1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Mortality due to traumatic spinal cord injuries in Europe: a cross-sectional and pooled analysis of population-wide data from 22 countries

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    Crude and age-standardized TSCI-related mortality rates per million person years by country and age groups (total). Table S2. Rate ratios of TSCI-related mortality rates per million person years by country and age groups with 95% CI by sex. Table S3. Number of deaths* and age-standardized mortality rates per million person years due to all injuries and TSCI with proportions of TSCI-related age-standardized mortalities and number of deaths, stratified by country and sex. Figure S1. TSCI-related mortality rates by external cause in 22 European countries in 2012, by sex. Figure S2. TSCI-related mortality rates by level of injury, in 22 European countries in 2012, by sex. (PDF 5 kb