54 research outputs found

    Systematic review search and inclusion flowchart.

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    <p>Systematic review search and inclusion flowchart.</p

    Summary of results from included maternal health-seeking studies.

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    <p>* Only values of standard error (SE) were provided by this study. Binary significance levels (<0.05, >0.05) were calculated by multiplying the SE by 1.96 to obtain the upper and lower confidence intervals.</p

    Maternal and child health-seeking behaviours analysed in included studies.

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    <p>Maternal and child health-seeking behaviours analysed in included studies.</p

    Risk of bias in included studies.

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    <p>SEP – socio-economic position, HSB – health-seeking behaviour.</p><p>* Presenting a test of statistical significance was one of the inclusion criteria.</p><p>NA – not applicable (no adjusted analysis was conducted).</p><p>Key: + Low risk of bias, ? Potential/unclear risk of bias, - High risk of bias.</p

    Descriptive characteristics of included child health-seeking behaviour studies.

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    <p>EDHS – Egypt Demographic and Health Survey EGP – Egyptian pound BCG – Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (TB) DPT- Diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus. Measures of SEP: <b>IO:</b> Individual – other (spouse, mother, etc), <b>HH:</b> Household-level.</p

    Descriptive characteristics of included maternal health-seeking behaviour studies.

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    <p>EDHS – Egypt Demographic and Health Survey. Measures of SEP: <b>IS</b>: Individual – self, <b>IO:</b> Individual– other (spouse, mother, etc), <b>HH:</b> Household-level, <b>C</b>: Community-level.</p

    Mean number of children ever born to mothers with secondary or higher education by mother's five-year birth cohort.

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    <p>Mean number of children ever born to mothers with secondary or higher education by mother's five-year birth cohort.</p

    Forest plot showing the adjusted odds ratios (AORs) for every 1km increase in distance to maternity care on the use of skilled care at birth from adequately-adjusted analyses.

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    <p>Weights are for random-effects meta-analysis. PHC = primary health care; HC = health center; HF = health facility. *Unadjusted estimate used as adjusted estimate was unavailable.</p
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