39 research outputs found

    Impact of Prison Status on HIV-Related Risk Behaviors

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    Baseline data were collected to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions on completion of the hepatitis A and B vaccine series among 664 sheltered and street-based homeless adults who were: (a) homeless; (b) recently (<1 year) discharged from prison; (c) discharged 1 year or more; and (d) never incarcerated. Group differences at baseline were assessed for socio–demographic characteristics, drug and alcohol use, sexual activity, mental health and public assistance. More than one-third of homeless persons (38%) reported prison time and 16% of the sample had been recently discharged from prison. Almost half of persons who were discharged from prison at least 1 year ago reported daily use of drugs and alcohol over the past 6 months compared to about 1 in 5 among those who were recently released from prison. As risk for HCV and HIV co-infection continues among homeless ex-offenders, HIV/HCV prevention efforts are needed for this population

    Workplace screening of mine employees using the alcohol use disorder identification test (AUDIT) and alcohol breathalyzation

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    Although public health campaigns focussing on alcohol use in the workplace are gaining increased publicity little evidence on the use of screening in the workplace. In this studying 152 mining personnel completed an alcohol screening test (the AUDIT). 133 of those that completed the AUDIT consented to a breathalyser test. The study found substantial evidence of hazardous alcohol use amongst participants, especially among younger males