40 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa dalam Menggerakan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan di Desa Kembuan, Kembuan Satu dan Desa Tonsea Lama di Kecamatan Tondano Utara

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    ABSTRAC: The village government based on law No. 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Governments meant as Community unity village law has limits the jurisdiction, as stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945. In order to realize the goals of national development, the Government is giving much attention to the development in rural areas. But in fact still encounter some problems and obstacles in the development of the village. This research aims to know the relationship of the effectiveness of the leadership of the village chief with the level of community participation in development in the villages of Kembuan, Kembuan one, and the village of old Town Tonsea in North Tondano. This research uses descriptive method. The data collection has been conducted through kusioner and 80 interviews to informants consisting of: the Government Apparatus Elements 10 men of the village, 10 people's consultative body of the village of Elements (BPD), 10 LPM and elements of the PKK, 10 people elements of Civic social organization, 10 people elements of community leaders, and citizens of 30 people of the general public.The research results showed that respondents perceived leadership Effectiveness is on the category are likely higher and the effectiveness of the leadership of the village chief in the North due to a positive and highly significant effect on community participation in development of the village. The effectiveness of transformational leadership style that implements/democratic tend to be more effective in increasing public participation in the development of the village, especially in the Districts of North Minahasa Regency Tondano. Referring to the results of the findings in this study, then it can put forth suggestions that the head of the village as the formal leader closer to the community, should apply the transformational leadership style with emphasis on democratic/dimensions influence the ideal (example or charismatic) and inspirational motivation so that the dimension is expected to spur an increase in public participation in the development of the village

    Netralitas Aparatur Sipil Negara Kantor Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara pada Pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Tahun 2015

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    December 9, 2016 is the day of the General Election of Regional Head simultaneouslythroughout Indonesia. One of the areas that implement Regional Head Election is the province ofNorth Sulawesi. Based on the results study Bawaslu North Sulawesi there are many districts /municipalities in North Sulawesi were prone to problems in the Regional Head General Election.From the results of this study Southeast Minahasa is a region prone to 4th highest problems in theprocess of Regional Head General Election. In addition to money politics, the neutrality of the StateCivil Apparatus is one of the most common problems occur in the Regional Head General Electionin Southeast Minahasa Regency. Recognized by one of the State Civil Apparatus that violations do isfollow the campaign with the party attributes and participate in supervising the voting results onElection Day took place. This happens because there is intervention from the employer to the chiefof the District is forwarded to the State Civil Apparatus in each office. As for the purpose of thisresearch was to determine how the neutrality of the State Office of Administrative Civil SecretariatSoutheast Minahasa regency in the election of Governor and Vice Governor of North Sulawesiprovince in 2015 The research method in this study is qualitative research methods and datacollection techniques in this study is the observation / direct observation of localized research,conduct interviews, and documentation. The results showed there were several State Civil Apparatus2015 that violated the rules on the election in the area. The factors that influence that the Stateviolated the Civil Aparatur Regional Head Election process takes place is a rule which does notprovide clear boundaries between political and administrative domain, the intervention of politicalparties, and individual interests

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Pegawai pada Kelurahan Bahu

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    Economic progress, organizations and government agencies are increasingly rapidly thesedays makes human resources becomes a very important element for the progress of the organizationin terms of human resources such as, obedience work, the effectiveness and performance anddiscipline will be of benefit to an organization in the government when the led by a leader in order toachieve organizational goals. basically work discipline in the effectiveness of the organization has agoal to steer the behavior of subordinates with a number of regulations that support the achievementof objectives.Formulation of the problem in this research are: leadership influence what is being implementedby the employer in accordance with the perception of employees on the municipality's shoulder, howthe effectiveness of employees working on the municipality's shoulder, how much influence theleadership of the effectiveness of employees on keluraha shoulder. netode research used in thisresearch use descriptive research method. descriptive method qualitative research aims to describeand understand carefully the phenomena that will be made in research for hypothesis testingpurposes or to answer research questions and as a tool to control the variables that affect theresearch. the results of this study include: communication, responsibility, coaching and motivationcan be concluded that concludes the influence of leadership to the staff of the shoulder, veryinfluential in the spirit and work effectiveness due to the influence of environmental leadership in theravine the shoulder can make the effectiveness of the work in the shoulder become more disciplined,responsible for employment and more courteous in serving the community

    Peran Dinas Pariwisata dalam Pembangunan Industri Pariwisata Kota Bitung

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    Vision and Mission of the realization of Bitung Bitung City as an International port city, industry, trade,services and tourism environmentally sound and superior in the era of globalization. Furthermore, the missionoutlined in Bitung City Government namely Panca Bina where one of them is the Human Development. Oneprogram in Human Development's mission is determined Bitung City Government and seeks to prepare peoplequalified and highly skilled so that they can compete in the era of globalization while preserving the ethical values,moral and religious norms. But until now the Government's attention to the development of the tourism industryBitung is still very minimal. Less successful development of tourism in the city of Bitung not be separated from theimplementation of policies that are still using the top-down approach is the approach of the party from top to bottom.In the process of implementation of the government's role is very big, in this approach is the assumption that occursdecision makers is a key actor in the success of implementation, while the other parties involved in theimplementation process hampered, so that the decision makers underestimate the strategic initiatives coming fromthe level of bureaucracy Low and subsystems wisdom another. And the non-involvement of the public in policymaking from planning, organizing, implementation and supervision. This research uses qualitative research isresearch that is used to examine the Role of the Government in which the researcher is a key instrument. While datacollection techniques used by researchers is a method that is based on the Interview Interview Guide (interviewguide), documentation and observation. Researchers carrying out research in the Department of Tourism andCulture City of Bitung by using the techniques of data collection guidelines the Department of Tourism.Based on the results of the study: The role of the department of tourism is very important for the developmentof tourism industry strongly support the economy of the town Bitung. And to attract tourists and the infestor engagedin tourism. The role of the tourism department is very influential on the development of the tourism industry in thecity of Bitung. Role of department of tourism is very important because tourism agencies provide recommendationsand input for monitoring the development of the tourism industry. Suggestions for Bitung City Tourism Office is aneed for dissemination to the public of the importance of tourism development. The government should be moreactive in implementing tourism development, both in terms of promoting the attraction - attraction to the local leveland also to the level of long-distance, in order to make it more widely known by the public tourist or foreigncountries about tourism in the city of Bitung. Expected also for the tourism department of government even Bitungfor mutual coordination even coordinated with the central government related to the development of tourism, inorder to resolve the problems or obstacles in the development of tourism

    Kepemimpinan Camat dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Kerja Aparatur Sipil Negara di Kecamatan Galela Barat

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    Study is based on initial observations that the leadership of Camat in improving the performance of the State Civil Apparatus within the government of West Galela District has not been running well. This condition is suspected to have something to do with the lack of optimal decision-making, delegation of authority, supervision, and communication has not been well overnight. This research applies qualitative research method with informant that set as many as 6 people. After the data collected the analysis is done by applying data analysis techniques namely, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification or conclusion.The research shows that (1) In leadership of Camat to improve the performance of Civil State Apparatus apparatus is one of indicator that decision making has not run as expected of Civil State Apparatus in District of Galela Barat. This is because the decision making which is often done by the Camat is not involving the participation of the staff, so there are employees who feel the need for involvement in decision making. (2) Leadership indicators Camat in improving job performance Civil Service Apparatus one of them is the delegation of authority. As per the result of research that indicator have not run well. Due to the reality, there is still less Camat's confidence in subordinates / employees, so that in delegation of authority more in submitted to the Secretary of the Camat in comparison with other employees. (3) One indicator of leadership of Camat that needs to be done is supervision on employee performance. According to the results of the research that the supervisory system Camat on employee performance has not gone well, because seen from the fact that there are still employees who are not disciplined in performing duties as a public servant. (4) As the result of research indicate that communication aspect has been running well, be it communication vertically (Up-Down) or horizontally (Interview).Based on the conclusion above, the researcher suggests that the Camat leadership needs to improve in terms of decision making, delegation of authority, supervision and communication. It is expected that the Camat as the leader to involve the participation of the State Civil Apparatus in the subdistrict of Galela Barat, the delegation of the authority of the Subdistrict Head should see the educational background of the officer who will assume the position temporarily, in order to be able to carry out the tasks according to the instruction of the Camat based on the stated objectives. (3) The sub-district head as the representative of the district government in the kecamatan should further improve the supervisory function on ASN performance. Because in Government Regulation No. 46 of 2011 on the assessment of the performance of civil servants, that one indicator of employee performance is seen from the level of self-discipline employees. By that, the Camat is expected to further tighten supervision in terms of employee discipline in performing duties as a public servant. (4) Communication between leaders and employees can be done better, in order to provide information relating to the duties and functions of each employee in West Galela District

    Effectiveness of Health Services in Puskesmas (Case Study in Bakun Village, Loloda Sub-district, Halmahera Barat District) State Administration Department Sam Ratulangi University Manado

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    The purpose of this study is, to determine the effectiveness of health services in health centers Bakun Village District Loloda West Halmahera District. Benefits of research, As an information material for the district government, the District Government is also Bakun Village Government and the community The method used is Qualitative method with the type of descriptive approach And Location research in the village of Loloda Village District of West Halmahera. Based on the results of research The effectiveness of health services has not run well, then peneitian this to answer the question How the effectiveness of health services in Puskemas Bakun Village District Loloda West Halmahera District. In this study limits through some elements of effectiveness according to Gibson (1988) namely Production, efficiency, ability, adaptation / adjustment, development