrical mapping has become an important advance for investigating gastrointestinal electrical behaviors in health and motility disorders. However, research progress has been constrained by the low efficiency of the data analysis tasks. This work introduces a new efficient software package: GEMS (Gastrointestinal Electrical Mapping Suite), for analyzing and visualizing high-resolution multi-electrode gastrointestinal mapping data in spatiotemporal detail. RESULTS: GEMS incorporates a number of new and previously validated automated analytical and visualization methods into a coherent framework coupled to an intuitive and user-friendly graphical user interface. GEMS is implemented using MATLAB®, which combines sophisticated mathematical operations and GUI compatibility. Recorded slow wave data can be filtered via a range of inbuilt techniques, efficiently analyzed via automated event-detection and cycle clustering algorithms, and high quality isochronal activation maps, velocity field maps, amplitude maps, frequency (time interval) maps and data animations can be rapidly generated. Normal and dysrhythmic activities can be analyzed, including initiation and conduction abnormalities. The software is distributed free to academics via a community user website and forum (http://sites.google.com/site/gimappingsuite). CONCLUSIONS: This software allows for the rapid analysis and generation of critical results from gastrointestinal high-resolution electrical mapping data, including quantitative analysis and graphical outputs for qualitative analysis. The software is designed to be used by non-experts in data and signal processing, and is intended to be used by clinical researchers as well as physiologists and bioengineers. The use and distribution of this software package will greatly accelerate efforts to improve the understanding of the causes and clinical consequences of gastrointestinal electrical disorders, through high-resolution electrical mapping

    Spin-axis relaxation in spin-exchange collisions of alkali atoms

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    We present calculations of spin-relaxation rates of alkali-metal atoms due to the spin-axis interaction acting in binary collisions between the atoms. We show that for the high-temperature conditions of interest here, the spin relaxation rates calculated with classical-path trajectories are nearly the same as those calculated with the distorted-wave Born approximation. We compare these calculations to recent experiments that used magnetic decoupling to isolate spin relaxation due to binary collisions from that due to the formation of triplet van-der-Waals molecules. The values of the spin-axis coupling coefficients deduced from measurements of binary collision rates are consistent with those deduced from molecular decoupling experiments. All the experimental data is consistent with a simple and physically plausible scaling law for the spin-axis coupling coefficients.Comment: text+1 figur

    Validation of frequency and mode extraction calculations from time-domain simulations of accelerator cavities

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    The recently developed frequency extraction algorithm [G.R. Werner and J.R. Cary, J. Comp. Phys. 227, 5200 (2008)] that enables a simple FDTD algorithm to be transformed into an efficient eigenmode solver is applied to a realistic accelerator cavity modeled with embedded boundaries and Richardson extrapolation. Previously, the frequency extraction method was shown to be capable of distinguishing M degenerate modes by running M different simulations and to permit mode extraction with minimal post-processing effort that only requires solving a small eigenvalue problem. Realistic calculations for an accelerator cavity are presented in this work to establish the validity of the method for realistic modeling scenarios and to illustrate the complexities of the computational validation process. The method is found to be able to extract the frequencies with error that is less than a part in 10^5. The corrected experimental and computed values differ by about one parts in 10^$, which is accounted for (in largest part) by machining errors. The extraction of frequencies and modes from accelerator cavities provides engineers and physicists an understanding of potential cavity performance as it depends on shape without incurring manufacture and measurement costs
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