339 research outputs found

    June Dairy Month Open Houses: Learning Events to Improve Consumer Understanding of Modern Animal Agriculture

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    Three dairy open houses as part of June Dairy Month events were conducted to provide the public the opportunity to experience and learn first-hand about the efforts made daily on modern dairies to achieve cow care, cow comfort and health, hygienic milking procedures, local cropping systems that provide quality feed for the dairy herd, manure management and land stewardship, respect for family and non-family workers, and overall quality and safety of milk and dairy products. These events were a product of industry partnerships. The three events reached 4800+ participants. Surveys performed at two events showed many participants had trust in dairy farmers and the dairy industry prior to the event, but post tour surveys showed enhancement in their knowledge of modern dairy practices that assure animal health and comfort, product quality and safety, and environmental stewardship and preservation. (with 100% of participants improving their views and trust in modern dairy farming). Most concerns encompassed nutrient and environmental management (4% of respondents)

    June Dairy Month Open Houses: Learning Events to Improve Consumer Understanding of Modern Animal Agriculture

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    Three dairy open houses as part of June Dairy Month events were conducted to provide the public the opportunity to experience and learn first-hand about the efforts made daily on modern dairies to achieve cow care, cow comfort and health, hygienic milking procedures, local cropping systems that provide quality feed for the dairy herd, manure management and land stewardship, respect for family and non-family workers, and overall quality and safety of milk and dairy products. These events were a product of industry partnerships. The three events reached 2900+ participants. Surveys performed at two events showed many participants had trust in dairy farmers and the dairy industry prior to the event, but post tour surveys showed enhancement in their knowledge of modern dairy practices that assure animal health and comfort, product quality and safety, and environmental stewardship and preservation. Most concerns encompassed nutrient /environmental management

    June Dairy Month Open Houses: Improving Consumer Understanding of Modern Animal Agriculture

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    Three dairy open houses as part of June Dairy Month events were conducted to provide the public the opportunity to experience and learn first-hand about the efforts made daily on modern dairies to achieve cow care, cow comfort and health, hygienic milking procedures, local cropping systems that provide quality feed for the dairy herd, manure management and land stewardship, respect for family and non-family workers, and overall quality and safety of milk and dairy products. These events were a product of industry partnerships. The three events reached 5000+ participants. Surveys performed at all 3 events showed many participants had trust in dairy farmers and the dairy industry prior to the event, but post tour surveys showed enhancement in their knowledge of modern dairy practices that assure animal health and comfort, product quality and safety, and environmental stewardship and preservation (with 100% of participants improving their views and trust in modern dairy farming). A survey at one site regarding dairy product use (536 respondents) showed 65% eating the recommended 3 dairy servings/ day with 93% \u3e 2 servings, and the three major factors influencing dairy purchase decisions being taste (2X greater than any other answer), nutritional content, and price (both equally weighted

    June Dairy Month Open Houses: Learning Events to Improve Consumer Understanding of Modern Animal Agriculture

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    Three dairy open houses as part of June Dairy Month events were conducted to provide the public the opportunity to experience and learn first-hand about the efforts made daily on modern dairies to achieve cow care, cow comfort and health, hygienic milking procedures, local cropping systems that provide quality feed for the dairy herd, manure management and land stewardship, respect for family and non-family workers, and overall quality and safety of milk and dairy products. These events were a product of industry partnerships. The three events reached 3600+ participants. Surveys performed at two events showed many participants had trust in dairy farmers and the dairy industry prior to the event, but post tour surveys showed enhancement in their knowledge of modern dairy practices that assure animal health and comfort, product quality and safety, and environmental stewardship and preservation (with 100% of participants improving their views and trust in modern dairy farming). Most concerns encompassed nutrient and environmental management (4% of respondents)

    A Comparison of Health Disparities among Transgender Adults in Colorado (USA) by Race and Income

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    Transgender individuals face heightened risks for discrimination, harassment, and violence that impact their psychosocial well-being and physical health. However, few studies have thoroughly examined the general physical and mental health of transgender adults or within-group health differences by race/ethnicity and income. To that end, after controlling for health insurance status, age, and engagement in exercise, this study asks: (a) are transgender people of color more likely than White transgender individuals to experience poor health outcomes?, and (b) is lower annual household income among transgender adults associated with poorer health outcomes? The current study analyzes secondary data from a survey of transgender adults (N = 417) in one state in the Western United States using multiple linear regression and logistic regression models. Transgender people of color had significantly greater odds than their White counterparts of having arthritis/ rheumatoid arthritis/gout/lupus/fibromyalgia, or having asthma, but lower odds of being told by a provider that they had depression. Having a lower income was significantly associated with worse general health as well as multiple indicators of poor physical and mental health, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. We discuss implications for health care delivery for transgender people and for future research

    A comparison of health disparities among transgender adults in Colorado (USA) by race and income

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    Transgender individuals face heightened risks for discrimination, harassment, and violence that impact their psychosocial well-being and physical health. However, few studies have thoroughly examined the general physical and mental health of transgender adults or within-group health differences by race/ethnicity and income. To that end, after controlling for health insurance status, age, and engagement in exercise, this study asks: (a) Are transgender people of color more likely than White transgender individuals to experience poor health outcomes? and (b) Is lower annual household income among transgender adults associated with poorer health outcomes? The study analyzes secondary data from a survey of transgender adults (N = 417) in one state in the western United States using multiple linear regression and logistic regression models. Results showed that transgender people of color had significantly greater odds than their White counterparts of having arthritis/rheumatoid arthritis/gout/lupus/fibromyalgia, or asthma but lower odds of being told by a provider that they had depression. Having a lower income was significantly associated with worse general health as well as multiple indicators of poor physical and mental health, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. We discuss implications for health care delivery for transgender people and for future research

    La Ricarda : de l'excel·lència arquitectònica a l'avantguarda cultural

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    La Ricarda és una casa situada a les zones baixes del Prat de Llobregat de Barcelona, actualment reconeguda pel seu exclusiu valor arquitectònic i dissenyada per l'arquitecte Antoni Bonet en estreta col·laboració amb el propietari Ricardo Gomis i la seva esposa Inés Bertrand. És construïda en plena època de la dictadura franquista (1953-1963). La casa, que en un principi va ser erigida per ser habitada per la família Gomis-Bertrand va esdevenir un espai on expressions tant artístiques com intel·lectuals i filosòfiques podien ser compartides i difoses, a més d'acollir les inquietuds artístiques que no formaven part de l'art oficial. A través dels anys, el que ha perdurat ha sigut el seu valor arquitectònic, digne d'estudis i anàlisis. La falta de recursos i el reconeixement insuficient del seu llegat cultural han fet que la conservació d'aquesta obra es vegi amenaçada. Aquest article cerca ressaltar el valor històric i cultural de La Ricarda per elaborar una proposta d'intervenció que permeti revitalitzar, interpel·lar, revaloritzar i respectar els agents implicats, tot transformant aquest espai en un centre cultural.La Ricarda is a house located in the lower areas of Prat de Llobregat in Barcelona, currently recognized for its unique architectural value and designed by the architect Antoni Bonet in close collaboration with the owner Ricardo Gomis and his wife Inés Bertrand. The building was constructed with the purpose of be habited by the Gomis family, but eventually, it was used in order to create a space where expressions artistic as intellectual and philosophical could be shared and disseminated, in addition to harbour the repressed republican intellectual thought at that time. Over the years the house was losing its ideological legacy, but it remained standing as an architectural reference worthy of analysis and studies. However, the lack of resources and the little recognition of its cultural legacy have threatened the continuity of this work. This article seeks to highlight the historical and cultural value of La Ricarda and, from that, draw up an intervention proposal with the aim of revitalize, interpellate and revalue always respecting the wishes of the parts involved while transforming at the same time this space into a cultural center
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