57 research outputs found

    Online and quasi-online colorings of wedges and intervals

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    We consider proper online colorings of hypergraphs defined by geometric regions. We prove that there is an online coloring algorithm that colors NN intervals of the real line using Θ(log⁥N/k)\Theta(\log N/k) colors such that for every point pp, contained in at least kk intervals, not all the intervals containing pp have the same color. We also prove the corresponding result about online coloring a family of wedges (quadrants) in the plane that are the translates of a given fixed wedge. These results contrast the results of the first and third author showing that in the quasi-online setting 12 colors are enough to color wedges (independent of NN and kk). We also consider quasi-online coloring of intervals. In all cases we present efficient coloring algorithms

    Positive co-degree density of hypergraphs

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    The minimum positive co-degree of a non-empty rr-graph H{H}, denoted ήr−1+(H)\delta_{r-1}^+( {H}), is the maximum kk such that if SS is an (r−1)(r-1)-set contained in a hyperedge of H {H}, then SS is contained in at least kk distinct hyperedges of H {H}. Given a family F{F} of rr-graphs, we introduce the {\it positive co-degree Tur\'an number} co+ex(n,F)\mathrm{co^+ex}(n, {F}) as the maximum positive co-degree ήr−1+(H)\delta_{r-1}^+(H) over all nn-vertex rr-graphs HH that do not contain FF as a subhypergraph. In this paper we concentrate on the behavior of co+ex(n,F)\mathrm{co^+ex}(n, {F}) for 33-graphs FF. In particular, we determine asymptotics and bounds for several well-known concrete 33-graphs FF (e.g.\ K4−K_4^- and the Fano plane). We also show that, for 33-graphs, the limit γ+(F):=lim sup⁡n→∞co+ex(n,F)n \gamma^+(F) := \limsup_{n \rightarrow \infty} \frac{\mathrm{co^+ex}(n, {F})}{n} ``jumps'' from 00 to 1/31/3, i.e., it never takes on values in the interval (0,1/3)(0,1/3), and we characterize which 33-graphs FF have γ+(F)=0\gamma^+(F)=0. Our motivation comes primarily from the study of (ordinary) co-degree Tur\'an numbers where a number of results have been proved that inspire our results

    Hierarchical graphs for rule-based modeling of biochemical systems

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In rule-based modeling, graphs are used to represent molecules: a colored vertex represents a component of a molecule, a vertex attribute represents the internal state of a component, and an edge represents a bond between components. Components of a molecule share the same color. Furthermore, graph-rewriting rules are used to represent molecular interactions. A rule that specifies addition (removal) of an edge represents a class of association (dissociation) reactions, and a rule that specifies a change of a vertex attribute represents a class of reactions that affect the internal state of a molecular component. A set of rules comprises an executable model that can be used to determine, through various means, the system-level dynamics of molecular interactions in a biochemical system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For purposes of model annotation, we propose the use of hierarchical graphs to represent structural relationships among components and subcomponents of molecules. We illustrate how hierarchical graphs can be used to naturally document the structural organization of the functional components and subcomponents of two proteins: the protein tyrosine kinase Lck and the T cell receptor (TCR) complex. We also show that computational methods developed for regular graphs can be applied to hierarchical graphs. In particular, we describe a generalization of Nauty, a graph isomorphism and canonical labeling algorithm. The generalized version of the Nauty procedure, which we call HNauty, can be used to assign canonical labels to hierarchical graphs or more generally to graphs with multiple edge types. The difference between the Nauty and HNauty procedures is minor, but for completeness, we provide an explanation of the entire HNauty algorithm.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Hierarchical graphs provide more intuitive formal representations of proteins and other structured molecules with multiple functional components than do the regular graphs of current languages for specifying rule-based models, such as the BioNetGen language (BNGL). Thus, the proposed use of hierarchical graphs should promote clarity and better understanding of rule-based models.</p
