71 research outputs found

    Regional impacts of trade liberalization strategies in Brazil

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    There is a great interest in free trade areas (FTA) in Brazil, predominantly in the context of a proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). In addition, a free trade area between MERCOSUR (the customs union involving Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay) and the European Union has also been considered. In this paper, an interregional computable general equilibrium (CGE) model is used to analyze the long-run regional effects of alternative trade liberalization strategies on Brazil. The model provides a description of the Brazilian inter-regional economic system, divided into two regions - Sao Paulo and Other Regions in Brazil. One of its innovations is a full specification of foreign trade in both regions, capturing the complete structure of trade flows and import tariffs, linking the two Brazilian regions and a set of foreign markets. In this way, adequate simulations of tariff liberalization can be implemented for several possibilities of trade agreements.computable general equilibrium; regional models; trade policy; Brazil

    Regional Impacts of Trade Liberalization Strategies in Brazil

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    There is a great interest in free trade areas (FTA) in Brazil, predominantly in the context of a proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). In addition, a free trade area between MERCOSUR (the customs union involving Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay) and the European Union has also been considered. In this paper, an interregional computable general equilibrium (CGE) model is used to analyze the long-run regional effects of alternative trade liberalization strategies on Brazil. The model provides a description of the Brazilian inter-regional economic system, divided into two regions - Sao Paulo and Other Regions in Brazil. One of its innovations is a full specification of foreign trade in both regions, capturing the complete structure of trade flows and import tariffs, linking the two Brazilian regions and a set of foreign markets. In this way, adequate simulations of tariff liberalization can be implemented for several possibilities of trade agreements.

    Padrão de inovação tecnológica na indústria de defensivos agrícolas brasileira

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the patterns of technological innovation of the pesticide industry in Brazil in order to suggest industrial policies to reinforce the firm’s competitiveness. The database is based on micro-data of the Technological Innovation Survey (PINTEC) and the Yearly Industrial Survey (PIA) of the Brazilian Statistical and Geography Bureau (IBGE) in 2005. Based on this database the Brazilian industrial firms were classified into four categories according to their innovative capacity. The main results show the existence of multinational subsidiaries as technological leaders and follower firms, composed by national firms, which have reduced R&D capabilities, focusing less technology-intensive productsTechnological Innovation, Pesticide Industry, Technological Policies, Brazil, Agribusiness, Industrial Organization,

    A Migração como Variável Endógena: Caracterização do Processo de Transformação das Regiões de Influência dos Pólos Econômicos Brasileiros

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    O presente estudo visa oferecer insumos demográficos para o aprimoramento dos critérios econômicos de regionalização segundo os pólos urbanos. A partir da análise da aderência do padrão de polarização econômica ao padrão de polarização demográfica, buscou-se o ajuste dos indicadores econômicos aos indicadores demográficos, de forma a levar em conta movimentos populacionais expressivos para as diversas áreas consideradas. Por último, foi elaborada uma proposta de um modelo de regionalização, conjugando variáveis econômicas e demográficas de fluxo e de estoque.Migração Interna, Regionalização Econômica, Modelo Gravitacional

    Corredor centro-leste: sistemas de transporte de Minas Gerais na perspectivas dos eixos de desenvolvimento e integração

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    The general purpose of this paper was to investigate the particular situation of the state of Minas Gerais, in the contexto of the new national logistic perspective, relatives to selected investments in the systems of transportation in areas of the Brazilian cerrado. The nonlinear model allocated flows of soybean among producing regions and ports, considering minimized cost of transport routes, considering some modals. In the case, the Port of Vitória (Center-East Corridor) was not sensible to the implantation of the transport systems, therefore it only reacted to the additions in the exported volumes. This implies the urgency of attention to the effective competition with the São Paulo (Port of Santos), that had expanded its area of influence for regions that could be being taken care of for the Center-East Corridor and the necessity to approach the strategical character of the investments in the transport systems (improvements in the highways, expansion of the railroad), as well as one better knowledge of the requeriments of the shippers, that can have significant regional impacts in the intraregional integration with the Triângulo Mineiro and areas under influence of the São Francisco Waterway.

    Sistema agroindustrial brasileiro: metodologia de identificação dos seus agrupamentos produtivos

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    Brazil; agro-food system; agro-industrial development; cluster

    Arranjos e sistemas produtivos locais em "espaços industriais" periféricos: estudo comparativo de dois casos brasileiros.

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    The literature on development experiences of local productive systems has paid little attention to the "specificities" of peripheral countries' socio-economic environment in which these systems are embedded. In other words, little attention has been given to the effects of the international insertion of a peripheral country on the configuration of its local productive systems. These "specificities" are related to the fact that (a) "inovative" capabilities are, in general, smaller in peripheral countries; (b) the organisational environment in these countries are open and passive; (c) the institutional and macroeconomic environments are more volatile and subjected to structural constraints; and (d) the hinterland of theses systems is essentially of subsistence, showing limited urban density, low per capita income level, low educational levels of the work force, small productive and services complementarity with the urban pole and fragile social embeddedness. The aim of this paper is to analyse such specificities and their implications, taking into account two Brazilian case studies: Nova Serrana footwear local productive system and Fiat's vertical supplier network. Notwithstanding the fact that they present distinctive characteristics - regarding their techno-productive base, the competitive pattern and the nature of their markets -, the conclusions of the comparative study indicate important similarities between them, which, in our view, result from the peripheral conditions of such systems.local productive systems; periphery; capabilities; technology; embeddedness; urban density; market area; subsistence hinterland