3 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Fisik Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Hotel Berbintang Lima Jakarta

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    Usaha jasa perhotelan adalah bagian dari industri jasa yang sangat mengandalkan layanan yang superior. Usaha ini juga menghadapi kompetisi yang cukup ketat sehingga. penting bagi USAha jasa perhotelan untuk mengetahui strategi yang paling tepat untuk mendapatkan pelanggan yang loyal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh dari kualitas layanan dan kualitas relasional yang dipengaruhi oleh aspek lingkungan fisik, terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, khususnya dalam industri perhotelan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah non probability sampling dengan menjadikan tamu hotel sebagai responden. 350 kuesioner dibagikan kepada para tamu hotel berbintang lima di Jakarta. Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan LISREL 8.8. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa variabel lingkungan fisik, kualitas layanan dan kualitas relasional memiliki hubungan yang bervariasi dengan loyalitas pelanggan pada hotel berbintang lima. Kualitas pelayanan tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan

    Food Souvenirs From Bali – What Matters For Tourists From Jakarta?

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    Bali is one of the popular destinations in Indonesia. It is not only popular for the International tourists, but also for domestic tourist. One large segment of Bali domestic tourist is from Jakarta. This segment like to buy food souvenir from Bali, even though the food do not presenting Balinese local food. The purpose of this research is to determine the degree of influence from brand image, brand awareness and dimension of food souvenirs from Bali towards buying decisions of Tourist from Jakarta when they are in Bali. Usually, product with good brand image and good brand awareness could attract people to buy the products.This research uses descriptive quantitative approach, where the data is collected through questionnaire and observations. To analyze the data, multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS program was applied. The result will determine if the brand awareness and brand image of food souvenirs really influence buying decision of tourist from Jakarta or not. The benefit of this research is expected that it will be a beneficial insight for the tourism industry in Bali in making a strategy for increasing tourist expenditure, from the food souvenirs sector

    Generation Z Awareness on Food Waste Issues (A Study in Tangerang, Indonesia)

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    With resources becoming scarcer, waste of food is something to be avoided. Food waste must be minimized by using various ways to avoid waste in terms of food loss and food waste. In Indonesia itself, without realizing it, the issue of leftover food becomes very big. According to the Head of Representative of the United Nations Food Agency (FAO), Mark Smulders, of the approximately 1.3 trillion tons of food that was lost or wasted, Indonesia contributed around 13 million tons of food waste (food loss and food waste). This study will explore Generation Z's level of awareness of leftover food in Indonesia, especially in the Tangerang and surrounding areas. This research is exploratory in nature. The method is used to research something (which attracts attention) that is not yet known, not understood, or not well recognized. The date is collected using questionnaire that were distributed to respondents, namely Generation Z in Tangerang and its surrounding areas. From the results of data processing and tests carried out in this study, it can be concluded that the current awareness of Generation Z on the issue of leftover food must be raised, because the issue of leftover food itself is one of the issues of environmental preservation. The level of awareness of the issue of leftover food from Generation Z as the next generation must be increased, because only less than half of respondents are aware of this issue of leftovers