267 research outputs found

    Termination of lambda-calculus with the extra Call-By-Value rule known as assoc

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    In this paper we prove that any lambda-term that is strongly normalising for beta-reduction is also strongly normalising for beta,assoc-reduction. assoc is a call-by-value rule that has been used in works by Moggi, Joachimsky, Espirito Santo and others. The result has often been justified with incomplete or incorrect proofs. Here we give one in full details

    PSATTT'11: preface

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    International audienceThis volume contains the papers presented at PSATTT-11: International Work- shop on Proof-Search in Axiomatic Theories and Type Theories held on July 31, 2011 in Wroclaw. This workshop continues the series entitled "Proof Search in Type Theories" (PSTT at CADE'09, FLOC'10), and enlarges its scope to encompass proof search in axiomatic theories as well

    Slot Machines: an approach to the Strategy Challenge in SMT solving (presentation only)

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    International audienceIn this short introduction we briefly describe the relevance of Psyche's system description [GL13] to the Strategy Challenge set by L. de Moura and G. O. Passmore for SMT solving

    A sequent calculus with procedure calls

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    The proof of Cut-elimination is unfortunately bugged. It is repaired in "Sequent Calculi with procedure calls", hal-00779199, v4In this paper, we extend Miller-Liang's system LKF into a calculus LK(T), allowing calls to a decision procedure. We prove cut-elimination of LK(T)

    Filter models: non-idempotent intersection types, orthogonality and polymorphism - long version

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    This paper revisits models of typed lambda-calculus based on filters of intersection types: By using non-idempotent intersections, we simplify a methodology that produces modular proofs of strong normalisation based on filter models. Non-idempotent intersections provide a decreasing measure proving a key termination property, simpler than the reducibility techniques used with idempotent intersections. Such filter models are shown to be captured by orthogonality techniques: we formalise an abstract notion of orthogonality model inspired by classical realisability, and express a filter model as one of its instances, along with two term-models (one of which captures a now common technique for strong normalisation). Applying the above range of model constructions to Curry-style System F describes at different levels of detail how the infinite polymorphism of System F can systematically be reduced to the finite polymorphism of intersection types

    Structural Relaxation and Mode Coupling in a Simple Liquid: Depolarized Light Scattering in Benzene

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    We have measured depolarized light scattering in liquid benzene over the whole accessible temperature range and over four decades in frequency. Between 40 and 180 GHz we find a susceptibility peak due to structural relaxation. This peak shows stretching and time-temperature scaling as known from α\alpha relaxation in glass-forming materials. A simple mode-coupling model provides consistent fits of the entire data set. We conclude that structural relaxation in simple liquids and α\alpha relaxation in glass-forming materials are physically the same. A deeper understanding of simple liquids is reached by applying concepts that were originally developed in the context of glass-transition research.Comment: submitted to New J. Phy

    Call-by-Value Lambda-calculus and LJQ

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    Accepté pour publication dans J. Logic Comput. ; 24 pagesLJQ is a focused sequent calculus for intuitionistic logic, with a simple restriction on the first premiss of the usual left introduction rule for implication. In a previous paper we discussed its history (going back to about 1950, or beyond) and presented its basic theory and some applications; here we discuss in detail its relation to call-by-value reduction in lambda calculus, establishing a connection between LJQ and the CBV calculus Lambda_C of Moggi. In particular, we present an equational correspondence between these two calculi forming a bijection between the two sets of normal terms, and allowing reductions in each to be simulated by reductions in the other

    Two simulations about DPLL(T)

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    In this paper we relate different formulations of the DPLL(T) procedure. The first formulation is based on a system of rewrite rules, which we denote DPLL(T). The second formulation is an inference system of, which we denote LKDPLL(T). The third formulation is the application of a standard proof-search mechanism in a sequent calculus LKp(T) introduced here. We formalise an encoding from DPLL(T) to LKDPLL(T) that was, to our knowledge, never explicitly given and, in the case where DPLL(T) is extended with backjumping and Lemma learning, never even implicitly given. We also formalise an encoding from LKDPLL(T) to LKp(T), building on Ivan Gazeau's previous work: we extend his work in that we handle the "-modulo-Theory" aspect of SAT-modulo-theory, by extending the sequent calculus to allow calls to a theory solver (seen as a blackbox). We also extend his work in that we handle advanced features of DPLL such as backjumping and Lemma learning, etc. Finally, we re fine the approach by starting to formalise quantitative aspects of the simulations: the complexity is preserved (number of steps to build complete proofs). Other aspects remain to be formalised (non-determinism of the search / width of search space)

    Simulating the DPLL(T ) procedure in a sequent calculus with focusing

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    This paper gives an abstract description of decision procedures for Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) as proof search procedures in a sequent calculus with polarities and focusing. In particular, we show how to simulate the execution of standard techniques based on the Davis-Putnam- Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) procedure modulo theory as the gradual construction of a proof tree in sequent calculus. The construction mimicking a run of DPLL-modulo-Theory can be obtained by a meta-logical control on the proof-search in sequent calculus. This control is provided by polarities and focusing features, which there- fore narrow the corresponding search space in a sense we discuss. This simulation can also account for backjumping and learning steps, which correspond to the use of general cuts in sequent calculus

    A bisimulation between DPLL(T) and a proof-search strategy for the focused sequent calculus

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    International audienceWe describe how the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland proced- ure DPLL is bisimilar to the goal-directed proof-search mechanism described by a standard but carefully chosen sequent calculus. We thus relate a procedure described as a transition system on states to the gradual completion of incomplete proof-trees. For this we use a focused sequent calculus for polarised clas- sical logic, for which we allow analytic cuts. The focusing mech- anisms, together with an appropriate management of polarities, then allows the bisimulation to hold: The class of sequent calculus proofs that are the images of the DPLL runs finishing on UNSAT, is identified with a simple criterion involving polarities. We actually provide those results for a version DPLL(T ) of the procedure that is parameterised by a background theory T for which we can decide whether conjunctions of literals are con- sistent. This procedure is used for Satisfiability Modulo Theor- ies (SMT) generalising propositional SAT. For this, we extend the standard focused sequent calculus for propositional logic in the same way DPLL(T ) extends DPLL: with the ability to call the de- cision procedure for T . DPLL(T ) is implemented as a plugin for P SYCHE, a proof- search engine for this sequent calculus, to provide a sequent- calculus based SMT-solver
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