17 research outputs found
Successful Endoscopic Removal of a Swallowed Toothbrush: Case Report
Most ingested foreign bodies will pass uneventfully through the gastrointestinal tract. Nevertheless, long and rigid foreign bodies are associated with an increased risk of gastrointestinal impaction, perforation and bleeding. Moreover, there has been no case of spontaneous passage of a toothbrush reported. Therefore, the prompt removal of such ingested foreign objects is recommended before complications develop. This case report describes a case of an 18-year-old woman who accidentally swallowed her toothbrush. The toothbrush was successfully removed via flexible endoscopy using a polypectomy snare. A swallowed toothbrush is a special clinical challenge. Early endoscopic retrieval of the toothbrush is critical for reducing morbidity and mortality. In cases when endoscopic removal fails, a laparoscopic surgical approach may be an alternative
Uloga ocjenskih ljestvica Injury Severity Score i Abbreviated Injury Scale u lijeÄenju traumatskih ozljeda parenhimskih organa trbuha
Th e aim of this study was to investigate the infl uence of etiology, types of injury, levels of consciousness and the Injury Severity Score (ISS) and Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) values on the selection of treatment modality and survival in patients with injuries of parenchymal abdominal organs. Case records of 224 patients treated for traumatic injury of parenchymal abdominal organs from January 2003 until December 2015 were reviewed. Th e values of ISS and AIS of injury severity were calculated and compared to the values obtained according to the etiology, state of consciousness and survival. Of the 224 patients, 172 (76.8%) were treated by surgical approach and 52 (23.2%) were treated conservatively. Th e mean patient age was 40.1}18.3 years. Th ere were 97 (43.3%) polytrauma cases. Of the 224 injured patients, 143 (63.8%) were treated with transfusions of blood products. Two hundred and six (92%) patients survived. Th e mean AIS and ISS values were signifi cantly lower in patients that survived (AIS=3; ISS=28) than in those that died (AIS=5; ISS=34) (p<0.001). Th ere was a statistically signifi cant diff erence in AIS and ISS values between conscious (AIS=2.7; ISS=25.9) and unconscious (AIS=3.2; ISS=33) patients (p<0.001). Of the 224 patients that did not survive, 18 (8%) were hemodynamically unstable. Survival depended on hemodynamic stability at admission; the ISS and AIS values were associated with the injuries and state of consciousness at admission. Hemodynamic stability, state of consciousness, and ISS and AIS values were the quality predictors of survival after abdominal traumatic injury.Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti utjecaj etiologije, vrste ozljede, stanja svijesti te vrijednosti ocjenskih ljestvica Injury Severity Score (ISS) i Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) na izbor naÄina lijeÄenja i preživljenje u bolesnika s traumatskim ozljedama trbuha. Povijesti bolesti 224 bolesnika lijeÄenih zbog traumatskih ozljeda parenhimskih organa u razdoblju od sijeÄnja 2003. Do prosinca 2015. godine retrospektivno su pregledane. IzraÄunate su vrijednosti ISS i AIS i usporeÄene s vrstom ozljede, stanjem svijesti i etiologijom nastanka ozljede. Od ukupno 224 bolesnika, 172 (76,8%) ih je lijeÄeno kirurÅ”kim pristupom, a 52
(23,2%) konzervativno. Srednja dob bila je 40,1}18,3 godina. Devedeset sedam (43,3%) bolesnika bilo je politraumatizirano. Od ukupnog broja bolesnika 143 (63,8%) ih je lijeÄeno transfuzijama krvnih pripravaka. Ukupno je preživjelo 206 (92%) bolesnika. Srednje vrijednosti AIS i ISS bile su znaÄajno niže u bolesnika koji su preživjeli (AIS=3; ISS=28) u odnosu na one koji su umrli (AIS=5; ISS=34) (p<0,001). TakoÄer je utvrÄena statistiÄki znaÄajna razlika u vrijednostima AIS i ISS izmeÄu bolesnika koji su bili pri svijesti (AIS=2,7; ISS=25,9) i onih koji su kod prijma bili bez svijesti (AIS=3,2; ISS=33) (p<0,001). Od ukupnog broja bolesnika 18 (8%) bolesnika koji nisu preživjeli bili su hemodinamski nestabilni. Preživljenje ovisi o hemodinamskoj stabilnosti pri prijmu, a vrijednosti ISS i AIS ovise o vrsti ozljeda i stanju svijesti pri prijmu. Hemodinamska stabilnost, stanje svijesti, ISS i AIS vrijednosti pokazali su se kao prediktori preživljenja u bolesnika s traumatskim ozljedama trbuha
Massive Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Obstruction of the Ureter Caused by the Migration of a Swallowed Toothpick from the Sigmoid Colon ā A Case Report
In this study, a case of an ingested toothpick partially migrating from the sigmoid colon, causing massive lower gastrointestinal
bleeding due to arterial-colic fistula, and stricture of the left ureter is presented. A 70-year-old male was admitted
to the emergency department after having feces mixed with fresh and coagulated blood for the past two days. Computed
tomography and retrograde ureteropyelography showed the stricture of the left ureter, 1.5 cm below the branching
of iliac artery, without any signs of malignancy. Colonoscopy showed fresh blood in the rectum and sigmoid colon up to
the neoplasm like granulation tissue mixed with fresh and coagulated blood, which almost obstructed the lumen. Explorative
laparotomy showed a foreign body (toothpick) perforating the sigmoid colon through the mesenterial wall, and being
stocked with one-third into the left internal iliac artery, causing arterial-colic fistula. The remaining part of the
toothpick was surrounded by granulation tissue and chronic inflammatory process, pressing on the distal third of the left
ureter. We conclude that a swallowed toothpick may cause a significant gastrointestinal injury with a wide variety of
clinical manifestations, and it must be treated with caution. The imaging studies are often inadequate in detecting toothpicks,
and thus, we insist on a physical examination, as the best indicator of injury
Uloga gena nm23 u kolorektalnom karcinomu
The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation of immunohistochemical expression of nm23 gene in colorectal cancer cells with tumor stage according to Dukes, tumor differentiation, occurrence of distant metastases and patient survival. This retrospective study included 100 colorectal cancer patients who underwent surgical treatment. Both pathological and clinical data were analyzed according to sex, age, immunohistochemical expression of nm23, tumor stage, tumor differentiation, occurrence of distant metastases and patient survival. Overexpression of nm23 gene was related to both good tumor differentiation and Dukesā stage A, whereas no significant correlation was found between the occurrence of metastases and nm23 gene expression. There was no significant correlation between nm23 gene expression and 5-year survival of colorectal cancer patients either. Although the results of this study suggested that higher expression of nm23 gene correlated with an early stage of tumor and its good differentiation, this parameter cannot yet be taken as an independent and reliable prognostic indicator in colorectal cancer.Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti povezanost izmeÄu promjene ekspresije gena nm23 u stanicama kolorektalnog karcinoma sa stadijem tumora po Dukesu, diferenciranosti tumora, pojavom udaljenih metastaza i petogodiÅ”njim preživljenjem. U ovom istraživanju obraÄeno je 100 bolesnika oboljelih od karcinoma debelog crijeva koji su operirani u Klinici za kirurgiju KBC Split. PatohistoloÅ”ki i kliniÄki podaci analizirani su prema spolu, dobi, imunohistokemijskoj ekspresiji gena nm23, stadiju tumora po Dukesu, stupnju histoloÅ”ke diferenciranosti tumora, pojavi udaljenih metastaza i petogodiÅ”njem preživljenju. UtvrÄeno je da dobro diferencirani karcinomi pokazuju statistiÄki znaÄajnu prekomjernu ekspresiju gena nm23. Isto tako, naÄena je prekomjerna ekspresija gena nm23 u stadiju tumora Dukes A. Nije naÄena povezanost izmeÄu promjene ekspresije gena nm23 i pojave udaljenih metastaza ni petogodiÅ”njeg preživljenja. Promjena ekspresije gena nm23, prema rezultatima ovoga istraživanja, ne može se rabiti za predviÄanje pojave metastaza i procjenu petogodiÅ”njeg preživljenja, ali povezanost prekomjerne ekspresije gena nm23 s ranim kliniÄkim stadijem (Dukes A) i dobrom diferencijacijom tumora upuÄuje na moguÄnost zaÅ”titnog djelovanja gena nm23 u ranom procesu tumorigeneze
AtipiÄna manifestacija nemikrocelularnog karcinoma pluÄa: metastaze u ingvinalne limfne Ävorove kao prvi znak recidiva bolesti
A case is presented of a 67-year-old male patient with atypical non-small cell lung cancer, where inguinal lymph node metastases were the first sign of disease relapse. The patient had a long-term smoking history of 30 cigarettes per day, with no other important personal or family medical history data. Because of prolonged cough, the patient underwent diagnostic procedure, which revealed squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (stage IIIB, T3N2M0). Concomitant radiochemotherapy and consolidation chemotherapy according to PE protocol was administered. Multislice computed tomography performed upon chemotherapy completion showed almost complete tumor regression and withdrawal of mediastinal lymph node enlargement, and the patient felt well. However, in the next few months, enlarged lymph nodes appeared in both inguinal regions. Histopathologic analysis revealed metastatic lung cancer. Four months after the presentation of enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, lung cancer metastases were also diagnosed in the liver and lumbosacral spine. Despite additional treatments, the patient died four months later. Although it is well known that inguinal lymph nodes can harbor lung cancer metastases, in our patient inguinal lymph node metastases were the first sign of lung cancer relapse.Prikazuje se sluÄaj 67-godiÅ”njeg bolesnika s neuobiÄajenim razvojem kliniÄke slike planocelularnog karcinoma pluÄa, kod kojeg su metastaze u preponskim limfnim Ävorovima bile prvi znak recidiva bolesti. DugogodiÅ”nji je puÅ”aÄ koji puÅ”i oko 30 cigareta na dan, a osobna i obiteljska anamneza su bez osobitosti. Zbog dugotrajnog kaÅ”lja uÄinjena mu je dijagnostiÄka obrada koja je pokazala da se radi o planocelularnom karcinom pluÄa (stadij IIIB, T3N2MO). S obzirom na stadij proÅ”irenosti tumora ordinirano je provoÄenje konkomitantne radio-kemoterapije i konsolidacijske kemoterapije, prema protokolu PE. Iako je kontrolna kompjutorizirana tomografija pokazala gotovo potpunu regresiju tumora i iako se bolesnik osjeÄao znaÄajno bolje, nekoliko mjeseci nakon provedene konsolidacijske kemoterapije pojavili su se poveÄani limfni Ävorovi u obje preponske regije, patohistoloÅ”ka analiza kojih je pokazala metastatski planocelularni karcinom pluÄa. Äetiri mjeseca nakon pojave metastaza u preponskim limfnim Ävorovima dijagnosticirane su metastaze u jetri i lumbosakralnoj kralježnici. UnatoÄ provedenoj terapiji bolesnik je preminuo. Iako je poznato da preponski limfni Ävorovi mogu biti sijelo metastatskog karcinoma pluÄa, ovdje se opisuje sluÄaj gdje su poveÄani preponski limfni Ävorovi bili prvi znak recidiva bolesti
NaÅ”a iskustva u lijeÄenju opstrukcijskog ikterusa
The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence and causes of obstructive icterus in patients operated on during the 2003-2004 period at University Department of Surgery, Split University Hospital in Split. In addition, data on the patient age and sex, type of surgical treatment, and existence and impact of risk factors on operative outcome were analyzed. Data on 114 patients with obstructive icterus treated at the Department during the 2-year period were retrospectively analyzed. Obstructive jaundice is a disease predominantly affecting female population (61.4% of patients), mostly those aged 60-74 (40% of patients). Cholelithiasis with choledocholithiasis is the most common cause of obstructive jaundice. Therefore, the most frequently used procedure for obstructive jaundice is cholecystectomy with or without choledochotomy and concrement extraction. The number of patients diagnosed with obstructive icterus shows a considerable increase. Although the same surgical methods have been applied for years, endoscopic surgery has gradually displaced classic methods of surgical treatment.Cilj rada bio je ispitati uÄestalost i uzroke opstrukcijskog ikterusa kod bolesnika koji su u razdoblju od 2003. do 2004. godine operirani u Klinici za kirurgiju KliniÄke bolnice Split. Uz navedeno analizirali smo dob i spol bolesnika, vrstu primijenjenog kirurÅ”kog lijeÄenja, te postojanje i utjecaj Äimbenika rizika na ishod kirurÅ”kog lijeÄenja. U dvogodiÅ”njem razdoblju retrospektivno su analizirani podaci 114 bolesnika koji su zbog opstrukcijskog ikterusa lijeÄeni u Klinici za kirurgiju KB Split. Opstrukcijska žutica je bolest koja pretežito zahvaÄa žensku populaciju (61,4% bolesnika) i to najÄeÅ”Äe u dobi od 60 do 74 godine (40% bolesnika). Kolelitijaza s koledokolitijazom i dalje je najÄeÅ”Äi uzrok opstrukcijske žutice. Sukladno navedenom, najÄeÅ”Äe izvoÄeni zahvat u lijeÄenju opstrukcijske žutice je kolecistektomija s koledokotomijom i ekstrakcijom konkrementa ili bez toga. Broj bolesnika kojima se dijagnosticira opstrukcijski ikterus pokazuje znaÄajan porast. Iako se veÄ dugi niz godina u lijeÄenju primjenjuju iste kirurÅ”ke metode, endoskopska (laparoskopska) kirurgija postupno istiskuje klasiÄne oblike kirurÅ”kog lijeÄenja
Laparoscopic Abdominal Cysts Fenestration Using Harmonic Scalpel
The use of ultrasonically activated scalpel for tissue cutting and coagulation is a potential replacement for electrosurgery,
which can be related to different complications. Its working principle is to transform the electric power into
the mechanical longitudinal movement of the working part of the instrument, by a piezoelectric transducer situated in
the hand piece. Between October 2000 and June 2004, six patients with abdominal cysts were treated by laparoscopy, using
the harmonic scalpel. The average age was 40.8 (ranging from 15ā60) years. Laparoscopic abdominal cyst fenestration
was performed in five patients, and laparoscopic cholecystectomy and abdominal cyst fenestration were done in one
patient during the same operation. The average duration of the operation was 40 (ranging from 25ā70) minutes and hospital
stay was 2.8 (ranging from 1ā5) days. Laparoscopic abdominal cyst fenestration using the harmonic scalpel is a
safe and successful operation, with good results including all the advantages of the minimally invasive surgery
Torsion of Epiploic Appendage Mimic Acute Appendicitis
Epiploic appendagitis is a rare cause of focal abdominal pain which, depending on its localisation, can mimic a variety
of abdominal diseases. We report a case of 36-year-old woman who presented with a classic signs of acute appendicitis.
On examination, the obese, afebrile, and had very strong right iliac fossa tenderness and guarding. The white cell
count was 12.82Ā“109/L, and C reactive protein count was 15.13MG/DL. She underwent emergency laparoscopic procedure
after the acute appendicitis diagnosis has been established. Laparoscopic exploration of the abdominal cavity showed
vermiform, no inflamed, appendix and necrotic appendix epiploica of the caecum. The treatment consisted of typical
laparoscopic appendectomy and laparoscopic resection of the necrotic appendix epiploica. The patient made rapid recovery
and was discharged from the hospital on second day after the operation. Histological investigation of the appendix
epiploica revealed gangrenous epiploic appendage
Torsion of Epiploic Appendage Mimic Acute Appendicitis
Epiploic appendagitis is a rare cause of focal abdominal pain which, depending on its localisation, can mimic a variety
of abdominal diseases. We report a case of 36-year-old woman who presented with a classic signs of acute appendicitis.
On examination, the obese, afebrile, and had very strong right iliac fossa tenderness and guarding. The white cell
count was 12.82Ā“109/L, and C reactive protein count was 15.13MG/DL. She underwent emergency laparoscopic procedure
after the acute appendicitis diagnosis has been established. Laparoscopic exploration of the abdominal cavity showed
vermiform, no inflamed, appendix and necrotic appendix epiploica of the caecum. The treatment consisted of typical
laparoscopic appendectomy and laparoscopic resection of the necrotic appendix epiploica. The patient made rapid recovery
and was discharged from the hospital on second day after the operation. Histological investigation of the appendix
epiploica revealed gangrenous epiploic appendage