18 research outputs found

    Keynote address

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    A program called "AM " is described which cairies on simple mathematics research: defining, and studying new concepts under the guidance of a large body of heuiistic rules. The 250 heurKtus communicate via an agenda mechanism, a global priority queue of small bisk', for the program to pei foim and teasons why each task is plausible (e.g., "Find PENCRAHZTION. of 'prnes', because turued out to be so useful a Conccpi"). Fach concept is an active, structured knowledge module. One bundled vei y incomplete modules are initially supplied, each one corresponding to an elementary set theoretic concept (e.g., union). This provides a definite but immense space which AM begins to explore. In one boor, AM rediscovers hundreds of common concepts (including singleton sets, natural numbers, arithmetic) and theorems (e.g., unique factorization)

    Inside {Quasimodo}: {E}xploring Construction and Usage of Commonsense Knowledge

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    Structured world knowledge is at the foundation of knowledge-centric AI applications. Despite considerable research on knowledge base construction, beyond mere statement counts, little is known about the progress of KBs, in particular concerning their coverage, and one may wonder whether there is constant progress, or diminishing returns. In this paper we employ question answering and entity summarization as extrinsic use cases for a longitudinal study of the progress of KB coverage. Our analysis shows a near-continuous improvement of two popular KBs, DBpedia and Wikidata, over the last 19 years, with little signs of flattening out or leveling off

    Designing a rule system that searches for scientific discoveries

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    Computer Science Departmen


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    An expert system was constructed to aid the military intelligence analyst in performing the Indications & Warning task: assimilating hundreds of incoming reports, and predicting where and when an armed conflict might erupt next The system currently contains 60 condition/action rules and 170 other frames that deal with the sorts of objects and processes that are being reported on. It employs a two-dimensional Blackboard to accomodate reports from very different sources, to efficiently trigger relevant rules, and to keep the human analyst abreast of the situation. In the process of building this system, and testing it with professional analysts, * we were led to some nonstandard design decisions which may be of general Al interest

    Book reviews

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    Cooperation for DAI through Common-Sense Knowledge

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    The goal of the Antares Project at MCC is to develop methods that enable separately developed knowledge-based systems to cooperate in solving problems beyond the capabilities of any one of the knowledge-based systems. There have been many previous attempts to develop distributed systems o