33 research outputs found

    Failing Heart Transplants and Rejection-A Cellular Perspective

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    The median survival of patients with heart transplants is relatively limited, implying one of the most relevant questions in the field-how to expand the lifespan of a heart allograft? Despite optimal transplantation conditions, we do not anticipate a rise in long-term patient survival in near future. In order to develop novel strategies for patient monitoring and specific therapies, it is critical to understand the underlying pathological mechanisms at cellular and molecular levels. These events are driven by innate immune response and allorecognition driven inflammation, which controls both tissue damage and repair in a spatiotemporal context. In addition to immune cells, also structural cells of the heart participate in this process. Novel single cell methods have opened new avenues for understanding the dynamics driving the events leading to allograft failure. Here, we review current knowledge on the cellular composition of a normal heart, and cellular mechanisms of ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), acute rejection and cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) in the transplanted hearts. We highlight gaps in current knowledge and suggest future directions, in order to improve cellular and molecular understanding of failing heart allografts.Peer reviewe

    Failing Heart Transplants and Rejection—A Cellular Perspective

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    The median survival of patients with heart transplants is relatively limited, implying one of the most relevant questions in the field—how to expand the lifespan of a heart allograft? Despite optimal transplantation conditions, we do not anticipate a rise in long-term patient survival in near future. In order to develop novel strategies for patient monitoring and specific therapies, it is critical to understand the underlying pathological mechanisms at cellular and molecular levels. These events are driven by innate immune response and allorecognition driven inflammation, which controls both tissue damage and repair in a spatiotemporal context. In addition to immune cells, also structural cells of the heart participate in this process. Novel single cell methods have opened new avenues for understanding the dynamics driving the events leading to allograft failure. Here, we review current knowledge on the cellular composition of a normal heart, and cellular mechanisms of ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), acute rejection and cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) in the transplanted hearts. We highlight gaps in current knowledge and suggest future directions, in order to improve cellular and molecular understanding of failing heart allografts

    Failing Heart Transplants and Rejection—A Cellular Perspective

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    The median survival of patients with heart transplants is relatively limited, implying one of the most relevant questions in the field—how to expand the lifespan of a heart allograft? Despite optimal transplantation conditions, we do not anticipate a rise in long-term patient survival in near future. In order to develop novel strategies for patient monitoring and specific therapies, it is critical to understand the underlying pathological mechanisms at cellular and molecular levels. These events are driven by innate immune response and allorecognition driven inflammation, which controls both tissue damage and repair in a spatiotemporal context. In addition to immune cells, also structural cells of the heart participate in this process. Novel single cell methods have opened new avenues for understanding the dynamics driving the events leading to allograft failure. Here, we review current knowledge on the cellular composition of a normal heart, and cellular mechanisms of ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), acute rejection and cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) in the transplanted hearts. We highlight gaps in current knowledge and suggest future directions, in order to improve cellular and molecular understanding of failing heart allografts

    Outcome of patients receiving a continuous flow left ventricular assist device - a retrospective single center study

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    Objectives. We present the outcome of the first 80 patients receiving a continuous flow left ventricular assist device at Helsinki University Hospital between December 2011 and November 2018. Design. This was a single-center retrospective study. We describe our patient management in detail. The primary end-points were death, heart transplantation, or pump explant. Data was reported in accordance with the Interagency Registry for Mechanical Circulatory Support protocol. All patients receiving an assist device during the study period were included in the data analysis. Results. Mean patient age was 53 +/- 12 years at implantation and 85% were male. Most patients suffered from dilated (48%), or ischemic (40%) cardiomyopathy. One-third of patients were bridged with venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to assist device implantation. Implant strategy was bridge to transplant or bridge to decision in most patients (88%). Mean follow-up time on pump was 529 +/- 467 days. Survival was 98, 92, 85, 79 and 71% at 1, 3, 12, 24 and 36 months, respectively. Most common causes of death were multi-organ failure, right heart failure, or stroke. Only three patients (4%) had suspected pump thrombosis, two of which resolved with medical treatment and one resulting in death. Pump exchange or explant were not performed in a single patient. Neurological events occurred in 18%, non-disabling stroke in 8%, and fatal stroke in 4% of the patients. The incidence of device-related infection was 10%. Conclusions. Survival rates were good, although one third of patients were bridged with temporary circulatory support. We report a high level of freedom from pump thrombosis, fatal stroke, and driveline infection.Peer reviewe

    Aikuisten sydän- ja keuhkonsiirrot Suomessa 2000-luvulla

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    Teema : elinsiirrotPäätös elinsiirrosta pyritään tekemään hyvissä ajoin. Yhä useammalla siirtoa odottavalla potilaalla käytetään hengityksen ja verenkierron mekaanisia tukihoitoja, joiden avulla potilas voi pärjätä useita vuosia

    Monogenic gene variants in lung transplant recipients with usual interstitial pneumonia

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    Aim The prevalence of monogenic disease-causing gene variants in lung transplant recipients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is not fully known. Their impact on clinical outcomes before and after transplantation requires more evidence. Patients and methods We retrospectively performed sequence analysis of genes associated with pulmonary fibrosis in a cohort of 23 patients with histologically confirmed usual interstitial pneumonia that had previously undergone double lung transplantation. We evaluated the impact of confirmed molecular diagnoses on disease progression, clinical outcomes and incidence of acute rejection or chronic lung allograft dysfunction after transplantation. Results 15 patients out of 23 (65%) had a variant in a gene associated with interstitial lung disease. 11 patients (48%) received a molecular diagnosis, of which nine involved genes for telomerase function. Five diagnostic variants were found in the gene for Telomerase reverse transcriptase. Two of these variants, p.(Asp684Gly) and p.(Arg774*), seemed to be enriched in Finnish lung transplant recipients. Disease progression and the incidence of acute rejection and chronic lung allograft dysfunction was similar between patients with telomere-related disease and the rest of the study population. The incidence of renal or bone marrow insufficiency or skin malignancies did not differ between the groups. Conclusion Genetic variants are common in lung transplant recipients with pulmonary fibrosis and are most often related to telomerase function. A molecular diagnosis for telomeropathy does not seem to impact disease progression or the risk of complications or allograft dysfunction after transplantation.Peer reviewe

    Vasemman kammion mekaaninen tukihoito : siltahoito tai vaihtoehto sydämensiirrolle

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    Sydämen vajaatoiminnan osuus ihmisten sairastuvuudessa ja kuolleisuudessa on edelleen merkittävä lääke- ja muun hoidon kehityksestä huolimatta. Sydämensiirto on paras loppuvaiheen vaikeaa sydämen vajaatoimintaa sairastavan potilaan hoitomuoto, kun mikään muu hoito ei auta. Sydämensiirtojen määrää rajoittaa kuitenkin pula siirrännäisistä. Aikaisemmin verenkierron mekaanista tukihoitoa käytettiin lyhytaikaisena siltahoitona vajaatoiminnan ­loppuvaiheesta sydämensiirtoon. Viime vuosina tapahtunut kehitys on moninkertaistunut verenkierron mekaanisen tukihoidon käytön vaikeassa sydämen vajaatoiminnassa siltahoitona tai vaihtoehtona sydämensiirrolle. Mekaanisesti sydämen vasenta kammiota ja systeemiverenkiertoa tukevasta hoidosta saattaa tulla merkittävä vaihtoehto sydämensiirrolle, sillä tarkasti valikoiduilla potilailla kahden vuoden elinajan ennuste lähentelee sydämensiirtopotilaiden ennustetta.Peer reviewe

    Heart Transplantation for Early-Onset Anthracycline-Induced Cardiomyopathy Within 5 Months of Chemotherapy Completion

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The AuthorsA 9-year-old boy developed progressive anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy three months after completion of chemotherapy for osteosarcoma. Five months after completion of chemotherapy, at the age of 10 years, heart transplantation was performed. At 29 months since transplantation, the patient remains free of rejection and recurrence of osteosarcoma. (Level of Difficulty: Intermediate.)Peer reviewe