153 research outputs found

    “What being healthy means to me”: A qualitative analysis uncovering the core categories of adolescents’ perception of health

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    BackgroundStudies exploring adolescents' perception of health are still scarce in the international literature. Through a qualitative analysis, this study aims to explore the core categories or themes evoked when adolescents describe what it means to be healthy and unhealthy.MethodsA convenience purposive sample of 34 15-year-old students from three different upper secondary schools took part in a 2-hour group discussion session. During the session, two conceptual projective techniques, the collage creation and the think-aloud technique, were used to elicit perceptions and descriptions of the typical healthy and unhealthy adolescent. Perceptions and descriptions voiced by adolescents were analysed through content analysis, and the key concepts that emerged were grouped so that core categories or themes could be identified.ResultsThe analysis revealed five core categories that adolescents used to describe what being healthy or unhealthy meant to them: physical appearance, personal commitment and goals, possessions and space, use of free time, and social belonging.ConclusionsInstead of those approaches that focuses solely on the avoidance of risk, the identified core categories or themes might be the basics around which health promotion programmes in adolescence should be built. Engaging students in planning for their future and assisting them in mapping out crucial steps to meet their personal goals, including life, academic, and career goals, is a suitable way to address issues that are meaningful to adolescent health

    Climate change, private sector and value chains : constraints and adaptation strategies working paper

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    This work was carried out under the Collaborative Adaptation Research Inititive in Africa and Asia (CARIAA), with financial support from the UK Government's Department for International Development and the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada.Understanding how climate change will affect private sector activities and incentives as well as markets is key to understanding the overall economic but also social and environmental impacts of climate change in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs). The private sector and market work package fosuses on private sector actors as key agents of change, with "private sector" actors defined here in a broad sense, encompassing both smallhoder farmers and large multinational companies. Although those actors are heterogeneous and sometimes have very different rationalities, the core constraints (such as limited access to finance, markets or natural resources) influencing their decision-making are often similar. Moreover, these actors are not acting independently from each other; they interact direclty or indirectly within value chains or through the use of resources and assets. For instance, they compete on the use of labour, land and water

    Smoking habits among Italian adolescents: what has changed in the last decade?

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    Tobacco use, alcohol abuse, overweight and obesity are risk factors for numerous diseases in Italy as elsewhere. However, children and adolescents are not usually included in official national surveys although it is at this stage of life when unhealthy habits are often established. Italian participation in HBSC and GYTS surveys allows our country to implement standardized surveillance systems providing reliable information on tobacco-related behaviors of this population. Data from three HBSC surveys (2002–2010) show that following the drop in the first half of the decade, prevalence of tobacco use stabilized in the second half. The decline was significant for younger age groups, while prevalence of regular tobacco use remained stable among 15-year-olds. Many adolescents reported being exposed to secondhand smoke, to have at least one parent who smokes, and having seen teachers and students smoking at school. Although the sale of tobacco products to minors is prohibited, the vast majority had no trouble in buying cigarettes. Data from GYTS and HBSC surveys provide a wealth of information about attitudes and behaviors of Italian adolescents with respect to smoking. Despite some progress, sizeable gaps remain in meeting standard recommendations for discouraging smoking initiation and motivating adolescent smokers to quit the habit
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