35 research outputs found

    Uncertainty in non-CO2 greenhouse gas mitigation contributes to ambiguity in global climate policy feasibility

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    Despite its projected crucial role in stringent, future global climate policy, non-CO 2 greenhouse gas (NCGG) mitigation remains a large uncertain factor in climate research. A revision of the estimated mitigation potential has implications for the feasibility of global climate policy to reach the Paris Agreement climate goals. Here, we provide a systematic bottom-up estimate of the total uncertainty in NCGG mitigation, by developing 'optimistic', 'default' and 'pessimistic' long-term NCGG marginal abatement cost (MAC) curves, based on a comprehensive literature review of mitigation options. The global 1.5-degree climate target is found to be out of reach under pessimistic MAC assumptions, as is the 2-degree target under high emission assumptions. In a 2-degree scenario, MAC uncertainty translates into a large projected range in relative NCGG reduction (40-58%), carbon budget (±120 Gt CO 2) and policy costs (±16%). Partly, the MAC uncertainty signifies a gap that could be bridged by human efforts, but largely it indicates uncertainty in technical limitations

    The Contribution of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Mitigation to Achieving Long-Term Temperature Goals

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    This paper analyses the emissions and cost impacts of mitigation of non-CO2 greenhouse gases (GHGs) at a global level, in scenarios aimed at meeting a range of long-term temperature goals (LTTGs). The study combines an integrated assessment model (TIAM-Grantham) representing CO2 emissions (and their mitigation) from the fossil fuel combustion and industrial sectors, coupled with a model covering non-CO2 emissions (GAINS), using the latest global warming potentials from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report. We illustrate that in general non-CO2 mitigation measures are less costly than CO2 mitigation measures, with the majority of their abatement potential achievable at US2005100/tCO2eorlessthroughoutthe21stcentury(comparedtoamarginalCO2mitigationcostwhichisalreadygreaterthanthisby2030inthemoststringentmitigationscenario).Asaresult,thetotalcumulativediscountedcostovertheperiod2010–2100(ata5100/tCO2e or less throughout the 21st century (compared to a marginal CO2 mitigation cost which is already greater than this by 2030 in the most stringent mitigation scenario). As a result, the total cumulative discounted cost over the period 2010–2100 (at a 5% discount rate) of limiting global average temperature change to 2.5 °C by 2100 is 48 trillion (about 1.6% of cumulative discounted GDP over the period 2010–2100) if only CO2 from the fossil fuel and industrial sectors is targeted, whereas the cost falls to $17 trillion (0.6% of GDP) by including non-CO2 GHG mitigation in the portfolio of options—a cost reduction of about 65%. The criticality of non-CO2 mitigation recommends further research, given its relatively less well-explored nature when compared to CO2 mitigation

    The public health implications of the Paris Agreement: a modelling study.

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    BACKGROUND: nationally determined contributions (NDCs) serve to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement of staying "well below 2°C", which could also yield substantial health co-benefits in the process. However, existing NDC commitments are inadequate to achieve this goal. Placing health as a key focus of the NDCs could present an opportunity to increase ambition and realise health co-benefits. We modelled scenarios to analyse the health co-benefits of NDCs for the year 2040 for nine representative countries (ie, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, South Africa, the UK, and the USA) that were selected for their contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions and their global or regional influence. METHODS: Modelling the energy, food and agriculture, and transport sectors, and mortality related to risk factors of air pollution, diet, and physical activity, we analysed the health co-benefits of existing NDCs and related policies (ie, the current pathways scenario) for 2040 in nine countries around the world. We compared these health co-benefits with two alternative scenarios, one consistent with the goal of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (ie, the sustainable pathways scenario), and one in line with the sustainable pathways scenario, but also placing health as a central focus of the policies (ie, the health in all climate policies scenario). FINDINGS: Compared with the current pathways scenario, the sustainable pathways scenario resulted in an annual reduction of 1·18 million air pollution-related deaths, 5·86 million diet-related deaths, and 1·15 million deaths due to physical inactivity, across the nine countries, by 2040. Adopting the more ambitious health in all climate policies scenario would result in a further reduction of 462 000 annual deaths attributable to air pollution, 572 000 annual deaths attributable to diet, and 943 000 annual deaths attributable to physical inactivity. These benefits were attributable to the mitigation of direct greenhouse gas emissions and the commensurate actions that reduce exposure to harmful pollutants, as well as improved diets and safe physical activity. INTERPRETATION: A greater consideration of health in the NDCs and climate change mitigation policies has the potential to yield considerable health benefits as well as achieve the "well below 2°C" commitment across a range of regional and economic contexts. FUNDING: This work was in part funded through an unrestricted grant from the Wellcome Trust (award number 209734/Z/17/Z) and supported by an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant (grant number EP/R035288/1)

    Trifluoroacetic acid deposition from emissions of HFO-1234yf in India, China, and the Middle East

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    We have investigated trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) formation from emissions of HFO-1234yf (CF3CFH2), its dry and wet deposition, and rainwater concentration over India, China, and the Middle East with GEOS-Chem and WRFChem models. We estimated the TFA deposition and rainwater concentrations between 2020 and 2040 for four previously published HFO-1234yf emission scenarios to bound the possible levels of TFA. We evaluated the capability of GEOS-Chem to capture the wet deposition process by comparing calculated sulfate in rainwater with observations. Our calculated TFA amounts over the USA, Europe, and China were comparable to those previously reported when normalized to the same emission. A significant proportion of TFA was found to be deposited outside the emission regions. The mean and the extremes of TFA rainwater concentrations calculated for the four emission scenarios from GEOS-Chem and WRF-Chem were orders of magnitude below the no observable effect concentration. The ecological and human health impacts now, and the continued use of HFO-1234yf in India, China, and the Middle East, are estimated to be insignificant based on the current understanding, as summarized by Neale et al. (2021)

    Methane emissions decreased in fossil fuel exploitation and sustainably increased in microbial source sectors during 1990–2020

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    Methane (CH4) emission reduction to limit warming to 1.5 °C can be tracked by analyzing CH4 concentration and its isotopic composition (ή13C, ήD) simultaneously. Based on reconstructions of the temporal trends, latitudinal, and vertical gradient of CH4 and ή13C from 1985 to 2020 using an atmospheric chemistry transport model, we show (1) emission reductions from oil and gas exploitation (ONG) since the 1990s stabilized the atmospheric CH4 growth rate in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and (2) emissions from farmed animals, waste management, and coal mining contributed to the increase in CH4 since 2006. Our findings support neither the increasing ONG emissions reported by the EDGARv6 inventory during 1990–2020 nor the large unconventional emissions increase reported by the GAINSv4 inventory since 2006. Total fossil fuel emissions remained stable from 2000 to 2020, most likely because the decrease in ONG emissions in some regions offset the increase in coal mining emissions in China

    Global environmental implications of atmospheric methane removal through chlorine-mediated chemistry-climate interactions

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    Atmospheric methane is both a potent greenhouse gas and photochemically active, with approximately equal anthropogenic and natural sources. The addition of chlorine to the atmosphere has been proposed to mitigate global warming through methane reduction by increasing its chemical loss. However, the potential environmental impacts of such climate mitigation remain unexplored. Here, sensitivity studies are conducted to evaluate the possible effects of increasing reactive chlorine emissions on the methane budget, atmospheric composition and radiative forcing. Because of non-linear chemistry, in order to achieve a reduction in methane burden (instead of an increase), the chlorine atom burden needs to be a minimum of three times the estimated present-day burden. If the methane removal target is set to 20%, 45%, or 70% less global methane by 2050 compared to the levels in the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 scenario (RCP8.5), our modeling results suggest that additional chlorine fluxes of 630, 1250, and 1880 Tg Cl/year, respectively, are needed. The results show that increasing chlorine emissions also induces significant changes in other important climate forcers. Remarkably, the tropospheric ozone decrease is large enough that the magnitude of radiative forcing decrease is similar to that of methane. Adding 630, 1250, and 1880 Tg Cl/year to the RCP8.5 scenario, chosen to have the most consistent current-day trends of methane, will decrease the surface temperature by 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 °C by 2050, respectively. The quantity and method in which the chlorine is added, its interactions with climate pathways, and the potential environmental impacts on air quality and ocean acidity, must be carefully considered before any action is taken

    Trifluoroacetic acid deposition from emissions of HFO-1234yf in India, China, and the Middle East

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    We have investigated trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) formation from emissions of HFO-1234yf (CF3CFH2), its dry and wet deposition, and rainwater concentration over India, China, and the Middle East with GEOS-Chem and WRF-Chem models. We estimated the TFA deposition and rainwater concentrations between 2020 and 2040 for four previously published HFO-1234yf emission scenarios to bound the possible levels of TFA. We evaluated the capability of GEOS-Chem to capture the wet deposition process by comparing calculated sulfate in rainwater with observations. Our calculated TFA amounts over the USA, Europe, and China were comparable to those previously reported when normalized to the same emission. A significant proportion of TFA was found to be deposited outside the emission regions. The mean and the extremes of TFA rainwater concentrations calculated for the four emission scenarios from GEOS-Chem and WRF-Chem were orders of magnitude below the no observable effect concentration. The ecological and human health impacts now, and the continued use of HFO-1234yf in India, China, and the Middle East, are estimated to be insignificant based on the current understanding, as summarized by Neale et al. (2021)

    Data for long-term marginal abatement cost curves of non-CO2 greenhouse gases

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from the KR foundation (#G-1503-01733) and the Climate Works Foundation (IIA/17/1303).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Discrepancy between simulated and observed ethane and propane levels explained by underestimated fossil emissions

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    Ethane and propane are the most abundant non-methane hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. However, their emissions, atmospheric distribution, and trends in their atmospheric concentrations are insufficiently understood. Atmospheric model simulations using standard community emission inventories do not reproduce available measurements in the Northern Hemisphere. Here, we show that observations of pre-industrial and present-day ethane and propane can be reproduced in simulations with a detailed atmospheric chemistry transport model, provided that natural geologic emissions are taken into account and anthropogenic fossil fuel emissions are assumed to be two to three times higher than is indicated in current inventories. Accounting for these enhanced ethane and propane emissions results in simulated surface ozone concentrations that are 5–13% higher than previously assumed in some polluted regions in Asia. The improved correspondence with observed ethane and propane in model simulations with greater emissions suggests that the level of fossil (geologic + fossil fuel) methane emissions in current inventories may need re-evaluation